UK Newswire Archive
2nd Annual Nuclear Free Future Run
14-07-2004 13:10
We run and walk to bring focus not only on the horror ofnuclear weapons but the damage caused to the Earth by the
production not only of these weapons but also by the use of
nuclear energy.
INVITE: Autonomous During ESF - Organising meeting Sunday 18th July
14-07-2004 13:00
INVITE: Autonomous During ESF - Organising meeting Sunday 18th JulyThe next organising/networking meeting will be held at:
2pm, July 18th
Occupied Social Centre "Ex-Grand Banks"
158 Fortess Road
London Nw5
Activists occupy Australian consular offices over logging
14-07-2004 11:34

14-07-2004 07:30
A Secret Conference Thought to Rule the WorldBy ALAN COWELL and DAVID M. HALBFINGER
Here we go more from the so called conspiracy theorists camp site , you know the ones you all love to hate , right wing anti jewish nutters (or so "THEY" say) no surprise that then that the other 95% of the UK population are quite simply SHEEPLE are still doing what they are supposed to. Bleating widely about shit !!!!
lets all go and protest about the G8 and forget about the real string pullers BILDERBERG !!
14-07-2004 06:04
written by some comrades after the Mayday in DublinAndy Stern and SEIU Offer the Same Worn-Out Policies
14-07-2004 06:02
To Many young activists, SEIU is considered the progressive Union. But, in the last analysis, the policies of SEIU's leadership are no different from those of any other AFL-CIO Union. They fail to take on the employers in a serious way and refuse to break politically with the Democratic Party.Spanking-ban critics offer compromise?
14-07-2004 03:39

But more importantly a partial ban on smacking condones other physical punishment, says experts!
Support Self-Determination for African People!
14-07-2004 03:11

Conference to build a Worldwide African Revolutionary Organization: The African Socialist International
ICJ Condemns Israel's Apartheid Wall
14-07-2004 00:49
The International Court of Justice has ruled in an advisory opinion that the construction of Israel's Apartheid Wall deep in Palestinian territory is illegal and unjustified by military necessity.Building Bridges Radio - The CorporationThe Pathological Pursuit of Profit and P
13-07-2004 20:27
Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Reports presents this 58 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOWSwastika attack woman 'lied'
13-07-2004 19:29
The reported assault follows a rise in anti-Semitic attacksA French woman who alleged she had been the subject of an anti-Semitic attack invented the story, police sources say. Is this an isolated case I wonder ? it seems that some people are prepared to go to any lengths to get the result they want. rather un sporting rather like taking a dive in the penalty area, the original article made a lot of headlines i wonder weather the new twist of events will receive the same level of attention from worlds media manipulators .
Another Blair Whitewash: Butler Report Likely To Be As Bad As Hutton Report
13-07-2004 19:27
It is known that Blair lied with his pre-ar about WMDs and the use of the 45 min claim that he knew to be a manipulation of facts. The only result of these inquiries has been the punishment of the news media for reporting the truth! Don't let Blair get away with this. He is more to blame for the Iraq war than Bush since he went against public opinion while Bush was able to get majority support.There's not enough unemployment
13-07-2004 18:33
This article offers an alternative analysis of the business success story of Greyfriars UK, as reported by North East Tonight (ITV) and the Yorkshire Post.BNP THUG GETS 5 YEAR BAN FROM EVERY TAKEAWAY IN PLYMOUTH
13-07-2004 17:22
A former member of the British National Party who hurled racial abuse at the owner of a fast food outlet has been given a night-time ban from every takeaway in Plymouth for the next five years.The Diallo Incident: One Officers Perspective
13-07-2004 17:01
In the quiet post-midnight hours of February 4, 1999, 41 shots rang out in the entry vestibule of a South Bronx apartment house. Within seconds, a young man laid dead, four policemen standing over his lifeless body.BLAIR RATTLED BY BUTLER.
13-07-2004 16:56
Blair rattled by Butler report as Brown moves in for the kill.Film showing on Strike Action and State Repression in Lebanon - Beirut IMC
13-07-2004 16:05
Strike action and state repression in Lebanon - come and see the film at MarxismBig Brother - Now in our schools??
13-07-2004 15:58
Will Big Brother cameras be introcuded into schools???Rosia Montana: The war for gold is killing people
13-07-2004 15:16
The Mining Company S.C. „R.M. Gold Corporation” offered the amount of 840,000,000 lei to the family physician Florin Georgescu, so that he would leave Rosia Montana . For a year, the largest commune in Romania was left without medical assistance. Many of the local inhabitants claim that doctor Georgescu was paid to leave, because he held certain medical files of patients who had died, or became gravely ill, because of the powerful psychological pressures they were subjected to, for several years, by the mercenaries of the Company.The war for gold has begun to kill people.
Original article at:

Translation courtesy of T.L.
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