UK Newswire Archive
Latest update Palestina
04-04-2002 03:09
Latest Updates from Occupied Bethlehemby imc volunteer • Wednesday April 03, 2002 at 01:57 PM
from IMC Palestina
Rumsfeld's "Blitzkrieg" to dominate Central Asia
04-04-2002 02:32
"Blitzkrieg" ?the devastatingly effective Nazi war strategy ?is how Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld describes current US military strategy in Afghanistan. Rumsfeld maintains, that the Pentagon must shift its priorities to building a high-tech military capable of launching similar lightning strikes across the world. (Financial Times, 1/2/02)CNN interviews IMC-Palestine.
04-04-2002 01:59
Interview with Sean Riordan - CNN by imc volunteer ? Wednesday April 03, 2002 at 03:10 PMthe article has some bang up to date stuff in the article.
Peace Protest at Israeli Embassy (Dublin)
04-04-2002 01:57
Protestors occupy trees in the grounds of Israeli Consulate in DublinOpen letter on Palestine to T. Blair, from Ahdaf Soueif
03-04-2002 23:39
An open letter to Tony Blair by the novelist Ahdaf Soueif, published in the Guardian of 3rd April.Association of Palestinian Communities, appeal for solidarity
03-04-2002 23:33
The APC calls on trade unions, community groups and others to show solidarity with the Palestinian cause by demonsrating in Whitehall on Thursday 4th April, the day when Blair flies to the US to meet Bush.Past, present and future of the Western Sahara
03-04-2002 23:29
Past, present and future of the Western Sahara - Pasado, presente y futuro del Sahara - Passé, présent et futur du Sahara -American Media Gone Mad
03-04-2002 22:36
Viewers to CNBC "AmericaNow" & "Chris Mathews" programs last night witnessed rabid outburts of yankocentric hysteria.PIG SERVICE OF N.I GO BESERK IN BELFAST
03-04-2002 21:59
Pig service of northern ireland/RUC go beserk in the New Lodge area of Belfast,onions and teargas, a eyewitness at the peace demo on israeli/pal border
03-04-2002 20:53
About 2000-3000 demonstrators gathered today in Beit-Hanina in order to demonstrate against the brutal Israeli occupation.they were met with utmost brutality100,000 demostrate in Buenos Aries
03-04-2002 20:45
For more than five years, and in the face of massive unemployment, now pushing 30% nationally, there has developed an outstanding unemployed workers’ movement — the piqueteros — who have asserted their right to work through massive road blockades.BREAKING NEWS: BUSH EXTENDS GLOBAL WAR
03-04-2002 20:28
BUSH EXTENDS GLOBAL WARextracts of a text of Jared James (translated for the Portuguese) is censured
03-04-2002 20:14
extracts of a text of Jared James (translated for the Portuguese) is censured by Indimedia Brasil, see texts belowThe state of Israel is not at all a democratic country
03-04-2002 18:52

forget, Israel is said to have 250 nuclear weapons,''

Good Morning BIG BROTHER. Bush is the Head of the Axe of Evil followed by Sharon
03-04-2002 18:47

'War against Terror' to stabilize their own interested. How a War in Israel can happen again and what
is going on since the Bush election? He must be a monster - or sick
9.11:Who Still Believes the Official Version?
03-04-2002 17:52
“Who was watching the skies,” the Miami Herald wanted to know. “Forty-five minutes. That’s how long American Airlines Flight 77 meandered through the air headed for the White House, its flight plan abandoned, its radar beacon silent…Even with the transponder silent, the plane should have been visible on radar, both to controllers who handle cross-continent air traffic and to a Federal Aviation Administration command center outside of Washington, according to air traffic controllers.” [“Who watched as flight plan was aborted?” Miami Herald Sept. 14, 2001]Eye-witness report from Argentina: I can't believe my eyes
03-04-2002 17:40
I'm in Buenos Aires, and today, with fortune upon me, is the 26th anniversary of the military coup in Argentina. There's been a demonstration brewing all day, but what I saw tonight was beyond the limits of my imagination.A demonstration with well over 100,000 people, and even close to 200,000, emerged on the street between the Palace and the Congress (about 3km in length). The surrounding blocks and the road between the palace were crammed full of people as far as the eye could see. At one point it genuinely looked as if the MST would start the charge on the Congress with a bus.....
London Mayday Networking Group Communique
03-04-2002 17:09