UK Newswire Archive
Globalise this! the other Echelon system
19-05-2006 14:40

into a command and control grid
a corporate police state based on behaviourism
Neo Nazi's Stalk Bristol Indymedia Collective
19-05-2006 14:00
Neo Nazi's Stalk Bristol Indymedia Collective in attempt to get the messenger.Activist Gathering - May 27th
19-05-2006 12:50
Education Not for Sale, UK Students Against Coke and Earth First Students present an Activist Gathering, hosted by the University of Sussex Students' Union.Saturday, May 27th - 12pm-onwards.
Global Coalition Sounds the Alarm on Synthetic Biology
19-05-2006 11:23
Today, a coalition of 35 international organizations including scientists, environmentalists, trade unionists, biowarfare experts and social justice advocates called for inclusive public debate, regulation and oversight of the rapidly advancing field of synthetic biology - the construction of unique and novel artificial life forms to perform specific tasks.PETITION AGAINST CHOSEN IMMIGRATION IN FRANCE
19-05-2006 10:54
A new law is about to pass in France which will legalise so-called "chosen immigration"... In a move that terrifyingly reminds us of slaves having their teeth checked to see whether they were fit for the new world, candidates to immgraiton will now have to demonstrate that they can be profitable for the economy.Agrarian Violence in the Philippines Worsens
19-05-2006 10:48
A peasant leader in the Philippines was killed, following a spate of violence against activists and journalists. As political instablility heightens, the government appears unable to bring the perpetrators of violence to justice, and there is genuine fear amongst social activists that this situation will escalate.Dublin Afghan Hunger Strikers Surrounded by cops
19-05-2006 10:21
Latest news from the ongoing hunger strike by 40 Afghan "failed" asylum seekers is that this morning the cops have surrounded the Church in which they are in sanctuary.Anti M1 campaign gains momentum
19-05-2006 09:31

MARIAH RUGOBYA DEPORTED. Home Office accused of miscarriage of justice
19-05-2006 09:14
REDACTEDNew issue of radical punk 'zine out now!
19-05-2006 09:05

CHEMTRAILS - In Law, Policy, and Practice.
19-05-2006 07:09
CHEMTRAILS - In Law, Policy, and Practice.Benefit night for Boomchucka Circus (aka circus2iraq)
18-05-2006 23:21

solidarity action with dublin hungers strikers 19th and 20th
18-05-2006 23:20
see www.indymedia.ie20 afghani asylum seekers in dublin, on hunger and fluid strike in occupied cathedral, resisting deportation.
Banging your head against a brick Wal-Mart
18-05-2006 22:32
Do you shop at ASDA? Possibly the shiny new one on the Old Kent Road (previously a squatted community). They are owned by US super corp Wal-Mart. Find out how they keep prices so low.Dell Inc., Intel, Microsoft -- all will fall with Moore's Law
18-05-2006 22:26

PROJECTILE: A festival of anarchist film and culture 16-18 June Newcastle
18-05-2006 22:11
After the success of last year’s first Projectileinternational festival of anarchist film & culture the organising collective are pleased to announce
the programme for the 2006 festival. The full
programme is below and on our website
Bombs on Iran
18-05-2006 21:26
The US still needs Iran as a stabilizer in the Shiite sector of Iraq.. The most important war objective in this first phase is maximization of the acceptance of war. The impression must be first produced that no stone was left unturned to prevent war.. Be skeptical. Go the distance. Keep away from hysteria