UK Newswire Archive
U.S sponsored Terrorist network busted in Dartford Kent
13-09-2006 13:05

The arrested man, who is a registered gun dealer, was led out under a blanket from his semi-detached house - which has a US flag flying from it - at about 1000 BST.
Power bills soar - Drax investors get £326m
13-09-2006 12:28
Reported in yesterday's Evening Standard, 12/9/06.Nestlé at the TUC - protests in the Philippines and Japan
13-09-2006 12:23

Blind Flight by Noam Chomsky
13-09-2006 12:14
The incompetence of the Bush planners has led to a catastrophe in Iraq. The US administration may face a nightmare, a loose Shiite alliance that independent of Washington controls the greatest energy supply in the world and in the worst case builds close ties to the Shanghai group.Thousands of Liverpool kids living in squalid conditions
13-09-2006 11:58
Whilst millions pour into the city centre developments, making the city nicer for those with money - most of the lives of most residents is getting worse.Consultants ripping off NHS
13-09-2006 11:54
Whilst the queues and treatment at the NHSS gets worse, they are still paying useless consultants a fortuneRevista Speak Up!! See link:- Revista Speak Up!! Non-Violent Communication
13-09-2006 11:03
Non-Violent CommunicationAlgo que pode ser útil tanto para civilizar a rivalidade entre israelenses e
palestinos quanto para ajudar pais a educarem seus filhos com menos
transtornos: Speak Up entrevistou com exclusividade o criador da Comunicação
Can you believe that Israelis and Palestinians, Arabs and Americans, and
even parents and children are learning to get along better(1)?
drax aims to cleanup act (courtesy of daily express 13/09/06)
13-09-2006 09:52
the latest news from europes biggest COAL-fired power stationChalk4Peace represents a new direction in activism. It requires no
13-09-2006 09:01

central organisation other than the communication of the idea and
what YOU as an individual organise in your community. It is moved
forward by the enthusiasm of those who are touched by the concept
Another Political Prisoner Murdered in Iran
13-09-2006 08:30
A second political prisoner in Iran is murdered and the world stays silent.'Path to 9/11' Obscures Real Terror Network
13-09-2006 08:15
Thankfully, the “docudrama,” the Path to 9/11, thought to be a documentary by some people—likely to the glee of neocons, especially former Marxist David Horowitz—has come and gone, or at least half of it has. Now we are roiling in the political aftermath.In order to make a long and tedious story short, it appears Horowitz had a guiding hand in the production of the eminently forgettable miniseries, consisting basically of little more than prolonged and orgiastic Clinton bashing.
Open Letter to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
13-09-2006 07:56

Guns seized in Kent
13-09-2006 07:47
Sounds like the police will be on the doorstep of several western arms manufacturers...HOW WE EVALUATE THE DEAD AFTER 9/11/01:
13-09-2006 07:39
HOW WE EVALUATE THE DEAD AFTER 9/11/01:After watching the fifth memorial service for those killed on September 11, 2001 and the televised diffusion of the service around the world one might come to the conclusion the lives of these 3,000 victims must be more precious than the lives of millions killed by far more horrendous massacres. Few of these other mass killings are ever commemorated with such emotion, with the exception of the holocaust.
The Anglo-American empire’s 9/11 atrocity: criminality’s zenith
13-09-2006 07:24
To accept any aspect of the US government’s account of 9/11, whether it is the brutal deceptions of the Bush administration (and the equally complicit neoliberal faction of the US elite), the limited hangout and cover-up of the 9/11 commission, or any of the incoherent “anti-conspiracy” ramblings of Left progressive “intellectuals," is to condone murder, and the absolute rule of criminals.Disturbing Implications: Something in the Air
13-09-2006 04:55
‘Siberia and today’s arctic regions of Canada will be the future breadbaskets of the world.’ I read this forecast in the sixties and immediately scoffed at the prediction. The guy who made these predictions is either nuts, a charlatan, or both, I thought. The regions referred to are renowned for their permafrost, and aside from some mosses, lichens and ‘summer’ grasses, there is no way those areas could yield a viable supply of food for “the world” – that was then!9/11 Rooftop occupation - St Paul's Cathedral video
13-09-2006 02:03

SOCPA - finally some good news!
12-09-2006 23:26

Take Action to Support Striking South African Cleaners!
12-09-2006 21:12
Hold Multinational Corporations Accountable for Cleaners’ Poverty Wages!On September 13th, cleaners and supporters in New York, London, Hamburg,
Sao Paolo, the Hague, Sydney, Chicago, Boston and other cities will take
action to support South African office cleaners who have been on strike
for more than one month.