UK Newswire Archive
BBC's The Prying Game
27-10-2007 18:36
A report on BBC news 24's Our World series, repeated tonight at 21:30, looks uncritically at Britains surveillance society. The most interesting thing about the report is the admission of a hand-held wave-millimetre scanner than can see through the walls of a house.Post workers speak out against union management agreement at Royal Mail
27-10-2007 17:16
The World Socialist Web Site has been speaking to postal workers about their reaction to the Communication Workers Union calling off industrial action against the Royal Mail and the deal agreed with management. A ballot of members has been set for just under two weeks’ time, a period in which the CWU will attempt to dissipate and stifle opposition to its sell-out amongst the rank-and-file.Brighton-Tubas Campaigners on Trial in Jerusalem tonight
27-10-2007 15:41
Brighton Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group Press Release26/10/2007
Brighton Residents on Trial in Jerusalem tonight for participating in an
'Illegal Demonstration'
For more info contact Tom Hayes on 00447846506710 or Ann on +972522354477
or email

Call for nationwide prayer support for deaths in custody march
27-10-2007 12:58

Peter Hain is squandering £millions, starving involuntarily poor!
27-10-2007 10:59
.Yesterday's news in Britain included a half-heartedly admitted fact - that Peter Hain's Department for Work and Pensions is squandering £millions of public money. This is happening when the same Peter Hain Department is also starving uncounted numbers of involuntary poor in the countryBipartisan Consensus: Iraq, Many More Years of War
27-10-2007 10:35
A consensus seems to be building in Washington that views a long term U.S. military presence in Iraq as a valuable geostrategic asset in the quest for regional and global hegemony. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates is now talking about an occupation of an unlimited number of years with a minimum of 40,000 U.S. troops. The Democratic Party and the majority of its politicians in Congress are expected to go along with this."Many in the US military think Bush and Cheney are out of control"
27-10-2007 02:26
The Gulf states do not like Shia Iran, but they export oil, which makes them rich. They are dependent on peace, not war.Ambassador Marc Ginsberg,Fox News,Xybernaut Israeli U.S. Penny Stock Fraud
27-10-2007 02:25
With the best Georgetown University 'education' money can buy and his U.S. and Israeli economic and political connections,ex U.S. Ambassador to Morocco,(and the first Jewish-American ambassador of a Moslem nation),Marc Ginsberg is among other things,just another sleazy Beltway or Washington, D.C. - U.S. penny stock con artist using his American and Israeli connections to defraud naive investors in the U.S. penny stock offshore money laundering underworld in which Marc Ginsberg operates to illicitly enrich himself and his Israeli mafia or Mossad connected partners in Israel.UK Deaths in Custody -- Facts, Figures, Suggestions
27-10-2007 01:38

FIT on bikes at Critical Mass
26-10-2007 23:22
At least one officer from the FIT (Forwards Intelligence Team) were spotted on the critical mass without their usual blue-shoulder uniforms on and on bikes!Gaza Collective Punishment Could Lead to Escalation
26-10-2007 22:41
One has to see the other side of this, and how Israel is playing the game.if Gazan Palestinians retaliate in a big way, it gives Israel the excuse to launch a major military operation into Gaza, exterminating its people and claiming as their defense to the international community, "they MADE us do it!"
That would be exactly the scenario which many of the hard-liners in the current Israeli government would absolutely love to see happen.
Peace Conference: New Case for War
26-10-2007 22:40
Anyone who's analysed this conflict for even a few years can identify the clear games being played with millions of lives by the Zionist Extremists and their Neo-Fascist 'allies' in the PNAC Regime.WH Leak: Cheney's Plan for Iran Attack Starts With Israeli Missile Strike
26-10-2007 22:36
The only way to impede this conspiracy is to march against the Extremists responsible within Government, and tell them that they cannot procede, placing you all in jeopardy, in a war from which we may never recover.New York Communities Together to Fight Gentrification
26-10-2007 21:15
Zapatismo in Spanish HarlemThe Movement for Justice in El Barrio, Inspired by the Zapatista Other Campaign, Brings New York Communities Together to Fight Gentrification
By R.J. Maccani
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

Photos from the start of the "Dignity Not Detention" march on Lindholme
26-10-2007 21:00

Everyone In Vicenza 14th, 15th and 16th of December, 2007
26-10-2007 20:09
APPEAL for European mobilization – 14th, 15th and 16th of December, 2007From Vicenza to the rest of Europe.
Irish readers- Learner driver debacle in Ireland
26-10-2007 19:59
Although I welcome this long awaited initiative by the Road safety Authority in attempting to reduce the carnage we see on our road each year,I cannot help but wonder at the thinking that went into calling an immediate halt to the driving by drivers holding a provisional driving licence while unaccompanied.Israeli Settlers and Military shoot live ammunition at Brighton delegation
26-10-2007 19:54
Brighton Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group Press Release26/10/2007
Israeli Settlers and Military shoot live ammunition at Brighton delegation
Three Brighton residents arrested at nonviolent demonstration
For more details contact Tom Hayes on 07846506710 or email
Making traveller children cry
26-10-2007 18:52
Police sprayed children with gas in dorset car park