UK Newswire Archive
irish protester tortured in genoa speaks on national radio in ireland
22-08-2001 18:50
An Irish protester who was tortured in jail appears on drivetime radio on national Irish Radio. Apalling things happened to him. Very Orwellian in all the worst ways. He speaks for ten minutes about 17 minutes into this realaudio clip. the address is
RTE is Irelands national broadcaster and this is from the show 5/7 live which is one of the most widely listened to radio shows in Ireland. I was amazed when I heard this and you'll see why. Cracks are beginning to appear everywhere.
Sighthill The Way Forward - Unity Against Racism & Poverty
22-08-2001 18:33
Following the recent tragic events in Sighthill, Glasgow, with one asylum seeker Firsat Dag killed, others attacked, inflammatory media coverage, and a demand for resources ignored by the Council, the people of Sighthill tenants, asylum seekers and refugees, have come together to organise a march this Saturday.IMC Israel Journalist XXXXTortured, Forced In Army, Flees to Palestine
22-08-2001 18:00
I have fled into Palestinian controlled “Area A” after being involuntarily inducted into the Israeli military.I fled because I was involuntarily drafted into the army and have been tortured by Israeli security service agents.
Los Angeles Sheriffs train Genoa Police - not the LAPD
22-08-2001 16:49
The LASD, not the LAPD trained Genoa police in Baton UseDarcus in Davos C4 Tonight
22-08-2001 13:15
Darcus Howe, self proclaimed "Devil's Advocate", is proving to be one of Britain's most incisive commentators. His current series "Slave Nation" will cast a critical, sympathetic eye on the recent action in Davos; Channel 4, Wedensday, 21:00.Kazakhstan: Workers Suicide Sparks Mass Protests
22-08-2001 12:25
Kazakhstan is the testing-ground where the giants of big business try out their plans to subjugate workers in Russia and other parts of the ex-Soviet Union. These plans include the most severe repression, beatings and jailings of trade unionists, who sometimes die as a result of the appallingprison conditions. But the desperate poverty, non-payment of wages etc, has driven workers to carry on fighting regardless of the consequences.
Benefit this Friday for 'Chilean night' of Genoa
22-08-2001 11:23
Music, Food, Videos, exhibition, infostallsWork of Arabunna Peacemaker Recognised
22-08-2001 11:15
Australian Aboriginal Peacekeeper Kevin Buzzacott to recieve2001 Nuclear-Free Future Award in Eire.
22-08-2001 11:08
Roberto Fiore , on the run for the Bologna bombingBlair refused to extradite him.
22-08-2001 11:06
A compilation of notices, stories and opinions posted tothe Independent Media Center network,

Write to Euan Blair!!!
21-08-2001 21:02
Idea for a new campaign.Write letters to Euan Blair and try to "convert him to the cause". We'll make an anticapitalist out of that lad!
Boxfresh Zapatista Victory!
21-08-2001 19:28

J. David Galland's "A Macedonia Style of Peace"
21-08-2001 18:16
NATO deludes the world to believe that Peace springs eternal in Macedonia. Read The Truth... J.David GallandAfter Genoa: Asking the Right Questions - by Starhawk
21-08-2001 16:38
Okay, I really do promise to stop ranting and raving and sending emails about Genoa, but not just yet...StarhawkA 20 in Germany
21-08-2001 14:42
Actions, demos, rallies etc. took place in more than 30 German towns and cities as part of the Global Day of Action on 20 August 2001.Solidarity protests
21-08-2001 14:13

Terrorist Thug Boasts: "Thanks to Uncle Sam, Macedonians are no match for us!"
21-08-2001 12:07
Terrorist Thug Boasts"Thanks to Uncle Sam, Macedonians are no match for us!"
Eyewitness report by Scott Taylor