UK Newswire Archive
YouTube/Google want your phone number
15-03-2011 22:54
New rules for posting on YouTube are an invasion of privacy and make anonymous posting much harder.Dispatches - Lessons in Hate and Violence - Islam
15-03-2011 22:25
the very small sign of atrocity of religion ,imagine when these kind of medieval idea rules the societies such as Iran, Pakistan, Somalia ,,etc.
Islamic Schools are gift of God for British culture ;) ,,,

Animal rights Gathering: City centre fun
15-03-2011 22:22
In addition to an all day general information stall which amongst other things collected hundreds of anti fur signatures, the following events took place:
Safety of nuclear power and death of the nuclear renaissance
15-03-2011 21:50

Bath Anti-Cuts Alliance launches its website
15-03-2011 19:38
Yeah, it's not world-shattering news or anything, but just to say we're out there...300,000 Protest in Portugal
15-03-2011 19:19
Some 300,000 people protested in Portugal last Saturday.56a St Patricks Night Celidh Benefit -Thurs 17 March
15-03-2011 18:53
St Patrick's night Celidh with the NoFrills Band... .to help raise money to pay the 56a rent.*Occupied* Social Centre Plus in Deptford
15-03-2011 18:23
Local members of the public have occupied the disused Job Dentre in Deptford as a response to the brutal cuts to public services being carried out at both a local and national level. 124 Deptford High StreetAs of Tuesday 15th of March 11, they are still keeping it, and are holding an open day on Wednesday the 16th from noon onwards.
They aim to create a space from which the anti-cuts movement can organise resistance to the cuts imposed by the Con-Dems and carried out by Lewisham Council under the control of Mayor Steve Bullock and other Labour councillors. As part of that, many participants in the social centre will be gearing up to the demonstration on the 26th of March.
They also aim to create a public space for other members of the local community in Deptford and the rest of Lewisham. Steve Bullock has announced the closure of five libraries, childrens centres and other public centres, which are vital to the local people's everyday lives.
The local people who have opened this social centre in Deptford do not believe that we can not afford vital services like a health and an education systems, after billions of pounds have been used to bail out bankers who will be receiving over 7 billion in bonuses.
They feel part of a growing movement across Britain where people are determined to defend their communities and challenge those who seek to control normal people's lives by taking control themselves.
The social centre in what was the job centre in Deptford is a self-organised space, run by people from a variety of backgrounds.
They want Social Centre Plus to be a catalyst for social and political change based on the principles of direct action, solidarity and self-organisatin.
It is a free space for the community to use and every one is invited inside with their ideas for the building and the wider world, or even just to chat over a cup of tea.
They will be running cafés, film nights, workshops, and many other things.
The first of which is an open day tomorrow, Wednesday 16th. People are welcome to come, get involved, or just offer some hours of squat sitting or some of the equipment needed as of the Wish List (see picture). Especially needed are plates, cuttlery and people to be there during day time and nights.
Death of a great humanitarian. RIP Dr Cohen.
15-03-2011 18:02
"But our high spirits were not to last, just a day after we had returned from the peasant house, it was destroyed by an IDF airstrike, the TV claimed that the security services had received viable intelligence from a reliable source that the house was being used as a terrorist weapons dump."Japan's nuclear crisis on Monday is now more serious than ever before.
15-03-2011 17:23
"The situation in Fukushima Reactor Number 2 is now well-beyond the Three Mile Island accident in the United States. And the situation on the ground is one of desperate measures.Fire engines and sea water are not recognized technology to manage nuclear reactors. It is panic, and all nations should be concerned."
Academies Talk hosted at Impington VC, Cambridge, 14/03/2001
15-03-2011 16:59

Palestine Today 03 15 2011
15-03-2011 16:40

Barnardos to run child prisons
15-03-2011 15:56
Barnardos in Pease pottage#M26 Posters, art, agit-prop, maps
15-03-2011 15:26
Collection of some of the posters and artwork around the March 26th TUC demo - feel free to add links to more!
EDO/ITT Brighton gets paint splatter makeover
15-03-2011 15:20
EDO/ITT defence company in Brighton gets paint splatter makeover in solidarity with Middle East and North Africa uprisings.March26 : All out against the cuts
15-03-2011 14:22
Following months of demonstrations, occupations of town hall's and other buildings, road blockades and widespread campaigning, the national protest against the cuts and for the alternatives is finaly taking place on Saturday 26th March at 11am.
Hundreds of thousands are expected to march in the biggest street mobilisation since the anti-war march of 2003. Following several calls for people to do more than simply march from A to B [NetworkX | Rallying Call | UK Ungoverned] there are a range of actions planned including feeder marches, sit downs, UKuncut occupations on Oxford Street, people's assemblies, and yet more occupations of different locations. It's clear March 26th willl be an important expression of anger, and solidarity, and one which will show that these are issues which are increasingly effecting most of us. Read more
TUC Info | Events listing + links | Freedom listing | Resist26 | Indymedia calendar
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Whilst the TUC has announced "there are no official feeder marches" in an echo of the failure by the NUS to support their own students, rank and file anti-cuts campaigners are preparing several feeder marches: The Education Bloc from ULU, a South London feeder from Kennington park, including a Radical Workers Bloc and a North London Feeder from Camden. Other groups are meeting in advance to march together on the day.
Demos continue at Heckler&Koch weapons HQ in Nttm
15-03-2011 13:23
4.00pm Monday 14th March
The Shut Down Heckler & Koch campaign has been picketing the factory in Lenton for over 4 years now. With more recent events in the Middle East, a new urgency is apparent to consider where such weapons are ending up, arming represive regimes.
The Shut Down Heckler & Koch campaign has been picketing the factory in Lenton for over 4 years now. With more recent events in the Middle East, a new urgency is apparent to consider where such weapons are ending up, arming represive regimes.
The campaign had been contacted by a bunch of media students, wanting to do a project on the motives of those campaigning there. They had arrived before most and had been told to shift by a police community support officer. No explanion being given. For years I have been photographing this and other camera folks have done the same without incident over this time. I suggested that they should resume doing what they were doing. No obstruction was being commited. A while latter, this PCSO returned and saying 'I thought I'd told you to shift!' I chimed in asking why and for what reason? The officer made no reply, simply parked her bike in the factory grounds and appeared to make a radio call for assistance. 40mins later, a police car arriverd and officers spent the rest of the time, looking at us from their heated interior. I would have thought that if offences were being commited, then we/they should have been spoken too. The standard of warden and PCSO officers makes me dispair, honestly!
Anyway ..... people had gathered at the gates to the UK headquarters of Heckler & Koch, based within the Easter Park Industrial Estate on Lenton Lane, Nottingham. [Unit 3 in fact].
One would have thought that a city infamous for its gun crime would be a poor location for a warehouse full of guns. Not according to H&K, who do great business equipping war-mongers on any side.
Proud owners of H&K weaponry include the brutal militias of Darfur - the Janjaweed. Funnily enough, despite the outcry against the massacres in Darfur, they obviously weren't quite bad enough to stop selling weapons to the perpetrators. Even a recent arrest warrant by the International Criminal Court (ICC) against a senior Sudanese politician accused of selling H&K weapons to the Janjaweed hasn't seemed to stem the flow of H&K guns to a militia accused by everyone including the US of committing genocide. (H&K guns also fill the arsenals of the US Dept of Homeland Security, US Navy Seals & the FBI amongst others).
H&K have a 'strategic partnership' with the world's largest mercenary company Blackwater. H&K supply the guns to the Iraqi and Afghan puppet governments, and Blackwater provide the training.
There was a plan for H&K to produce special edition 'Blackwater' weapons - complete with the Blackwater logo on them. However, after Blackwater made the headlines for killing 17 innocent Iraqis (not the first time that Blackwater have killed innocent Iraqis, but the first time that it made the news in a major way), the plan was shelved.
Interestingly, local media also came under pressure; Trent FM, who had shown some enthusiasm about reporting these demos, received a word in their ear from both H&K's press office as well as the police, warning hacks that it would be 'irresponsible' to publish the fact that H&K has a warehouse full of weapons in Nottingham, as it may prompt criminals to try and steal them.
In response the campaigners pointed out to the radio station that H&K's address was published at Company House, as well as in several business directories. About the radio station being leaned on, the campaigners said that "If the security policy of H&K and Notts police relies on no-one finding out the company's location, then clearly it is they who are irresponsible, not our campaign and not the media. A large warehouse stocked with high-power assault rifles and submachine guns with inadequate security to prevent a robbery is clearly a significant danger to the public, and publicisng such a danger is very much in the public interest."
The H&K warehouse, located at Easter Park, Lenton Lane, Nottingham, is next to the 'Trent Vineyard', an evangelist church that held the funeral of Danielle Beccan, a 14 year old girl who was killed in a drive-by shooting. At her funeral service the then mayor of Nottingham said, "Guns have no place at all in our community - not in Nottingham, not in my city nor any other city in Britain."
One campaigner said: "The arms trade relies on secrecy. Most people abhor the idea of factories and warehouse making and selling weapons around the world, and arms companies know this. By lifting the lid on the business, anti-arms protesters can make a put the pressure on the government/corporate killing machine to stop killing for profit." [schNews]
As you can see from the front board, Unit 3 is simply 'let'. One feels that they might just be a little embarrassed about their presence on the Easter Park Estate. Previous occupants had been the Royal Small Arms Factory. Even during wartime, they had a sign on the gate, saying who they were! Another example might be British Aerospace Works at Filton, Bristol. Again, they say who they are on the gate. This lot still remain shy of folks knowing of their activities.
In my opinion, lights need to be shone into dark corners.
The campaign pickets H&K on the second Monday of every month from 4:00 to 5:30 at the gates of Easter Park, Lenton Lane, Nottingham NG7 2PX.
Middle East dictatorships armed by H&K [feature]
Campaigning against Heckler & Koch Weapons in Germany and the UK [feature]
and ..... on German Indymedia at:
Shut Down Heckler & Koch Campaign
Poster / Flyer PDF of H&K leaflet
Notts arms dealer in trafficking conspiracy [Feature]
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"