UK Newswire Archive
"Stuff London - Back Paris instead!"
20-02-2005 00:57

Will liverpool cut cars in the City Centre by 49%?
19-02-2005 20:56
Comments on proposals to meet European Directives to cut Nitrogen Dioxide emissions by 40%.Will City Council Cut Cars by 40%?
19-02-2005 20:07
Comments on proposals to meet European Directives to cut Nitrogen Dioxide emissions by 40%.Reports from the TUC Pensions Day of Action - a day which hit the right note!
19-02-2005 19:47
Undeterred by cold winds and an endlessly predicatable, last-minute, anti-union mainstream press campaign (yawn), public-sector workers around the country attended rallies and lobbies on Friday to protest at government plans to downgrade public-sector pensions schemes."UNION" OFFICIALS WELCOME FASCIST MEASURES
19-02-2005 18:51

Majid Tajdar must stay!
19-02-2005 18:23
Iranian refugee threatened with deportationCouncil caves in to Asda
19-02-2005 16:22
The rotten Borough of Rushmoor has granted 24 hour delivery to ASDA superstore in Farnborough town centre, meaning misery for those residents who live in the town.Repressing the Class Struggle
19-02-2005 15:42
As the employers' president said, capital and labor have long been reconciled among us. He said this while employers forced down wages with the help of politicians, cut pension claims, reduced social benefits and extorted dependent persons by threats of dismissal.PENTAGON THREATENED EARLIER TO KILL REPORTERS IN IRAQ
19-02-2005 15:40
Tony Tether, director of the Defense Advanced Projects Research Agency, said that the Pentagon in Iraq also will use a new electronic detection device that could help pinpoint cell phones or pagers, which sometimes are used to detonate homemade bombs aimed at U.S. troops.Pictures of Cambridge TUC Pensions March and Rally
19-02-2005 14:53

ICAHD Launches Bottom-up E-mail Campaign
19-02-2005 14:50
A new campaign from the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions to apply more international pressure to the Israeli government.Evangelical christian kills and skins mother
19-02-2005 13:18
Ed Gein (original Texas Chainsaw killer) in a Netherlands version. Christian leaders silent.Indymedia World Map + List
19-02-2005 10:05

And below an article from portland indymedia...
Thames Valley Police very unhelpful over Pensions Protest
19-02-2005 09:19
Thames Valley Police very unhelpful over Pensions Protest in Oxford. Unions very unhappy about this obstruction to peaceful protestNEW ANTI-CAPITALIST WEBSITE: PROLE.INFO
19-02-2005 09:06
NEW ANTI-CAPITALIST WEBSITE: PROLE.INFOAnnouncing a new anti-capitalist website:

It has lots of pamphlets in PDF form, as well as a number of online texts.
Check it out.
ITN Cameraman has to run for life after filming attack on hunt saboteurs
18-02-2005 20:35

On the last day of legal hunting with hounds, a gang of up to 50 Chiddingfold, Leconfield and Cowdray hunt supporters and riders attacked the 8 brave saboteurs who had been trying to stop the hunt killing foxes near Petworth Park, Petworth, West Sussex.
Homelessness in Forming Mining Towns
18-02-2005 20:02
In a country full of greedy property developers and property speculators ( snakes with their ladders ) and people ownong multiple properties, keeping places empty cones this reportt fromI nside Housing:-"Homelessness rockets in former coal-mining towns
18 February 2005
18-02-2005 19:18
The International Campaign against Coca-ColaBuilding the Network and Mobilising the Boycott
1-6.30pm, Saturday 26 February 2005
Leeds University Union.
international women's day - iraqi women's speaker tour
18-02-2005 17:00
NUS Women's Campaign and No Sweat are organising a speaker tour around International Women's Day to promote solidarity with the new women's movement in Iraq. The main speaker will be Houzan Mahmoud, UK representative of the Organisation of Women's Freedom in Iraq.