UK Newswire Archive
Following the success of the BP AGM protest - London Rising Tide meetings..
06-05-2003 12:40
The recent carnival of protest at the BP AGM saw a flurry of action - London Rising Tide announces its weekly meetings. Next one this Thursday 8 May, 7pm.socialist stock brokers dancing
06-05-2003 10:34
socialist stock brokers dancing40.2 MB AVI 11 seconds
Keith Pringle – stitched up for his solidarity with other prisoners
06-05-2003 10:02
Long term British prisoner who was due to be released in January this year is being held on remand on charge of threatening to kill a notorious bullying prison officer in Frankland prison last summer during a protest against segregation.Israeli Soldiers Shoot At Parents of Injured British Pacifist
06-05-2003 08:59

Murdoch media has legal right to disinform
06-05-2003 08:30
...well, we already knew they do, but in a court case in the US, lawyers for Rupert Murdock successfully argued that "the First Amendment gives broadcasters the right to lie or deliberately distort news reports on the public airwaves." (Only one source on this news item found)US: 'Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction'
06-05-2003 07:59
So sorry, there are no WMD's but you'll get over that we're sure. Have a nice day. Story appears in the Sunday Herald of Glasgow, ScotlandVIDEO (hi quality) Reclaim the Streets Dublin MAYDAY
06-05-2003 07:38

Dublin Mayday 2003
Yet Another Witness Comes Forward and Refutes The frame-Up Of Mumia Abu-Jamal!
06-05-2003 06:15
Free Mumia Abu-Jamal!Beeb has do an Indy media !?
06-05-2003 04:59
"Cronin and Matt Jones, an information architect with the BBC's new media wing, told conference attendees that the idea is to provide a loosely structured set of tools to make it easy for ordinary citizens to run their own activist campaigns on the Net."dublin r t s party (video)
06-05-2003 04:25

they later joined up with chearing and singing crouds to continue their party on parnell st. the the ravers and rebels final destination was the ifsc afterwhich
the all dispursed. the day passed off without and trouble.
last day at G10 camp USAF Fairford
05-05-2003 23:12
Pictures from the last day at the first G10 peace camp at USAF Fairford.Like mushrooms...
05-05-2003 22:44
Social Forums and other gatherings of progressive-thinking people are springing up around the UK.LAYERS REALLY STIKE SCIENCE
05-05-2003 22:39
Frank is a physician and Larry is a laeyr. With Frank You are able to understand, why Larry is making so many mistakes in his life. And why in the end people like artists do not cause such chaos as layers.Frank is a physician and Larry is a laeyr. With Frank You are able to understand, why Larry is making so many mistakes in his life. And why in the end people like artists do not cause such chaos as layers.A Lesson in Ethics
05-05-2003 22:23
The story of Medusa, a place where 'vice fluorishes, virtue withers' taken from the Book 'Four Brothers'Compare to the way it's gone
05-05-2003 22:14
This speech is a few months oldThe new world order is going to order
Luca Casarini Pied in New York
05-05-2003 21:49

Free Sina Motallebi, Iranian Journalist
05-05-2003 21:28
Sina is still in prison after his arrest on 20 April. The authorities have given no indication of what he is accused of or whether he will be released soon, creating an atmosphere of fear and worry among Iran's estimated 10,000 other bloggers.Jews Renounce Right to Israeli Citizenship
05-05-2003 21:17
A letter to the Israeli government that began in England and circulated there is now posted and circulating in the USA: all signers of the letter are Jews born in the diaspora who, by signing, renounce their legal right to Israeli citizenship.