UK Newswire Archive
logic bombs against the city
05-02-2009 08:56
A logic bomb allegedly planted by a former engineer at mortgage finance company Fannie Mae last fall would have decimated all 4,000 servers at the company, causing millions of dollars in damage and shutting down Fannie Mae for a least a week.Save the squat at Topf & Söhne!
05-02-2009 08:41
Entrance to the Topf & Söhne squat in Erfurt, Germany. More photos here. In 2001, a group of antifascist activists connected to the anti-German movement occupied the long-abandoned Topf & Söhne factory grounds in Erfurt, Germany, where the crematoriums for the Nazi death camps were manufactured.Detailed overview of the direct actions at Shannon against the Iraq and Afghan w
05-02-2009 08:37
In every country after February 15th 2003 the anti-war movement was faced with the question of what to do next. In Ireland almost all of the direct action protests were targeted on Shannon airport. More than half dozen successful actions took place, ranging from a large scale breach of the fence in October, to physical attacks on planes as the build up to war escalated. In response to these actions three out of the four airlines using the airport for troop transportation pulled out just before the start of the Iraq war. read moreNew Yorkers March Against Wage Slavery
05-02-2009 08:12
On a chilly Monday morning in midtown Manhattan, demonstrators displayed powerful messages of solidarity with food and retail workers, demanding fair wages and treatment while sending a prominent message to bosses: “You can’t keep the workers down, New York is a union town!”Support for taxes on flights keeps growing
05-02-2009 08:03
It finally seems like we might just be getting through to people - maybe even the hard-working British families the aviation industry likes to blame for their plans to turn Britain into Airstrip One.Revealed: the truth behind Tory support for South-East airport expansion
05-02-2009 07:59
Last week Tory Transport supremo Theresa Villiers admitted in the third runway debate that a Conservative government would not rule out airport expansion in the South-East. This rightly confused many people: if there is no case for expanding Heathrow or Stansted, then where do the Tories want to expand? And why, if they are persuaded that climate change = bad, do they want to expand any at all?Trump;s golf course fuels airport expansion
05-02-2009 07:58
Donald Trump, the American tycoon behind the theme-park golf course set to trash the beautiful Ayrshire coast, has been linked to plans to expand Aberdeen airport. Not content with making a mockery of the Scottish government by ignoring local decision makers (not to mention 9 of the holes being built on a Site of Special Scientific Interest)Barclays has more demos in Birmingham
05-02-2009 04:26

SHAC Demonstrations continue against Barclays branches in Birmingham as today we carried on with our regular protests against them.
Europe-Wide Campaign by HP/EDS Workers Against Job Losses! A Report
05-02-2009 03:04
This protest of course did not get into the capitalist press - because it is about workers of different countries uniting to fight their common capitalist exploiter - and not each other!
For workers to resist global capitalism we need to unite across borders. We don't need more nationalist bullshit - that ties our hands behind our back! Workers of all countries unite!
HLS Electronic Sit In: Make Friday the 13 bad luck for HLS Affiliates
05-02-2009 01:48
sit inDemonstrate with Hackney's Hostel Residents! Sat 7th Feb!
04-02-2009 23:13
DEMONSTRATE WITH HACKNEY'S HIDDEN HOMELESS!Hackney Council has neglected and abandoned their temporary accommodation residents!
Demonstrate for good housing! We want immediate repairs, fair rent and suitable homes!
British jobs for British workers - Green jobs for Green workers?
04-02-2009 23:10
Recession combined with globalization and the weakening of Labour laws in Europe, is providing some employers with the incentive and the means to minimize their wage costs and weaken the bargaining power of organised workers. Recently this has taken the form of subcontracting out work to firms employing workers from abroad which is being opposed by industrial action under the slogan "British jobs for British workers".Japanese Whalers Playing Dangerous Games in the Ross Sea
04-02-2009 23:05
At 0500 Hours Sydney, Australia time on February 4th, the three harpoon vessels of the Japanese whaling fleet literally attacked the Steve Irwin.The Yushin Maru #2 has rejoined the fleet after leaving the area on December 20th with propeller damage. All three harpoon ships moved in to flank the Steve Irwin as the Sea Shepherd ship continued to chase the factory ship Nisshin Maru.
Is economic growth sustainable?
04-02-2009 23:03
The debate surrounding the extent to which the burning of fossil fuels leads to climate change misses a more fundamental point. That is, fossil fuels are an inherently finite resource. This resource is dwindling at an accelerating rate as economies such as those of China and India expand rapidly. Fossil fuels will run out. Maybe not in the next 10, 20 or 30 years but they will run out.A new mobilisation could revitalise politics in the UK - but only if you get inv
04-02-2009 22:52
For the first time in my life I resent paying my taxes. Until now I have seen this annual amputation as a civic duty - like giving blood - necessary to sustain the life of a fair society. Suddenly I see it as an imposition. Its purpose has reverted to that of the middle ages: subsidising the excesses of a parasitic class. A high proportion of the taxes I pay will be used to bail out companies which have used every imaginable ruse to avoid paying any themselves.
Gaza New Siege Mechanism
04-02-2009 22:26

Violence in Sri Lanka
04-02-2009 22:24
The dire and deteriorating human rights situation in Sri Lanka, where hundreds of civilians have reportedly been killed over the past few weeks, including an incident where one hospital was bombed a number of times, has only fleetingly made the news in the UK. However for the many Tamil residents in Lewisham, including many in Ladywell, it is obviously a grave concern, and I know some are still trying to contact friends and relatives to check they are safe.US Sold Phosphorus Shells to Israel
04-02-2009 22:06
The Pine Bluff Arsenal, a United States Army installation in Arkansas, specializes in chemical and biological weapons. The military touts them as the only facility in the Northern Hemisphere which fills white phosphorus munitions. That's the important point here, as it once again ties the US military directly into the Israeli war.Did Thatcher offer ‘the Obama effect’ for women?
04-02-2009 22:00
A recent post about Obama being a role model for black people made me think about Lady Thatcher - the woman outside of her politics - seeking a path to power in context of Barack Obama and his journey to power.