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Alternative media up against CNN

Undercurrents | 22.08.2001 10:01

We need your help

I am up against Chris Cramer, President of CNN this weekend (August 25)on a panel in Britian.

It is based around CNN's coverage of Seattle WTO protests.Does anything they would like me to say to Cramer? We will be filming the debate.
A perfect chance to put our views across as this is the largest Media industry event in Britain.

Please EMAIL me as i wont be checking back too often

Undercurrents alternative news

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Display the following 8 comments

  1. I've got a question — Ivor
  2. Funding Alt media — Undercurrents
  3. Sure - advertising IS a no no — mango
  4. alternatives — Ultraraf
  5. a few points — Tom
  6. Advertising or not — Pete
  7. Specialist protest reporters? — Undercurrents
  8. Make a point re mayday uk 2001 — md :)