UK Newswire Archive
Driving Into Lebanon - Friday August 4th - Photo Report
11-08-2006 15:27

Crying Wolf again!
11-08-2006 15:16
Or, how stupid do they think we really are!Fake air terror: Bank of England freezes assets of accused?
11-08-2006 13:15
The giant Bank of England is a privately owned institution; which is not subject to regulation by the British Parliament, and is in effect a sovereign world power. Like the privately owned money printing shop called 'Federal Reserve' in the United States, the biggest heist ever concerning mankindG8 Germany: hundreds plot resistance at direct action camp
11-08-2006 12:36
“Camp Inski” opened its doors on 4 August in North West Germany. There, more than 500 activists prepare for the protests against the G8 2007 summit, to be held in the nearby town of Heiligendamm. Numerous workshops and action training provide information and skills while at the same time direct actions are already being carried out in the caravan 2007
11-08-2006 12:17
This is going to be a nice bike-caravan with a lot of fun and actions!Exhibitionism - Made Easy
11-08-2006 12:16
We have these wondrous possibilities but we don't know what we want to communicate (Brecht).. The expertocracy is losing ground and legitimacy.. The simple orientation in classical authorities breaks down. One no longer credits politicians with better knowledge.. This peculiar network knowledge replaces authority.Terror and Climate Change (opinion piece)
11-08-2006 11:30
In the midst of doom and gloom realizations that the Heathrow 'terror network' is mainly to sideline concerns about the war in Lebanon and head off possible sympathies for the main vicitms in this war, a bright note:Just as 7/7 pushed more people onto their bikes in London, so too perhaps this farce will help put a few people off flying.
Homeless in Anata
11-08-2006 11:11
Whilst the world's media is now distracted away from Israel-s destruction of another country, the Israeli occupation of Palestine becomes more administratively savage and swift whilst no-one is looking. This article is about Israel's illegal demolition of family homes in Greater Jerusalem and the West Bank. See 'Big Issue in the North out Monday 14th August for the article with pictures.Blair Government Concocts Terror Threat - Scares British People Into Silence
11-08-2006 10:44
Yawn! Even if I wasn't actually tired, that would still be my response to the latest "terror alert" from the UK government office of Machiavellian nonsense. I mean, seriously, at what point do people start to smell a rat? Is the mass mind of the British public destined to be forever child-like and easily scared, or does the threat of the boogeyman eventually wear off? I mean, how many times can you arrest a group of patsies and claim that they were planning to attack the British public before people begin to wonder if you are just making it up?Unpalletable Truths for Weaklings.
11-08-2006 10:40
"Zionism is a colonisation adventure and therefore it stands and falls by the question of armed force. It is important ... to speak Hebrew ... it is even more important to be able to shoot" Vladamir Jabotinsky 1923.We Are Untouchable. You are too robotically programmed or shit scared to look!
Campaigning about 9/11
11-08-2006 10:21
Overwhelming evidence condemns the U.S. Government as the Perpetrator of the 11 September 2001 terrorist attack on the World Trade Centre in New York. Instead of having more and more conferences. let us conduct vital Public Information Campaigns to educate and politically activate the duped General Public concerning the real terrorists.Kate Hudson and Pat Arrowsmith at Brize Norton Peace Protest (+pics)
11-08-2006 09:04

Indymedia Photography from Lebanon
11-08-2006 08:31

Public Service Announcement for Electronic Lebanon
11-08-2006 07:48

In the weeks after Israel launched its attack on Lebanon, a team of New York-based artists, designers, and multimedia producers converged on a warehouse location in Brooklyn to create a Public Service Announcement for Electronic Lebanon. The two minute PSA is intended for wide distribution and public viewing. A laptop version of the PSA, for projection, is also available for download. Activists and others seeking broadcast-quality versions of the PSA are asked to contact EI.
The Pentagon's "Second 911"
11-08-2006 07:19
"Another [9/11] attack could create both a justification and an opportunity to retaliate against some known targets"
One essential feature of "defense" in the case of a second major attack on America, is "offense", according to Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff: "Homeland security is one piece of a broader strategy [which] brings the battle to the enemy." (DHS, Transcript of complete March 2005 speech of Secr. Michael Chertoff)
Britain’s airline terror plot: Questions that need to be answered
11-08-2006 05:37
The claim that American and British security forces have thwarted a terrorist plot to blow up commercial flights between Britain and the United States should not be accepted uncritically. It is impossible to determine at this point whether or not such an attack was in the offing, although the mass media have, as usual, reported the assertions of the British and American governments as indisputable fact, without bothering to ask for any specific information that would substantiate the official story.Three good reasons for clicking here!
11-08-2006 01:39
1) - Get the full story of ALL SIDES of the Middle Eastern conflict!2) - Get information on HEZBOLLAH and the future of the West!
3) - Understand the real implications on the London AIR-DISASTER threat!
American King Rejected by American Bar Association
10-08-2006 23:58
The Bush regime has attemtped to create an imperial presidency by the abuse of legislative signing statements. This week the largest American legal group challenged this practice.Join the civilian convoy to South Lebanon on August 12th
10-08-2006 21:56
On August 12, at 7 am, Lebanese from throughout the country and international supporters who have come to Lebanon to express solidarity will gather in Martyr's Square in Beirut to form a civilian convoy to the south of Lebanon.Mr. Bono the Anti-poverty campaigner moves to avoid paying taxes
10-08-2006 20:06
Another "charity" celebrity who has boosted the sales of his music and relaunched his career at the back of the misery in Africa now decides to move his MILLIONS of pounds out of Ireland to avoid paying tax. Thank God I never give to charity thieves.