UK Newswire Archive
Terrorizer Magazine's alleged 'explicit Nazi band' explained on music news site
04-12-2008 14:09
In response to the anonymous claims made on
Somalia: Another CIA-backed coup blows up
04-12-2008 13:15

John Bowden In Court
04-12-2008 13:07
On the 25th of November 2008 at Forfar Sheriff's Court in Scotland I was placed on trial for “Perverting The Course of Justice by absconding from lawful custody”. Despite my already serving a life sentence with no foreseeable time of release, the prison and prosecuting authorities in Scotland were determined to make an example of me following a high-profile manhunt for me last summer that ended with a massive armed police operation to re-capture me that was completely unprecedented in the apprehension of an absconder from an open jail.New interactive online map reveals the extent of police brutality during protest
04-12-2008 13:03
Sussex students arrested under anti-terrorism laws - Disabled student held in custody for 7 hours and denied access to doctor - Police set dogs on peaceful protestersFull article | 2 additions | 4 comments
Shelter Dispute
04-12-2008 11:24

DAN blocks Whitehall against Welfare Reform Act
04-12-2008 11:23
Yesterday (Wednesday 3rd December, International Day of Disabled People 2008) at 2pm, activists from the UK Disabled People's Direct Action Network (DAN) and London Coalition Against Poverty (LCAP) blocked traffic both ways on Whitehall, directly outside Downing Street, for over 45 minutes in protest against the new Welfare Reform Act, which replaces Incapacity Benefit with a much more punitive "Employment Support Allowance" and forces disabled people into "workfare" schemes which are effectively free labour for corporations.The ‘Other’, Older Palestinian Coup D’etat
04-12-2008 09:50
PLO commitment to the Annapolis understandings was a milestone that vindicated Hamas fears and accusations that Abbas was leading and pursuing an older political coup d’etat to deprive the Islamic movement from its electoral victoryMumbai terror: U.S. scholars urge restraint as India angry
04-12-2008 07:53

Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
04-12-2008 04:42
Manila, December 3, 2008 – For those backroom economists and politicians eager to sanitize their economies by sending migrant labor back home the International Organization for Migration (IOM) had a nasty surprise this month: Migration is not going away and your solution is not expulsion but flexible new policies.PLEASE HELP stop the EU sacrificing Climate, People & Food
04-12-2008 03:28
EU legislation forcing up biofuel use in cars must be stopped - the harm that will be done simply cannot be underestimated.The Mad World of Work
03-12-2008 20:57

NDC: A brief history and critical examination
03-12-2008 20:40
The Neighbourhood Development Company (NDC) is the Nottingham partnership receiving money from the government's New Deal for Communities programme. It has had a controversial history, most recently resulting in the sacking of its entire Board for breaches of the Code of Conduct. This article takes a critical look at the organisation and proposes an alternative model for community development.Protest against ID cards on 10th December in Cardiff
03-12-2008 19:04

We invite all opponents of ID cards to join us.
Vigilant Shield 09: A Cover for Illegal Domestic Operations?
03-12-2008 18:55
Launched by President Bush in 2002 in the aftermath of the September 11,2001 terrorist attacks, NORTHCOM has been mired in controversy since its
creation. Among its more dubious accomplishments were illegal domestic
spying operations in conjunction with the Pentagon's shadowy Counter
Intelligence Field Activity unit (CIFA) that targeted antiwar activists.
Despite CIFA's shut-down and the alleged dismantling of its TALON
database (now incorporated into the FBI's Guardian Threat Tracking
System), SourceWatch revealed that "in accordance with intelligence
oversight requirements, the DoD will maintain a record copy of the collected
data." One can't help but wonder whether that "record copy" of TALON
somehow migrated into a NORTHCOM database.
After the Bankruptcy (Jürgen Habermas)
03-12-2008 18:40
The privatization mania has ended. Politics is necessary for the public interest, not the market. The collapse of the Soviet Union produced a fatal triumphalism. A tension always exists between capitalism and democracy because the market and politics are based on opposite principles.Imperial justice: cops bully London protestors
03-12-2008 17:52

What Are You Doing About It? 7 Years of Guantánamo
03-12-2008 17:35
The LGC is currently putting together its actions for January 2009 to mark the seventh anniversary of Guantánamo Bay opening up. It’s a real shame that it has come to this: that seven years later, Guantánamo Bay and other secret, illegal jails where people are held arbitrarily (imagine being locked up in a dark, narrow box for years on end with no end in sight…) and subjected to horrific psychological and physical torture are still up and running. What does it say about the state of the world and humanity in our day and our age? As the world moves towards celebrating sixty years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on 10 December this year, will they be celebrating at Guantánamo Bay, Bagram, Abu Ghraib and elsewhere?Police turn on anti-government Facebookers
03-12-2008 17:15
Croatian police have detained and questioned web activists who are criticizing or ridiculing the government, media and the opposition say, accusing authorities of violating basic civil rights.Palestine Today 120308
03-12-2008 16:59

Get Blackwater out of London!
03-12-2008 16:47
Blackwater Worldwide, U.S. paid-terrorist group that calls itself "security contracter" is holding meetings in London about piracy in Gulf of Aden.