UK Newswire Archive
Bayer Corp. rewards gluttony and sponsors obesity
21-04-2006 12:12
Bayer Corp. rewards gluttony and sponsors obesity“Speed eating competitions contradict everything we know about health and nutrition”
Reclaim the bases: Global Call for Anti-militarist action against war
21-04-2006 11:12
Anti-militarist alternative - MOC, coordination of antimilitarist groupsfrom Spain, is calling for protests, nonviolent direct actions and civil
disobedience at all military bases throughout the world in the next weeks.
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Emergency protest at Nepalese Embassy
21-04-2006 10:46
Nepal is entering the third week of a general strike for democracy and against autocratic rule by the King. We are callling for a picket of the Nepalese Embassy in London on Saturday 29 April, 1pm.Press Release- 209radio is awarded an FM licence for Cambridge
21-04-2006 10:44
Ofcom, the UK Communications Regulator, today awarded 209radio (Cambridge) a 5 year FM Community Radio Licence.As part of the largest roll-out of radio stations seen in Britain, there are now 99 across the country serving local geographic communities and communities of interest. More are to follow in this first round of the process with a second wave soon to start.
LINSEED OIL as antioxidant: is it Science Fraud?
21-04-2006 10:41
In studies of laboratory animals, flaxseed has shown both estrogen-like and anti-estrogenic effects. Although one small pilot study of breast-feeding women showed no adverse effects in infants whose breast-feeding mothers took flaxseed oil, pregnant and breast-feeding women are not advised to use flaxseed or flaxseed oil. Potentially, the unpredictable estrogenic or anti-estrogenic effects may affect developing fetuses and infants. In addition, the possible effects of flaxseed or flaxseed oil on young children have not been studied, so they are not recommended for children under 12 years of age.Women with hormone-dependent conditions such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids, or cancers of the breast, ovaries, or uterus should not take flaxseed products due to possible estrogenic effects. Men with prostate cancer should also avoid taking flaxseed products.
Flaxseed can block the esophagus or parts of the intestinal tract. Therefore individuals who have had esophageal or intestinal blockages should not use flaxseed.
21-04-2006 07:51

- GO AND WITNESS – Thursday, April 20th 2006.
Greece: Anarchists/Leftists clash with fascists at Panteion University
21-04-2006 05:21
Greece: Anarchists/Leftists clash with fascists at Panteion UniversityTokyo Journal writes an interesting article on 9-11
21-04-2006 02:47
Worth reading...this sort of thing has yet to appear in the US press.Understanding the Crisis in Balochistan -- Roundtable Discussion
21-04-2006 01:49
IISS South Asia ProgrammeRound Table Discussion
Senator Sanaullah Baloch
Member, Senate and Information Secretary, Balochistan National Party Pakistan on
The Biggest, Most Successful and Most Dangerous Spin of All
21-04-2006 00:36
What it boils down to, most importantly, is never mentioning the "Z" word in the first place ...Small Victory For 9/11 Truth
21-04-2006 00:34
Yesterday's San Francisco Chronicle 9/11 hit piece by Cinnamon Stillwell has encountered massive backlash from the alternative truth community after it cynically dismissed legitimate concerns about 9/11 and labeled anyone who voiced them as anti-semitic extremists.Police-state abuse - more ASBOtrocities, life terms and a license to frame
21-04-2006 00:28
The fascistic actions of the New Labour tyranny have escalated with a series of attacks including plans to impose lifelong probation requirements on minor offenders released from jail and an attack on compensation for victims of state abuse which amounts to impunity and a license to stitch-up. Meanwhile, evidence from two charities reveals the devastating effects of Nazi ASBOs, which are being "routinely over-used" according to Barnardos, and are demonising and victimising people with learning difficulties according to another charity. It has also been revealed that the Oyster railcard is being used for routine surveillance by the police.The Cost of the Iraq War
20-04-2006 23:48
It's not getting any cheaper and could cost the US over 100 billion this year.White Man Who Speaks with Forked-Tongue
20-04-2006 23:30

Lucerne, Switzerland Becomes a GATS-Free Community
20-04-2006 23:22
Over 80 communities in Switzerland including the three most populous cities have insisted on stopping GATS-liberalization.. In Europe, more than 1000 communities have declared themselves GATS-free zones.Nepalese Embassy Demo for democracy on 25th April
20-04-2006 22:41
The Nepalese people are rising up for democracy and a new constitution, show your support for them in their fight.Please post if you are interested in attending.
2 Registered Sex Offenders Killed in Maine
20-04-2006 21:48

From Lloyds
20-04-2006 21:09
"Court orders Paranagua to end ban on GMOsA federal court has ruled that Brazil’s main grain port of Paranagua must open all of its soya terminals to genetically modified soyabeans, thus ending its ban on genetically modified organisms."
Farnborough town centre – highway closures
20-04-2006 17:40
Taking the lead from a biased report from the Public Inquiry held in January, the Secretary of State has given the go-ahead for road closures to facilitate the unwanted Farnborough town centre redevelopment.