UK Newswire Archive
How Anti-Iran Policy Contributed to War in the Caucasus
16-08-2008 01:26
Since the attacks by Georgia which sparked the fighting (which, alone, suggests Georgia had been promised the support of a larger power) took place on the day that the last two US carrier groups started for the Strait of Hormuz, it would appear that one motive (besides the pipelines from the Caspian which rival the new ones the US built in Afghanistan) appears to be tying up and/or demonizing Russia, in order to minimize its response to US/Israeli Aggression towards Iran.The following article from the Jerusalem Post appears to support this, as does the US/Israeli line seen today, as well as the willingness of the bulk of the Western press to so horribly misrepresent this conflict.

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Manchester Pride Launch Interrupted by Protesters
16-08-2008 01:12

"Shot" reporter "from Georgia" may be from United States
16-08-2008 00:24
An expose of the video the Daily Mail's Sam Greenhill has been promoting as part of his warmongering efforts that supposedly shows a female Georgian reporter named Tamara Urushadze getting shot.Abundance Manchester fruit picking to start soon!
15-08-2008 22:44
Abundance Manchester is a new project to pick fruit from gardens and public places and distribute it with bike trailers to groups who need it. These will include The Destitution Project, which provides food to destitute asylum seekers, The Mustard Tree, which distributes food to homeless people, a healthy eating group for mothers with young children and a homeless hostel for young people.
War of words over Georgia (by Latuff)
15-08-2008 20:52

Pheasant shoot sabotaged & attemped arson at Burger King
15-08-2008 19:21
Cameron ambushed
15-08-2008 19:21

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Britain's Racist Police
15-08-2008 16:34

This Week in Palestine week 33 2008
15-08-2008 16:04

Caesar’s-Messiah’s Vicar Calls for Peace (Again) in Georgia?
15-08-2008 15:32
Caesar’s-Messiah’s Vicar Calls for Peace (Again) in Georgia?Seamus Breathnach 15/08/2008 06:51
Unfortunately, the Pope and his enormous empire is quite capable of suing the whole world. Through Opus Dei, he already owns most of the Supreme Courts and , in some countries, he even has a Special Place drafted into their Constitution. This was so for the Republic of Ireland and East Timor; and , if you looked closely enough at a couple of dozen other Catholic countries , you would find the same anti-secular bias, even when such countries brag about 'every citizen being equal before the law'. Catholicism makes tin-pot dictatorships out of the most well-meaning countries. One has only to mention Spain, Portugal and Austria to see what they did to these countries in the past, or to Spain, Italy or Germany before , during and after WW11. The personality of the Christian, when you have taken away the Janus-mask of White Pope (who does the PR from the Vatican) and the Black Pope , who does the biz abroad, is one of deception, forgery, incalculable violence and aggression ,not just to women and children in 'State-run Catholic schools', but in the broadest theaters of universal civil and international war.
More pics from the Orange March plus the not so fluffy police
15-08-2008 14:55

Militant anti-racist attacks in Germany - 13th-15th August
15-08-2008 14:43

Cyberspace: Website of speculator and right-wing organisations Hacked
Cologne: Stones and colour against the racists of "Pro-Köln"
Self-Harm in Immigration Detention 2nd Quarter 2008 April/May/June
15-08-2008 14:39
Self-Harm in Immigration Detention 2nd Quarter 2008 April/May/JuneThere were 61 incidents of 'Self-Harm requiring medical treatment' in April/May/June 2008 an increase of 27% on previous quarter Jan/Feb/Mar 2008, 48 incidents.
AMW slams Israeli inaction over Reuters death, & British media silence
15-08-2008 13:34

AMW expresses concern that the investigation's decision has been almost completely ignored by the mainstream British press, the sole exception being Guardian correspondent Rory McCarthy. This is surprising given its life-threatening implications for all journalists reporting from the occupied Palestinian territories.
Protest against monkey export in Belgium
15-08-2008 12:34

A Mexican-wave style collapse of bullfight stadium!
15-08-2008 12:20

Bull-fighting fanatics got a taste of their own medicine when their seating gave way at the local bullring in the town of Planadas.
Solidarity with Workers in Iran
15-08-2008 11:52
On May Day this year in Iran, two brave women - Sousan Razani andShiva Kheirabadi - participated in open celebrations of the
international workers' holiday.
The regime considers this to be a crime and the women were arrested.
They have just been sentenced to 15 lashes apiece, as well as four
months in prison.