UK Newswire Archive
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Rubbish Police attempt to frame climate camp "weapons stash"
05-08-2008 12:08
The Police have tried to pull the oldest trick in the book and claim they have found knives, ninja stars and other nasty tools.Scargill at Climate Camp
05-08-2008 11:19
Arthur Scargill, former General Secretary of the National Union of Miners, spoke at Climate Camp on Monday outlining a proposed energy policy consisting of 'clean coal', and development of renewable sources of energy.PHILIPPINES: Open Letter to the NPA General Command and the NDF
05-08-2008 10:25

Photos of Paul Morozzo being arrested
05-08-2008 10:15
follow the link to rex features for photos of Paul Morozzo being arrested
Please help Qin Wang and Jian Qi Lin
05-08-2008 08:38

The dreams of a community cut short by corporate greed.
05-08-2008 02:27

Action Committee News Conference on the next step in the campaign
05-08-2008 00:21
More than 2000 mainly UK Bangladeshis were robbed of their hard earned cash via an outfit called 'First Solutions' the details of which theft became known in the end of June 2007. 14 months on, most of the people have not got their money backAction Alert: HLS Shareholder Barclays - Part 6
04-08-2008 23:52

Detail: HLS' largest institutional shareholder with 279,842 shares in HLS (LSR)
SS Free Gaza and SS Liberty set sail
04-08-2008 23:30
News has just come through that the 2 small sailing boats attempting to break the siege of Gaza have set sail.Climate Camp Radio - Monday evening show for download
04-08-2008 22:37

Leave it in the ground banner dropped above roadway
04-08-2008 22:33

Bail Breaker Arrested at climate camp according to sky news
04-08-2008 22:02
Ellen Potts, Oli Rodker, Johnathan Stevenson and Mel Evans all made it into the camp, thereby breaching their bail conditions.But Paul Morozzo was arrested as he tried to get in.
Article re: dirty policing at climate camp from Guardian Online
04-08-2008 21:42
Dirty tactics to defend a dirty industryAggressive policing at this year's climate camp in Kingsnorth has exposed the UK authorities' contempt for peaceful protest
by caroline lucas
Fasayil School - A Jordan Valley Success Story
04-08-2008 21:25
Brighton Tubas Friendship And Solidarity Group Press ReleaseFull article | 4 additions | 15 comments
Police drop top secret NETCU guide to policing protest - part 2
04-08-2008 20:01

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Police drop top secret NETCU guide to policing protest
04-08-2008 19:46

Tilting at Windmills: The Future of the Climate Change Movement
04-08-2008 18:23
This essay, to be discussed at climate camp, elucidates some current problems with the Climate Camp, as demonstrated by the repression on the Kingsnorth, and demonstrate that a future trajectory can overcome them: just as the anti-roads movement transformed into the anti-globalisation movement in the UK by moving to the focus to the city and capitalism, moving the camps from the countryside to the city would make victory again possible.Social War Not Climate Chaos Meetings at Camp
04-08-2008 18:11
Social War Not Climate Chaos! Starting Tuesday, daily meetings at the Scottish Barrio from 5-7 PM will explore how the climate crisis, a facet of the more general latest crisis in capitalism itself, can be used to build a new kind of autonomous social movement constituted as a material force...a force capable of confronting and ultimately halting capitalism. These meetings are not on the official climate camp workshop list, of course.Please help Qin Wang and little Jian Qi Lin
04-08-2008 18:02

HO Reference number: W1066923
The Home Office have detained and plan to send a single mum and her two year old son back to China just one day before the start of the Olympic Games.
The death of Solzhenitsyn & the passing of good prisoners.
04-08-2008 17:42

The best way to do that in my opinion is not to wax overly lyrical in phrase or wade needlessly deep in intellectual erudition. All we need do is cast a quick eye over how today the West as Russia prepares to lay Solzhenitsyn to rest.