UK Newswire Archive
UPDATE on FBI Trashing of Indymedia - Message from Indy Nantes
08-10-2004 22:02
Is this why Indymedia was raided and hard drives seized? Or are we supposed to think that? Obviously the FBI have aquired a great deal more private information than just what is related to the "hot" photos.Fairford Coach case in Court of Appeal next week!
08-10-2004 21:55
The Fairford coach case is at the Court of Appeal next week. The coach detainees will be taking the police to court once again over the basic human right to protest and the right not to be detained. The following press release recently appeared on the Fairford Coach Action website.(For fun, also see -

Blair Plane Flew 1,400 Miles for Gourmet Food
08-10-2004 20:24
While Blair was "discussing poverty and starvation" his personal plane flew hundreds of miles across Africa to collect a gourmet meal.BREAKING NEWS - IMC Server Seizure - An International Law Enforcement Operation
08-10-2004 18:02
Breaking News...Statement from Rackspace
08-10-2004 17:48
Statement issued to press regarding the seizure of IMC webserversHaiti - union struggles in the free trade zones - speaker tour
08-10-2004 17:20
Yannick Etienne is a union organiser with Batay Ouvriye, working in the garment factories in Haiti's free trade zones.She is in the UK for 10 days around the ESF. Come and hear about her comrades' struggles - taking on the might of the sweatshop bosses, TNCs like Levis, the state and the World Bank.
Cesar Zelada still in jail
08-10-2004 17:17

ARNA’S CHILDREN - award winning film to be shown in Manchester
08-10-2004 17:07
Manchester Palestine Solidarity Campaign are proud to screen a landmark multi-award winning film introduced by its director, Julianno Mer Khamis:Appeal for support from the Federation of Workers Councils and Unions in Iraq
08-10-2004 16:56
A call-out for solidarity from the autonomous FWCUI which comprises the Union of the Unemployed and is gaining ground with mostly secular but not exclusively workers all over IraqSolidarity with the Basra Oil Union - Call-out from Union Leader and UK Contact
08-10-2004 16:52
Brief history of the Southern Oil Company trade union in Basra, the make up of the Basra OIl Union and a statement calling for solidarity from the leader of the Basra Oil Union and General Secretary of the SOC Union.I am a mother . . . The power in the lone feminine voice raised in protest
08-10-2004 16:47
A voice is rising above the wails of grieving mothers heard around the world. It's a bold and angry voice speaking out against the tyrants who cold-heartedly consume our children in the name of phony "Wars on Drugs" and "Wars on Terror."Corruption: SWP behaviour in the Socialist Alliance - statement
08-10-2004 16:47
Very interesting, insightful, un-reactionary and clear statement from Liz Davies and Mike Marquesee in response forgery and possible theft with regards to management of Socialist Alliance funds two years ago.‘More Intimidation Than Crime-Busting’ Says IFJ re IMC Server Seizure
08-10-2004 15:51
International Federation of Jounalists Release on Indymedia Server SeizuresOctober 12th (Tuesday ESF Week) Pachamerican Day of Action!
08-10-2004 15:41
This year's European Social Forum in London starts early, with a host of actions taking place on Tuesday October 12th, as part of the Global Day of Action in support of the people's struggles across Pachamerica (the non-colonial term for Latin America - "Pachamama" being the indigenous word for "Mother Earth").GREAT TO SEE IT ALL UP AND RUNNING AGAIN!! :-)
08-10-2004 15:39
Sweet! The newswire and all the archives are back. Wicked! That rocks :-)FUCK THE USA!
08-10-2004 15:37
The U.S. F.B.I., acting clearly OUTSIDE U.S. jurisdiction is clear evidence America wants to rule the world!Beyond ESF - Programme & Timetable
08-10-2004 15:20
BEYOND ESF – It starts here5 Days & Nights of Anti-Authoritarian Ideas & Actions
Wednesday 13th - Sunday 17th October
Beyond ESF will be held at Middlesex University, Tottenham Campus, White Hart Lane (close to white hart lane train station - 2 stops from seven sisters), and on the W3 bus route from Alexandra Palace.
The Oxdox International Film Festival 2004, 22nd-29th October
08-10-2004 14:29
Oxdox International Film Festival from October 22-29 brings the best documentary films from around the world to Oxford. Over 50 films over 8 days in 8 venues.Don’t miss this great opportunity to see a dazzling feast of films with the directors
who made them conducting post screening discussions.
Re Server Seizures: See Support Indymedia Petition / Letter from 2002
08-10-2004 13:39
Copy of a letter / petition supporting Indymedia after the Genoa raids on Indymedia - June 2002. In the light of yesterdays seizure of Indymedia servers in the UK this if of particular relevance.