UK Newswire Archive
Mi5 Survey online now, give your feedback
19-03-2008 00:22
Mi5 wants to know your oppinion about their website:
Maybe it is time to give them some of their own medicine and return all the misinformation and lies they give to us on a daily base.
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Are you Redwatch in disguise? FITwatch at the STWC demo - pics
18-03-2008 23:56

Urgent Support Needed by Tibetan Hunger Strikers in London
18-03-2008 22:31
The situation in Tibet is getting worse......We will continue doing hunger strike outside the Chinese Embassy until this Saturday when there will be a Mass Solidarity March throughout London @ 11.30am Chinese Embasy to Trafalgar Square.
We urgently need volunteers who are willing to hunger strike tomorrow from 6pm Tuesday to 6pm Wednesday.
Please contact 07725501995.
Please respect His Holiness' Request for Non-Violence
British mercenary confesses role in Equatorial Guinea coup plot
18-03-2008 20:11
British mercenary Simon Mann has confessed in a television interview with Channel 4 News to being the “manager” of a plot to overthrow President Obiang of the tiny oil-rich West African country of Equatorial Guinea in 2004. Mann has previously claimed that he was on his way to protect a mine in the Democratic Republic of Congo. This is the first time that he has admitted he was involved in a coup plot.Sami al-Haj’s Guantánamo torture pictures
18-03-2008 19:53

Israel To Continue Illegal Construction
18-03-2008 19:42
A partial list of United Nations Resolutions against IsraelUnited Nations Resolution 127: " . . . 'recommends' Israel suspends it's 'no-man's zone' in Jerusalem".
United Nations Resolution 162: " . . . 'urges' Israel to comply with UN decisions".
United Nations Resolution 250: " . . . 'calls' on Israel to refrain from holding military parade in Jerusalem".
United Nations Resolution 251: " . . . 'deeply deplores' Israeli military parade in Jerusalem in defiance of Resolution 250".
United Nations Resolution 252: " . . . 'declares invalid' Israel's acts to unify Jerusalem as Jewish capital".
United Nations Resolution 267: " . . . 'censures' Israel for administrative acts to change the status of Jerusalem".
United Nations Resolution 271: " . . . 'condemns' Israel's failure to obey UN resolutions on Jerusalem".
United Nations Resolution 298: " . . . 'deplores' Israel's changing of the status of Jerusalem".
United Nations Resolution 446: " . . . 'determines' that Israeli settlements are a 'serious obstruction' to peace and calls on Israel to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention".
United Nations Resolution 452: " . . . 'calls' on Israel to cease building settlements in occupied territories".
United Nations Resolution 465: " . . . 'deplores' Israel's settlements and asks all member states not to assist Israel's settlements program".
United Nations Resolution 471: " . . . 'expresses deep concern' at Israel's failure to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention".
United Nations Resolution 476: " . . . 'reiterates' that Israel's claim to Jerusalem are 'null and void'".
United Nations Resolution 478: " . . . 'censures (Israel) in the strongest terms' for its claim to Jerusalem in its 'Basic Law'".
United Nations Resolution 673: " . . . 'deplores' Israel's refusal to cooperate with the United Nations.
When President Bush initiated war against Iraq, one of the main reasons given in his letter of transmittal to Congress of March 18 2003 was that Iraq was in defiance of UN Resolutions regarding weapons of mass destruction. Of course, in hindsight, we know Saddam was actually in compliance with UN Resolutions, but the point is that if the United States justifies its foreign policy on the basis of enforcement of United Nations policy, then clearly, Israel should be called to account for its actions.
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Protest Brings Pipeline to Shell: London. March 17, 2008
18-03-2008 18:00

Pictures © Peter Marshall, 2008, all rights reserved.
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Tibet Vigil at Chinese Embassy, 17 March 2008
18-03-2008 17:50

Pictures © Peter Marshall, 2008, all rights reserved.
Tibetan march
18-03-2008 17:42
an email from a friend is attempting to raise awareness of a march to Tibet by exiles...text belowDemonstration HMP Holloway in memory of Jamie pearce
18-03-2008 17:33

Police Lie About Involvement in Banning of Anti-Arms Trade Film
18-03-2008 16:24
Sussex Police have caused the Duke of York's Cinema in Brighton to cancel the showing of 'On the Verge' a documentary about local peace campaigners SMASH EDO.Chief Inspector Laurence Taylor was quoted in the Argus newspaper as saying "We would never get involved with the certification of a film- it is not something we would do." However the council confirmed that the council had been contacted by Sussex Police about the film's certification.
Seed varieties at risk
18-03-2008 16:21

Palestine Today 031808
18-03-2008 15:39

Political Prisoners On Hunger Strike In Chiapas
18-03-2008 15:04
Around 40 indigenous political prisoners in Chiapas Mexico are on hunger strike to demand their liberty. The protest has now spread to 3 jails in Mexico's most southerly state.Demo Callout: April 12th Manchester: Freedom of Movement and Autonomous Spaces
18-03-2008 14:41

Bath Bomb #8 out now
18-03-2008 13:41
Yet another monthly installment from the Bath Bomb freesheet from the delightfully sedate Georgian city of Bath...The Crisis In Scottish Prison Service Industries
18-03-2008 12:59
Scottish Prison Service Industries have fallen on hard times recently - sales are plummeting and staff are leaving in their droves. Given the deafening silence in the mainstream media we at CAPS thought you might like to find out just what is really happening.Report: CAMPACC “Creating a Climate of Fear” Public Meeting: 14 March
18-03-2008 10:57
Over 150 people attended the “Creating a Climate of Fear: Counter-Terrorism and Punishment without Trial” public meeting hosted by the Campaign Against Criminalising Communities (CAMPACC) and the Centre for the Study of Terrorism (CFSOT) at the London Muslim Centre in Whitechapel, London, on 14 March. The meeting focused on a number of new, dangerous measures the government is seeking to introduce through the current Counter-Terrorism Bill granting more powers to the police and the judiciary to undermine civil liberties and human rights."Corpus Juris" and the effect on British Common Law rights
18-03-2008 10:41
to understand what is happening to those associated with Mr.Brian W. Haw and the arbitrary detention of him and his mates... please readDismantle the war machine: SmashEDO In Oxford, 24th March
18-03-2008 10:37
Make a space in your busy schedules for the evening of 24th March, as activists from Brighton’s anti-arms trade campaign, Smash EDO, are coming to Oxford for a soiree of film and discussion.