UK Newswire Archive
STOP the BNP in Swindon
18-04-2006 18:31
Anti-BNP days of action in Swindon.Stop the fascists gaining a foothold in Swindon.
Support the Nepalese uprising for democracy on 25th April
18-04-2006 17:07
The Nepalese people are rising up for democracy and a new constitution, show your support for them in their fightIRAN IS UNDER US ATTACK NOW!
18-04-2006 16:50
Retired Col. Gardiner affirms that the US is supporting attacks on Iranian soil now.FREE Dr MALCOLM KENDALL-SMITH : PETITION
18-04-2006 16:23
A petition to John Reid Secretary of State for Defence to free Malcom Kendall-Smith is available on :
and e-mails of support can reach him via his lawyers at :

April 22: EARTH DAY in Wales
18-04-2006 15:57
Assemble 1 pm, Cathays Park (opposite Museum & City Hall), Cardiff
Saturday 22 April - Earth Day
Audio Report From Palestinan Prisoner Day
18-04-2006 15:33

For more information please visit
Merseyside May Day March and Festival
18-04-2006 15:26
The focus of Merseyside's May Day celebrations, organised by Merseyside TUC, moves to Liverpool this year.Global Days of Action Against Immigration Detention - website
18-04-2006 14:30

Melbourne: Easter protest over refugees' rights
18-04-2006 14:23
Sunday, 16 April 06The Easter bunny swapped chocolate eggs for placards in central Melbourne today in support of the rights of refugees.
100% Biodiesel Now Available in the Cambridge Area
18-04-2006 13:07
Tired of climate change? War? Smelly diesel exhausts? High fuel prices?Manchester Mayday weekend: anti-nuclear demo
18-04-2006 12:26

Meet at The Basement, 24 Lever St, 11.45am Sat. 29th April WEAR BLACK. Procession arrives at Cross St Chapel 12.45pm
Operation Refuse War
18-04-2006 10:48
A Week of Action Uniting Resisters In Celebration of International Conscientious Objectors DayMay 11-16 2006
New York City and Washington DC
Sheffield Anarchic Theory/Action Group
18-04-2006 09:49
...a desire to act to improve and transform our lives in the verymoment of the immediacy of the present
Iran’s crime of transporting oil!
18-04-2006 08:15

Many have wondered why Bush Junior was obsessive about Iraq and what the real American interest has been behind toppling Hussein.
The answer can simply be put in two words: Check Mate! The current Middle East Crisis is a text book example of traditional power play.
Menezes killers not to face charges.
18-04-2006 05:28
As reported on BBC Radio 4 this morning, killer cops get off scot free yet again, despite gunning down an innocent man.Report:Tyneside Solidarity with Manchester 15/04 asylum-rights demo (more photo)
17-04-2006 23:38

17-04-2006 23:26
Compiled and sent out by Rising Tide UK:
To receive this News Sheet monthly, email

with the subject line 'subscribe' (without the quotes).
Hungerstrike update
17-04-2006 21:33
Detanees on hunger strike in Colnbrook and Haslar immigration detention centres (prisons for migrants).Immigration Policy: Send Us Your Poor, They Will Wind Up in Iraq
17-04-2006 19:42
They are coming by the millions from allover the world. Let them come here. Let
them find that there are not enough jobs.
They will find the military to be the last
resort when their welfare is cut off. And
let them acquire Gulf War Syndrom
(radiation sickness from uranium
munitions).! It works just fine in the
minds of the neo-cons.
17-04-2006 19:00
These emails are from a Brighton based activist spending April in occupiedPalestine with the International Solidarity Movement, a network of
international activists set up to support Palestinian non violent resistance
agaisnst Israeli occupation of Palestinian land. In these emails I will be
writing short accounts of aspects of the occupation and resistance.