UK Newswire Archive
Please help send direct aid to the highlands of West Papua
24-06-2003 04:09
appeal for helpCity of Vancouver is downplaying rights abuses in DTES [Human Rights Watch]
24-06-2003 02:26
The city of Vancouver’s attempt to discredit Human Rights Watch only highlights the city’s failure to address concerns about an anti-drug crackdown in its Downtown Eastside, Human Rights Watch said today.Argentina Autonomista Tour in Glasgow and Edinburgh next week
24-06-2003 00:27

The reports of events hosted in other places have been very enthusiastic so far.
Obedience Pledge Required for Government Workers
23-06-2003 21:11
The Los Angeles Times reports that the document is part of the ongoing effort to eradicate any remanents of the outlawed Ba'ath party.At issue is the sentence, "I will obey the laws of Iraq and all proclamations, orders and instructions of the Coalition Provisional Authority," a vow some in Hillah see as a direct conflict with their religious and national identities.
Hillah residents marched in protest earlier this week after government employees were told they wouldn't be paid unless they signed the document.
Complicating the issue is a fatwa issued by Shi'ite clerics calling for followers not to sign.
In an effort to compromise, community leaders requested the addition of a clause to protect "the interests of the Iraqi people."
Thus far, the civil administration seems cool to the idea, asserting that troublemakers seeking conflict are behind the issue. correspondent Lisa Ashkenaz Croke drafted this report.
G8: At least 6 gravely wounded by concussion grenades!
23-06-2003 20:55

ISM-related book launch rescheduled for August
23-06-2003 20:33
The launch of 'By theft5 & muder: a beginner's guide to the occupation of Palestine' has unavoidably had to be rescheduled for August 31st. Sorry!Superweeds: Setback for GMO Crops
23-06-2003 19:28
More on the uproar in Britain over GMO crops and their safety. From the London Independent, today, 6/23.SWP agressive canvassing tactics - WATCH OUT
23-06-2003 19:08
Recently I have been canvassed by the SWP, quite aggressively actually. Anyway I have noticed some contradictions in their propaganda that really confused me. Anyway I will share...Zapatista Event
23-06-2003 18:19
THE ZAPATISTAS TODAYFirst hand reports from the front line in Chiapas
public meeting, questions and discussion
London: Letter to Swiss Embassy about G8 Police Brutality
23-06-2003 17:00
This letter was presented to the swiss ambassador in London on Monday, June 23, during an action in front of the embassy.Playgrounds and Facilities for Children
23-06-2003 14:47
Timeline of NeglectWhats going on with the playgrounds and parks in Burngreave. Absolutely nothing as far as I can see.
Support needed at new road protest camp
23-06-2003 14:31
An urgent call for help is going out for a new anti-road protest camp just set up in beautiful West Sussex woodlands.Fairford defendants seem to be winning the legal battle
23-06-2003 14:27
Good court results from the last few days...Toby & Phil are out on bail, many other cases dropped or offered bindovers.
reclaim the beach solstice party pics online
23-06-2003 14:26
ace party celebrating the solstice in londonloadsa people n good tunes and no hassle from the law
Quick report from stonehenge solstice 2003
23-06-2003 14:23
23-06-2003 14:09
As part of an international day of action against Swiss Embassies and Consulates around the world – a small (but perfectly formed) group of mixed pink and silver and black paid a visit to the Swiss Embassy in London this morning, Monday 23rd June 2003. We went there to voice our outrage at the political repression and police brutality during the recent G8 meeting21.06.03 sheffield united soundsystems
23-06-2003 13:49
sheffield united soundsystems-biggets solstice free party in sheffield for yearsFunding needed for legal action against the repression of the G8!!!
23-06-2003 13:44
We need to follow up on the general and specific cases from the G8 to ensure that the police (Swiss, French, German...) do not get away with their actions, and that their actions are seen as connected to wider global repression, by the press as well as the public.In order to do this the different legal groups need funding to initiate legal procedures. WE are calling for international support......