UK Newswire Archive
Round up of anti-occupation demonstrations worldwide.
11-06-2007 11:43

Oil interests flout International Law in Balkans
11-06-2007 08:07
Republican president Bush follows Democrat president Clinton’s course in the Balkans; oil pipelines and gas supplies take precedence over every other consideration including international law and the sanctity of human life. Bush has challenged Russia, Serbia and International Law by announcing during his recent visit to Albania that Kosovo, a Serbian province, would become independent in the near future, negotiations must result in “certain independence ... that’s what’s important to know”, he said! Bush’s grammatically woeful statements beg the question, why the need for negotiation if the Texan president insists that independence is “certain” for Kosovo -- which remains Serbian sovereign territory?Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Protester blinded by water cannon
11-06-2007 07:50
A LIVERPOOL man was blinded in one eye by a police water cannon as hestaged a protest at the G8 summit in Germany.
SOCPA - THE MOVIE World Premiere
11-06-2007 01:29

AFRICOM Eyes the Islamic Maghreb
10-06-2007 22:03
Why exactly is the Pentagon warning us about “al-Qaeda” terrorists that “probably could not attack the U.S. homeland”?As usual, the answer is simple and predictable enough. “The U.S. focus on the group comes as the Bush administration finalizes plans to create a new military command in Africa, called AFRICOM,” part and parcel of the neocon vision of Pax Americana.
Foie-Gras leafleting demo in Cambridge – E-Mail Campaign
10-06-2007 21:26
Demo report and action alert against ‘French Products’ market stall in Cambridge, regarding the sale of Foie-GrasREPORT ON THE CLASS STRUGGLE IN THE PHILIPPINES
10-06-2007 21:12

John Pilger: "Resisting the Empire"
10-06-2007 20:35

The renowned investigative journalist and documentary filmmaker John Pilger has spent the better part of his life documenting American empire and the resistance it has met. Pilger has made over fifty documentaries and is the author, most recently, of "Freedom Next Time: Resisting the Empire," which looks at ongoing struggles in Afghanistan, Diego Garcia, India, Palestine, and South Africa. Pilger joins us for the hour to play excerpts of his documentaries and speak of the struggles he has covered.
John Pilger joins the show 11:44 mins into the show.
Were G8 Decisions Made in Advance At Bilderberg Conference?
10-06-2007 20:31
Major decisions about defence and economic policies for the entire Western world and official government strategy for tackling climate change are believed to have been made in secret at the Bilderberg Conference in Turkey just before the G8 summit in Germany.Information needed about Gibratlar drug laws
10-06-2007 19:50
Innocent friends held in Gibraltar prison...Climate Change & G8 Day of Action - Full Action Reports
10-06-2007 19:10

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Final demo in Rostock.
10-06-2007 17:27

Laage Airport Blockade. Tuesday.
10-06-2007 17:16

The blockade was originally planned for Wednesday. Then it come to light that Mr Bush will by flying in a day early so plans are hastily rearranged. Laage is a military airport and it the middle of nowhere. Upon arrival cops stop the coach and we are told that all demos are banned around the airport for the duration of the G8. However the Police have made an exception as there are thousands of people converging on the area so they offer to escort us to the designated protest area. How considerate of them…
Moving against the G8
10-06-2007 14:48
The following article -- published in the June edition of Red Pepper magazine and written around a month before the G8 Summit -- offers a bit of background to the 2007 G8 mobilisation and the conditions on which it could perhaps be judged a success -- all of which were fulfilled or exceeded last week.We are winning!
Gordon Brown must himself return to Labour Party values first -
10-06-2007 14:00
Gordoin Broiwn this lunchtime ahs been quoted as saying that the formerr Labour Party has "to consult, involve and engage the members of the party as we make our policies".Another death in custody
10-06-2007 13:52
Another death in custody, another whitewash and police officers get away with killing again! When are we going to pressure MPs lawyers, media to stop the state killing!? So far as the unnamed man was concerned - he lost his life because he caused a disturbance - presumably a Capital Offence!Human Rights Issues in Question over Welsh LNG Pipeline Protests
10-06-2007 12:02
Anti Welsh LNG Pipeline a success so far: LEGAL UPDATE:AND 300 Industrial Workers strike for 3days at LNG Terminals at Milford Haven, over safety issues.
Waiting for Eviction @Brecon Tree camp against the Pipe, in the sun and lush countryside soon 2b destroyed. Court Case:Human Rights Issues in Question..
Problems For Real People
10-06-2007 11:30
Hawai'i was thieved by the USA over a hundred years ago..Full article | 2 additions | 2 comments
Photos - 150.000 anti-war protesters gather in Rome.
10-06-2007 04:43

Six Day War Deceptions
10-06-2007 04:10
Did Israel provoke the Six-Day War? (Dutch /w English subtitles) Dutchman Jan Mühren, former UN observer stationed at the Israeli border, describes how he witnessed Israel provoke it's neighbors in the run-up to the Six-Day War. Mühren says Israel was not the small innocent country under existential threat from it's neighbors, as has been written in our history books. 'It was the exact opposite.'