UK Newswire Archive
Venezuela: public meeting in Parliament (UK), Wednesday 2nd Feb 7.30pm
28-01-2005 22:23
On Wednesday February 2nd, Hands Off Venezuela is hosting a public meeting at Parliament to raise awareness of the popular, progressive government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Speakers include Ricardo Galindez, a trade unionist and founding member of the UNT, Venezuela's new "Bolivarian" general union, who is on a speaking tour of Europe.(International) March on WDC to End AIDS , May 2005
28-01-2005 20:43

Cabinet Office Anti-war Protestors Answer To Police Bail on 2nd Feb
28-01-2005 18:15
4 anti-war protestors, from Southampton,Gosport and Portsmouth will appear at West End Police Station, Saville Row at Midday on Wednesday 2nd February.Broadcast Your Documentary in America
28-01-2005 18:09
We will broadcast your documentary.Alternate Focus announces a call for Middle East-related documentaries.
Torture complaints during the new spanish government
28-01-2005 17:44
Terrible allegations of torture under the Rodríguez Zapatero governmentDetainees denounced they were subjected to torture; they have described sessions of suffocation, electric shocks… and a young woman denounced she was raped with a loaded gun
Down with War Up with the Protest
28-01-2005 17:31
An idea for effective protest in London.NF Leader Died "Doing Sex Act"
28-01-2005 16:19
Taken from Today's Oldham paper. The NF claimed this man died a "hero" last year!Linslade anti-bypass camp Undermanned and facing closure.
28-01-2005 15:46
More people are urgently needed to man the camp that has been set up on the Linslade Bypass Route. To date we have been able to sustain a rota of a minimum of two people per night. A decision will be made on Sunday as to whether the camp can continue, if the rota for next week remains unfilled it is likely it will close.G8 in the News
28-01-2005 15:31

as well as 200 000 protesters expected. It was mentioned that the security forces now make preperations to draft in English police forces to Scotland, too.
Smash EDO - Smashing dates for your diary
28-01-2005 14:52
Join the campaign against EDO MBM. Brighton's arms manufacturers supplying bomb release mechanisms to the UK and US as well as Raytheon systemsfor more info contact

28-01-2005 14:33
Dangerous radioactive cobalt lies practically unguarded in a Grozny chemical factory wrecked by war, poverty and lawlessness.Liverpool University Students Anti-war 'Teach-In'
28-01-2005 14:26
Liverpool Universirty Students are planning a teach-in on March the second in an attempt to give a wider education to fellow students.4 Homes Blunkett
28-01-2005 13:42
After my piece 'Shed No Tears For Blunkett' was published on Sheffield Indymedia, one of Blunkett's cronies, who happens to be the councillor for Blunkett's Sheffield Brightside constituency, came (alone) to his defence. This went along the lines of 'You're all middle-class, not like me and my good working-class pal David', and part of this ludicrous argument was the supposed low-cost of the houses they both own in Sheffield. What Blunkett's pal forgets to mention is that Blunkett doesn't just have 1 home, but 4! And either Peter Price has been playing down the value of Blunkett's Sheffield house - or Blunkett has been on the fiddle again!
DISARM DSEi - Action planning meeting
28-01-2005 12:54
Planning Meeting and film showing13th February, 3pm, LARC, Fieldgate Street, Whitechapel
International Day of Action and DSEi 2005
Get involved, plan actions, eat food, watch films.
cops threaten G8 repression
28-01-2005 12:44
police are preparing to use submachine guns and rubber bullets to defend leaders of the G8 who will meet at gleeagles. they are carrying out training in a mock up village on the site of a closed down hsopital. the closed down law hospital, lanarkshire has been turned into a mock village, complete with its own names, in which to train riot squads.Mayday 2001 cordon - The Trial
28-01-2005 10:56
As people maybe aware on mayday 2001 over 3,00 people were cordoned in at oxford circus & held as part of the mayday protests. They were detained for over 7 hours, denied the right to leave (effectively held prisoner) without access to toilet facilities. Many at the time believed this to be illegal by the police.The trial is now being held at the royal courts of justcie to determined whether the police had the legal authority to do what they did.
28-01-2005 10:11
More people are urgently needed to man the camp that has been set up on the Linslade Bypass Route. To date we have been able to sustain a rota of a minimum of two people per night. A decision will be made on Sunday as to whether the camp can continue, if the rota for next week remains unfilled it is likely it will close.outnumbered at Linslade
28-01-2005 02:30
A quick update from Linslade protest camp. Two long rows of trees/bushes lost as protesters outnumbered by lots of cops + security.Deal inked for 2nd season of "Democracy in ... Iraq"
28-01-2005 01:06

This Week's SchNEWS - Growing Dissent!
28-01-2005 00:12

“Seeds are the software - and we have the seeds.” - Anonymous corporate seed company executive.
With agriculture providing the main source of income for two and a half billion people the effects of biotechnology are immense. Farmers across the world are being locked into a cycle of dependency on biotechnology companies, who of course just want to help them to feed the world.