UK Newswire Archive
The Blair Witch con trick.
09-01-2003 14:54
The latest Blair con trick should be exposed.anti-Capitalist social - Tuesday 21st Jan
09-01-2003 14:20
By the time you have recovered from the Radical Dairy's birthday party, it will be the perfect time to come to the social on the 21st Jan! All anti-Capitalists welcome!The Radical Dairy 1st Birthday Party
09-01-2003 13:58
celebrate the anniversay of the Radical Dairy!We are not at War
09-01-2003 13:26
In Hebden Bridge we are again putting signs in our windows that read "I AM NOT AT WAR". Below this, some read "What if they gave a war and nobody came?", some "Our petrol habit fuels America's oil wars" and others "Peace and Justice: the only solution." Feel free to join us in withdrawing our consent from this craziness...UK rail workers refuse to transport munitions to Iraq
09-01-2003 12:02
Rail workers in Scotland refuse to transport munitions for IraqSCHNEWS MEETING THIS SATURDAY TO ORGANISE DIRECT ACTION AGAINST THE WAR
09-01-2003 11:34
SchNEWS is hosting a national get together for people wanting to organise direct action against the coming invasion of Iraq.Troops should mutiny against Iraq war
09-01-2003 11:10
Recolonisation is immoral, in Iraq and elsewhere: British troops should mutiny against the Iraq invasion.Israel Health Ministry Panel Finds Medical Rights Abuses in Prisons
09-01-2003 08:30
A Committee of Specialists was set up last June following a petition by PHR-Israel to the Israeli High Court of Justice. The petition was based upon the PHR-Israel comprehensive report entitled: "These Worldly bars: Maltreatment and Neglect at the Israeli Prison Service Medical Center". In the petition PHR-Israel listed specific and grave instances of faulty medical care received by prisoners, including abuse and neglect in the main medical center of the Prison Services. Additionally, PHR-Israel found that no effective supervisory mechanism was in place to oversee the medical treatment given within the system.Individual Music Licence or £20K fine & 6 months prison
09-01-2003 07:44
All musicians and music fans see UK Entertaiment Taxarticle below.
Report from Asian Social Forum
09-01-2003 04:53
Here is a report of the ASF being held in Hyderabad, India, I have filed for the Socialist Worker newspaper in the UK.'Human shield' peace activists mobilise for Iraq
09-01-2003 03:19
Anti-war activists round the world are staging their own mobilisation to Iraq to act as "human shields" if the bombs start falling...As the Global French Revolution Continues on Schedule
08-01-2003 22:00
I am sure it was not lost on the Kenyan population that when the IMF/World Bank dictates placed upon Daniel Moi's dictatorship to charge school fees for primary education moved to 40% of children between the ages of 5 and 14 into child laborPapua Merdeka (Free Papua), a new film about the struggle for the liberation of
08-01-2003 21:51
Told by the O.P.M. (Free Papua Movement) and many leaders of the Papuan tribes. The film shows, dramatically how the western half of New Guinea fell under brutal Indonesian control and the resulting consequences for the natives of West Papua.Afghanistan - the Nuclear Nightmare Begins
08-01-2003 21:31
The article examines new research that uranium was used during the Afghanistan conflict in large amounts, with many civilians now becoming ill.Menwith in Midwinter
08-01-2003 21:23

midwinter at Menwith
08-01-2003 21:03

Notes on Social Conflict in Italy and the Metaphors Used to Describe It
08-01-2003 20:16
"The political and social struggles in Italy in the recent years have been a source of innovation and inspiration for political and social struggles globally [...] We have invited an Italian comrade from the collectives of Wu Ming and the Luther Blissett Project to give an account of the experiences, activities and thoughts still unfolding in the material struggles of the Italian everyday."the elderly as a minority
08-01-2003 19:56
a few paragraphs on why i think the elderly get a real bad deal, in modern britan.