UK Newswire Archive
What Swindy did next...
30-03-2003 10:33
After Swindon double deckers got stopped at Fairford 22 March - we marched on with a raft of activities (eg vigil, banner drop, peace campette)and dared also to do some learning...Images from Edinburgh
30-03-2003 10:33

Online protest against Blair, Bush
30-03-2003 10:16
A cyber protest against the White House and 10 Downing continues. Check out the tools available and lend a hand.Pro - zionist arms dealer to be Iraq's new overlord
30-03-2003 09:58
The smouldering craters of liberated Iraq are to be ruled by a US colonial overlord with close ties to the Washington chickenhawks, and Ariel Sharon. He is also a major weapons proliferator.Herr Rumsfelds SCHLAMASSEL ! - NO WAR - Disarm All !
30-03-2003 09:56
Herr Rumsfelds SCHLAMASSEL = Wiesel Rummy with Bush/Nazi connnectionURL:


Hitler made the Bush family stinking rich!
...... Tony Blair is a total imbecile ..........

NO WAR - Disarm All !

Why Didn't You Do Something?
30-03-2003 09:24
One of my earliest memories is of the Nuremberg trials. I remember the black and white TV and my mother explaining to me what had happened to the Jewish people in Europe. As young as I was, I would always ask, "Why didn't you do something?" The answer was that there simply was no way to help, there was nothing we could do.Rectification
30-03-2003 07:22

Russian Intelligence Re Iraq Invasion: 29 March
30-03-2003 06:03
Radio intercepts show that in this attackthe Iraqis shot down a British helicopter. Additionally, two tanks and one APCs were
destroyed by landmines. At least 2 [British] servicemen were killed, around 20 were
wounded and 15 were captured by the Iraqis.
Fear: opium for the masses
30-03-2003 05:50
UN, western governements, arab puppet leaders: they are part of the problem, not the solution.THE FIRST CHICKENHAWK GOES DOWN
30-03-2003 05:45
The resignation of Richard Perle as head of the DefensePolicy Board is a major blow for the Chickenhawks,
and their Clash of Civilizations war,
which must be exploited to the fullest, to STOP THIS WAR!
Review for a minute the significance of Perle's role.
Is Tony Blair Being Blackmailed by Bush?
30-03-2003 04:41
Either Tony Blair is a total imbecile or he is, as he accuses the IRaqi soldiers of doing, "is being forced to fight (alongside Bush) because he has a gun at his head. I smell blackmail.....Why does the Left support the Palestinians
30-03-2003 02:01
Why does the Left support the PalestiniansTaxes of evil
30-03-2003 01:00
Stop paying taxes and organise alternative economies local, regional and then national: reclaim the media and then reclaim the economy.Shut Down the U.S. Economy!
30-03-2003 00:22
Worldwide boycotts of U.S. based corporations will go a long way toward reduction of financing for the Bush regime's terrorist war!GUILTY FOR 9-11: BUSH, RUMSFELD, MYERS
29-03-2003 23:58
GUILTY FOR 9-11: BUSH, RUMSFELD, MYERSIraqi Death Toll Rising Fast!
29-03-2003 23:13