UK Newswire Archive
Bayer pulls GM seed applications in UK
23-12-2003 13:45
According to a Reuters report Bayer Crop Science is pulling out of the approval procedures for six genetically modified (GM) seed varieties in the UK.Ken Livingstone kills the poor
23-12-2003 12:55
Free entreprise under dynamic mayor Ken Livingstone makes London a world financial centre - by killing the weak.War is terrorism on a bigger budget
23-12-2003 10:38
UK Goverment spend £140 Million on guided bombs.In a Tibetan's own words / "Monk niyma story"
23-12-2003 04:28

In October of 2003, the Tibetan Photo Project received its first e-mail from Lobsang Sang Topgyal. He is 23 and a former monk. Lobsang has been documenting the lives of Tibetans.

U.S. wish to Iraqi children Merry Xmas (by Latuff)
23-12-2003 02:44

Media Hacklab at Freedom Press
23-12-2003 01:26
A new Media Hacklab is getting started in the east end of London. Based at the Freedom Press bookshop and social centre, it aims to be an open political space for alternative media, free software, training courses (e.g. GNU/Linux for activists, GNU/Linux for computer virgins, web design), community projects and various other great stuff. The projects that happen there will depend on the commitment of those involved. There is an open meeting planned to discuss both the practical work that needs doing and the political foundations of the lab:Protest Repression in Buenos Aires, Argentina!
23-12-2003 00:24

Daniel Pearl: On The Trail Of The 9/11 Mastermind?
22-12-2003 23:54
Former CIA agent Robert Baer claimed that he and Daniel Pearl were working together on a joint project when Pearl disappeared. Has Baer been caught in a lie?The Free Software Movement - Anarchism in Action
22-12-2003 23:45
What are the implications of the free software (called 'open source' by business leaders) movement for anarchists and activists in general? Could things be learned from it? Just how anarchist is GNU/Linux and other such projects? Little analysis or debate has been had on this. My article intends to stir some.ConAction – Call to the demo and action against the Nato Security conference
22-12-2003 23:14

This is a call to the demo and action against the Nato Security conference being held on the 6th and 7th of February in Munich, Germany.
Friday 06.02.04, 4.00pm: The streets leading to the Hotel Bayerischer Hof will be filled with people. The traffic will be stopped. General Naumann will be under pressure as he remembers the warning given by Horst Telschiks, “This year the mob is intending to shut the conference down…”
FTAA Report Back: Video, Audio, Photos, Writing, News Articles
22-12-2003 23:02
One month ago thousands were in Miami, Florida to continue the fight against the FTAA.We entered a militarized police state. Every group of protesters in Miami, from trade unionists to anarchists, was targeted for official violence and abuse.
Help challenge the sexism at Media Lens
22-12-2003 22:52
An appeal for readers to help pressure media lensinfo on Irish Alliance to co-ordinate action agaisnt EU premiership
22-12-2003 21:38
December 13th meeting minutes of working group "Another Europe is Possible"The Next meeting of this group is on Jan 3rd.
Please note:
"Main event- 01 May Overarching Event (A party for the people to outdo the government’s party with all 25 heads of state of the EU, all issues)"
May 1st is a Saturday this year.
EU presidency comes to UK 2nd half 2005.
US Forming Death Squads in Iraq
22-12-2003 20:46
According to respected journalist Robert Fisk in the London (UK) INDEPENDANT,hooded and masked gunmen have been seen searching cars and frisking people at official roadblocks in Iraq.This would fit the pattern for other territories, chiefly in Latin America where the USA flexes its muscle to enforce the plunder of other peoples and countries. Of course, these masked forces quickly graduate to murdering any and all seen as uncooperative with US policy and corporate interests.
Those needing public trial for terrorism are the masters of my own US government. Their behavior for half a century has been murderous, larcenous and now treasonous.
The Top Twenty Forbidden Truths of Humanity
22-12-2003 19:27
The human species is the most diseased, perverse, and pathetic to have ever infested planet earth. This article reveals the top 20 reasons why this species has forfeited it's right to continue to exist.Anthrax - State of the Art
22-12-2003 16:57
The anthrax used in the attacks of 2001 was a highly sophisticated dry powder bioweapon containing silica coatings that were processed with the aid of a super-specialized siloxane binder. What nation developed this process? Who manufactured the 2001 anthrax? Why did the FBI claim the anthrax was an unsophisticated product that almost any microbiologist could create? We are here to answer these questions.o little town of bethlehem
22-12-2003 13:44
Christmas is fast approaching and with it the joyous celebration of the birth of Jesus (pbuh: peace be upon him) will be enjoyed as more than one billion Christians around the globe gather with family and friends in prayer, joy and reflection.