UK Newswire Archive
G8 london carnival against capitalism - report n pics
12-06-2013 00:31

11-06-2013 21:59

Show your solidarity! Bring your own noise
Photos: Solidarity for Clement Meric Vigil in Bonn Square
11-06-2013 21:32

Protest against the violence of capitalism
11-06-2013 18:04
Whether it's smashing its way into the Stop G8 convergence centre or bombing innocent civilians in Gaza or Afghanistan, capitalism depends on ugly brute force to impose its rule.Stop G8 urgently calls on people to resist the violence of capitalism, militarism and the police state in central London on Wednesday 12 June.
“Burn the mosque” chant East Anglian fascists
11-06-2013 16:55
On Saturday the East Anglian Patriots bussed a couple of hundred fascists into Lincoln for a demo that threatened violence against Muslims and sought to deny freedom of workship in the city. An anti-fascist counter demonstration was also held. The fascists, led by a Lincoln Infidels banner, chanted “Burn the mosque” and “Allah is a paedo”. The Infidels are an openly Nazi splinter from the EDL.
They also listened to speeches from people including “Wolfie” Smith, a man whose speciality seems to be inciting racial violence. He recently posted “DEATH TO ALL MUZZIES KILL THEM ALL” and “BURN EVERY MOSQUE IN THE COUNTRY … BURN THEM ALL WITH THE MUZRAT SCUM IN THEM”. He has also referred to Muslims as “SAND NIGGER[s]“. The local organiser was an EDL supporter called Alex Banos who has previously said that if the mosque is built it will be “coming down”.
The march was organised by a group of former EDL members calling themselves the East Anglian Patriots. The EAP and their supporters clearly share Wolfie’s views. On hearing the news about the murder of Lee Rigby the EAP posted about Muslims that “THEY’VE KILLED ONE OF OUR BOYS IN WOOLWICH … KICK THE BASTARDS OUT NOW!” When reporting that Gillingham mosque had been attacked in revenge their followers posted “Throw boiling tar over them set fire to them” to which EAP responded “Happy days!”. “Great news keep on lads” posted another fan, “yes this is a start in the right direction” and “I would be out whipping some muzzie ass all over town tonight”. Other responses on the page included this from Wendy Wooley: “Kill the fucking lot off them if you want just give me a gun and I will do it point blank straight in the head”. Lj High: “march on the muslim areas and kill them all…..”
These are people who support arson, murder and genocide as a response to the Lee Rigby murder. Just like how the men who killed Rigby saw all British soldiers as the enemy, these “patriots” see all Muslims as the enemy and would be happy to see them ethnically cleansed.
The EAP were pleased with the turnout in Lincoln and have said they will be back. They are also organising a demonstration against the Skegness halal slaughterhouse on Sat 6th July.
We cannot sit back and let these fascists gain support and win the argument simply by shouting the loudest. There has been a 10-fold increase in attacks against Muslims since the Woolwich murder, including numerous arson attacks against mosques. The threats being made by groups like the EDL and the EAP are not idle talk – these people mean to act on them.
We need a well-organised anti-fascist response to forthcoming demos by working in the local communities and linking up with wider anti-fascist networks for support to prevent these people getting a platform for their sick views and incitement to violence.
Twitter Outage over anti G8 protests
11-06-2013 16:18
Any tweets concerning the meeting point of today's Carnival against Capitalism are not showing up on twitter. . .Why Not Wobble Along.
11-06-2013 10:55
EPTAG Home to Stay meeting, Thursday 13th
11-06-2013 10:55
The nice people at EPTAG are hosting a public meeting on Short Assured Tenancies this week.
Police about to raid StopG8 convergence Centre
11-06-2013 09:35

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July 4: Independence FROM America Day Demo at Menwith Hill
11-06-2013 07:34

Join the annual Independence FROM America demonstration at NSA Menwith Hill, N. Yorkshire organised by the Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases (CAAB).
Speakers to include Salma Yaqoob, Andy Worthington, Martin Wainwright, Mizan the Poet. Food provided by the 1 in 12 cafe
Text written for the Papandreou protest
11-06-2013 02:55
The protest we mentioned last week, there was a text written for it in the hope we could get a flyer together. This might not happen, but here’s the text.
EDL 'commemorative march' to the War Memorial
10-06-2013 20:55
The EDL had announced on a Facebook page: to gather at the Trent inn, for a 'commemorative march' to the Victoria Embankment War Memorial on the north bank of the Trent this Saturday in Nottingham. [1st June 2013]
Anti-racism campaigners have branded Saturday a "day of hate" after identifying 55 English Defence League (EDL) events as well a BNP march in London. They say "they are using the murder of Lee Rigby"
The events are seen as the latest attempt by UK far-right groups to exploit the murder of the British soldier Lee Rigby, who was stabbed to death in Woolwich, south-east London, last week.
"Towns and cities across England are going to have EDL events – many of them for the first time – and this is about the EDL taking their message of hate and division to communities across the country to try to stoke tensions and provoke a response," said Nick Lowles from Hope not Hate.
EDL in Nottingham on Saturday
Police keep groups apart as tributes are paid to Lee
Nottingham Post
Far-right groups plan day of demonstrations across England
Anti-racism campaigners warn of 'day of hate' on Saturday as English Defence League and BNP prepare for marches
A Further Bedroom Tax Demo
10-06-2013 20:55
1.00pm Saturday 1st June 2013
100 people gathered for a static demonstration at the Brian Clough Statue / Speakers Corner.
Video of some of the speeches at the protest. Speaker's Corner, Nottingham
To demonstrate against the coalition government’s bedroom tax. The government policy will see social tenants with a spare room having £40-£80 per month taken off their housing benefit. According to the protesters, “in Nottingham alone 4746 families will be affected by the Bedroom Tax” which “penalises the disabled, single parents, families of those recently deceased, foster parents and the parents of children in the army or at university”.
Bedroom Tax Nottingham Demo
Notts Bedroom Tax Campaign
Twitter: @BedTaxNotts
Notts Bedroom Tax Campaign: Event page
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Framework Anti-Workfare & work-prog Demo
10-06-2013 20:55
2.00pm Saturday 1st June 2013
Campaigners from Nottingham Against Workfare protested outside record shop Music Exchange, in Stoney Street, Nottingham.
The Music Exchange is a social enterprise founded by Framework. It is now operated by Eve Trades, a social enterprise established by the charity in 2012
The Nottingham homelessness charity, Framework, has admitted that it is involved in the Work Programme. This is one of the schemes known collectively as workfare, where unemployed people are forced to do unpaid work or face losing their benefits.
Under pressure from anti-workfare activists, Framework announced that “we are one of the organisations who participate in delivering the work programme”. Last month, campaigners from Nottingham Against Workfare delivered a letter to Chief Executive Andrew Redfern, encouraging him to withdraw from the work programme. Local activists also called on supporters to campaign on the organisation’s social media pages.
Text of the leaflet handed out:
Framework, a Nottingham homeless charity involved in running the Music Exchange in Hockley, has been using labour from DWP Mandatory Work Schemes to supplement their voluntary apprenticeship programmes. Claimants placed on this scheme face benefit sanctions and ultimately the loss of their homes if they do not participate. Workfare is not simply exploitative - if allowed to continue, it will exacerbate housing problems for the poorest and most vulnerable in society hugely.
Oxfam, Shelter, the homeless charity SHP, Sense and even the PDSA have refused to participate in these schemes because they feel that Workfare exacerbates social exclusion and penalises the poorest in society. SHAMEFULLY, FRAMEWORK CLAIMS THAT THIS PROJECT BENEFITS THE UNEMPLOYED AND WILL REDUCE HOMELESSNESS. LET'S SHOW THEM HOW WRONG
Go to the Framework Facebook page to let them know what you think, or find the
Nottsagainst Workfare fb page for details of upcoming actions and events.
Framework uses Workfare
Nottingham charity involved in workfare
Charity targeted in protest over forced work scheme
Nottingham Post
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
People demonstrating at govt action in Turkey
10-06-2013 20:55
4.00pm Saturday 1st June 2013
Turkish and Kurdish people protested at development in Turkey after the forced eviction of an environmental / occupy camp, to protest at the development of green space, a park.
Events have increased becoming a wider civil unrest. Protesting what is seen as authoritarian an undemocratic government.
Protests in Turkey - The Big Picture
Turkish president clashes with prime minister over protests - live updates
LIVE• President Gul defends citizens' right to protest
What the Turkish Media Doesn't Show - video
Turkey: police clash with protesters - video
Among the protesters in Turkey - in pictures
Turkey demonstrations: share your stories, pictures and videos
Demonstrations are now spreading across Turkey – tell us what you can see – share your images and videos via GuardianWitness
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
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16 June: Anniversary Gathering at Ecuadorian Embassy for Julian Assange
10-06-2013 18:37

Original post at Veterans for Peace in the UK
Sunday 16 June, 4pm sharp
Come to the Ecuadorian Embassy, 3 Hans Crescent, Knightsbridge, London SW1. Nearest Tube Knightsbridge.
Oppose EDL In Southend On Sea This Saturday
10-06-2013 17:06
Racist edl in Southend on sea, 15-6-2013Bradley Manning Solidarity at Hambacher Forst
10-06-2013 16:13