UK Newswire Archive
Modem friendly video clips of End Occupation of Iraq London demo
27-09-2003 20:50

First 2 clips are MPEG1 format and will play on any computer with nothing extra needed. 3'rd clip allows you to go on a virtual reality tour of the crowds in the square but you need Quicktime 6 installed.
where is today's news?
27-09-2003 20:10
9pm+ sat 27 sept. and no posts from london. ??[Brussels] 2,000 demontrate against occupation of Iraq [11pix]
27-09-2003 20:09

An RPG into Blair's Publicity Circus
27-09-2003 18:11
Blair and Prescott's attempt to 'unobrusively' open a 'SureStart' centre in Southampton is exposed to attack...Confirmed - George W Bush to visit Britain!
27-09-2003 17:45
It has been confirmed by Buckingham Palace that George W Bush will be visiting Britain on the 19th, 20th and 21st of November. This will be a state visit.Jesus Died Because Of Bush (and Blair)
27-09-2003 14:13
'You lied, they died,' US parents tell BushEdinburgh: theatre play about Palestine and ISM, 9-25 October
27-09-2003 13:07
9-25 October: Theatre Workshop presents The Jasmine RoadThe Jasmine Road is about a relationship between an artist and poet who is a Palestinian refugee, played by Nabil Shaban, and a young ISM activist, played by Marnie Baxter. The two characters are brought together by the situation in the Gazza Strip, where Palestinians and Jewish settlers have been battling over land rights since the late 19th century. Whilst the poet's life and future has been shaped by a place that he can never return to, the young activist's destiny is determined by her very presence there. The play aims to highlight the role and responsibility that artists take in inspiring activists and thereby people in general.
27-09-2003 11:57
International Workshop on Contemporary Anti-war Mobilisations in Corfu, Greece in November.Anti-Imperialist Politics: Class Formation and Socio-Political Action (english)
27-09-2003 10:13
REBELION: PETRAS ESSAYS IN ENGLISHACTION: No to unfair treatment and violence against workers at Willbes factories
27-09-2003 07:49
ACTION ALERT - HaitiIssued by the Haiti Support Group - 26 September 2003
Protest the physical abuse of Haitian workers in Port-au-Prince sweatshops!
Say no to the violation of workers' rights!
Support Haitian workers' attempts to organise unions!
Voice of the People - video interviews from Palestine Rally
27-09-2003 07:14

[UK, London, Saturday 17th May 2003]
On Saturday 17th May thousands of British people marked the 55th anniversary of the Nakba, - the expulsion of the Palestinians when their land was stolen to create Israel, by converging on Trafalgar Square in London for a rally demanding an end to zionist occupation and for freedom for Palestine. The huge crowds reflected the broad base of support for the Palestinian cause in British society. The rally was organised by the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign and supported by a host of pro-justice organisations.
Journalist John Pilger, actors Juliet Stevenson and Corin Redgrave, and Sophie Hurndall the sister of the British photographer shot in the head by the Israeli army, were among the distinguished speakers to address the rally. We have provided all of the speeches below (around 30 speeches in real audio format) for you to listen to or download.
Israeli Brigadier General Yiftah Spector and A Few Good Men
27-09-2003 05:42
As some (US) media continues to downplay the massive retaliations against civilians in the Occupied Territories, a few Israeli pilots absolutely REFUSE to engage in the slaughter of civilians, including the famous Brigadier General Yiftah Spector...actual statement enclosed.Former Bush Chief of Staff War Profiteering in Iraq
27-09-2003 03:30
It pays to have Bush/Republican connections, and it pays to have the best military in the world, and the biggest Treasury backing up your business activities. That is what this War is all about!DSEI police search records still needed by Liberty!! By Monday!
27-09-2003 02:09
On Thursday 2 October, Liberty will be in the high court to challenging the police use of anti-terror searches at DSEI. Were you or your friends searched in London by police during/before the week of September 6th-12 "DSEI week"? Many people have submitted copies of their search receipts to Liberty, but more are needed by Monday at noon!Grassroots Antiwar Conference
27-09-2003 00:42
ANTI-WAR CONFERENCE 26-28 SEPTEMBEROrganised by Justice Not Vengeance & the Grassroots Network
Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, Central London WC1
£10 waged/ £5 unwaged in advance, £12 / £7 on the door
An opportunity for grassroots activists to meet face-to-face to share our skills, experiences, and creativity, and help build a stronger anti-war
Merseyside Police - Stop and search!
27-09-2003 00:04

2,500 Coke workers in Colombia ordered to resign
26-09-2003 22:44

Cambridge IndyMedia makes its way onto paper
26-09-2003 21:40
Cambridge IndyMedia has been contemplating producing a paper version, and we've made a draft (attached to this article). It's an ultra-simple attempt to get features and news-wire stories to people who either don't know about or don't have access to the Web site.Brazil agrees to grow GM crops
26-09-2003 20:47
John Vidal and Gareth Chetwynd in Sao PauloFriday September 26, 2003
The Guardian