Climate Camp Radio - Monday evening show for download
Climate Camp Radio | 04.08.2008 22:37 | Climate Camp 2008 | Climate Chaos | London
Here is the Monday evening Climate Camp show, available for download. Daily shows are live streamed (at 1pm and 7pm) and archived at

We are broadcasting from the Camp For Climate Action from the 4th to the 10th of August 2008. Alongside camp announcements, shows cover happenings on and off the camp, and discuss relevant issues.
We welcome people who want to 'Be the Media' by helping with production or providing audio; swing by the media tent if you would like to get involved. One of the camp's core aims is education and we aim provide this through participation, creating content, and our skills share workshop.
We welcome people who want to 'Be the Media' by helping with production or providing audio; swing by the media tent if you would like to get involved. One of the camp's core aims is education and we aim provide this through participation, creating content, and our skills share workshop.
Climate Camp Radio
List of Content and further formats
05.08.2008 00:59
Monday 04/08/2008 broadcast
Interview led radio broadcast from the Camp for Climate Action 2008 at Kingsnorth
-Overview of the plans of the plans for a Kingsnorth Power Station for Coal Fired Power Station, report from Arthur Scargill (NUM) coming to Climate Camp
-Interviews with climate campers talking about related actions in the past
-Interview on Food in camp
-live report from police attempt to gain access to camp, through back entrance. Scuffles, attempts to tow way vehicles, smashed car windows, truncheons, civil disobedience, hurt protestors, stand-off, anti-greenwash, anti-greed speeches, nobody knows what the police actually wants...
-interview with pedalling pirate and other Climate Caravan arrivees
-Carbon Town Crier Live (music)
-Simon, poet and singer Live (music)
-Outro by the Climate Camp Radio People
Further formats:
Interview led radio broadcast from the Camp for Climate Action 2008 at Kingsnorth
-Overview of the plans of the plans for a Kingsnorth Power Station for Coal Fired Power Station, report from Arthur Scargill (NUM) coming to Climate Camp
-Interviews with climate campers talking about related actions in the past
-Interview on Food in camp
-live report from police attempt to gain access to camp, through back entrance. Scuffles, attempts to tow way vehicles, smashed car windows, truncheons, civil disobedience, hurt protestors, stand-off, anti-greenwash, anti-greed speeches, nobody knows what the police actually wants...
-interview with pedalling pirate and other Climate Caravan arrivees
-Carbon Town Crier Live (music)
-Simon, poet and singer Live (music)
-Outro by the Climate Camp Radio People
Further formats:

Climate Camp Radio