UK Newswire Archive
US Disperses Gas in Egyptian Skies, Leading to Increased Disasters and Deaths
05-06-2007 18:29
Professor at Cairo University Faculty of Agriculture: US Disperses Gas in Egyptian Skies, Leading to Increased Disasters and DeathsClimate Changing 3x Faster Since 2000
05-06-2007 18:28
The National Acadamy of Sciences published areport from a series of studies on many aspects
of global warming. The May 22 report states that
the rise in CO2 emissions and the Arctic Ice Cap
melting are three times faster than the worst case
predictions of the IPCC report. They also found
that the sea level rise is twice as fast as expected
by the scientists just last year.
Online radio podcast dedicated to anti-G8 protests now on Wiki
05-06-2007 18:27
Check it out
As G8 gathers rich nation hypocrisy is exposed in attack on Philippines infants
05-06-2007 17:30
Rich nations will claim at the G8 meeting that they want to help developing nations. Yet when it comes to protecting the interest of their corporations they are prepared to overturn legislation to keep up profits, regardless of the impact on infant health. Plus action that can be taken to support the Philippines as it comes under pressure from the US and action to hold corporations to account.Another Fake Terror Plot
05-06-2007 17:08
The weekend’s news in the US was dominated by screaming headlines and sensationalist broadcast coverage of an alleged plot in New York to blow up John F. Kennedy International Airport’s jet fuel tanks and supply lines. The attack would have been, according to many accounts, “more devastating than September 11.”Four men were charged in an indictment [

Why G8 has failed the Afrikan continent
05-06-2007 16:56

CWU conference overturns executive support for Alan Johnson as Labour deputy
05-06-2007 13:42
by Charlie Kimber in BournemouthThere she goes, my beautiful world...
05-06-2007 12:22

Green Venezuela: Environmentalism and the Bolivarian Revolution, London
05-06-2007 12:04
London Hands Off Venezuela presents a discussion onGreen Venezuela: Environmentalism and the Bolivarian Revolution
With Derek Wall – Principal Male Speaker of the Green Party of England and Wales
Brecon Tree Camp Court Hearing
05-06-2007 10:32
National Grid are getting ready to evict Brecon, Brecon are getting ready to fight, please join us.More Smoke on the Horizon in the Middle East War Theater
05-06-2007 07:40
Many of the pieces for a showdown of giagantic size have been put together by this strong anaysis. The lines have been drawn in the sand in the Middle East. If war is to occur in the Middle East the conditions have been prepared for establishing a "Constitutional Dictatorship" in the US. The Palestinians have also said that they are prepared to create a battlefront against Israel. This is a "must read" article.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Video Rush: Rostock, Lichtenhagen Solidarity Rally, Police Attack Again
05-06-2007 07:39

Rostock Sunday. Global Agricultural day of action.
04-06-2007 23:36

Black Bloc in Rostock
04-06-2007 23:14
Black Bloc at the anti-G8 manifestation in Rostock, 2nd JuneCall-out for Sheffield Faslane action
04-06-2007 22:27
Sheffield activists looking to blockade Faslane 28th June-3rd JulySOCPA - THE MOVIE - world premiere
04-06-2007 22:04
for nearly two years, indymedia rikki has been closely following the events and battles around the serious organised crime and police act section 132 which criminalised "unauthorised" demonstrations around parliament. the hour-long film documentary will be premiered at the renoir cinema on sunday june 17th, followed by a panel discussion.Rostock: rap against fortress Europe
04-06-2007 20:46

The march organisers were apparently told by the police to follow an alternative route, but they refused and thousands of people made their own way to the harbour with the help of a sound system playing some banging tunes and an amazing political rap about Europe's border regime.
G8 Migration Demo ends with RTS Streetrave
04-06-2007 20:41