UK Newswire Archive
Towards an Economy of Plunder
21-06-2010 14:15
"Towards an Economy of PlunderThe US media, in chorus, has upheld the "recent discovery" of Afghanistan's mineral wealth as "a solution" to the development of the country's war torn economy as well as a means to eliminating poverty. The 2001 US-NATO invasion and occupation has set the stage for their appropriation by Western mining and energy conglomerates.
The war on Afghanistan is a profit driven "resource war."
Demo Against Foie Gras - Healds Hall Hotel - Friday 25th
21-06-2010 13:20
STOP THE FOIE GRAS INDUSTRY!(Leeds area) For an Antifascist coalition
21-06-2010 12:54
a call-out for an anti-fascis aciton coalition to oppose the EDL and other racist/fascist groups in the regionLondon Campaign Against the Arms Trade Stop the Arms Trade Week Action
21-06-2010 10:54

The EDL & A ‘Different’ Kind of Racism by ‘Malatesta’
21-06-2010 09:29
Why is the EDL like a hedgehog? Because although they’re small they’re still a pest and full of pricks.Open Letter To The British Government Regarding The Gaza Flotilla
21-06-2010 05:51
Mr Vidler,Your response to my email is shocking and apalling. Given that we each must take responsibility for what we do, even when done on behalf of others, I would go so far as to say that your action in writing it, even on behalf of your government calls into question your personal integrity. I will not so much as extend the polite courtesy of thanking you for response as this perhaps also is a matter of personal integrity. The rest of this correspondence is addressed to the other recipients referred to above and the government generally.
Another normal quiet weekend in London town
21-06-2010 02:39
Cor blimey! that was another boring weekend!Street raves in Shoredtich, and looney Socialist Workers in Whitechapel causing more problems than the EDL ever could.
anti-EDL banner drop in whitechapel
20-06-2010 22:22
"EDL - go to hell" banner hung from roof of London hospital this afternoon in response to recent EDL threats in the whitechapel area
after trying various buildings, two brave anti-fascist acitivists found their way up on the the royal london hospital to drop their banner. it was well-received by the local community, and despite a heavy police presence in the area there were no arrests and the banner and activists made it home safely.
Demonstration against Armed Forces Day in Edinburgh this Saturday???
20-06-2010 19:24
UK Armed forces day 2010 will be celebrated in Edinburgh on Saturday the 26th June. This is a statist celebration of militarism and attempt to make the military seem like a more benign institution and increase support for the ongoing conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq. It will also be used as an oppurtunity to callously recruit young people without job prospects into the military.
Full article | 1 addition | 18 comments
EDL in whitechapel area today too
20-06-2010 18:41
some EDL went over to whitechapel this afternoon after their racist get together in the edgware roadIran hangs Jundallah leader Abdolmalek Rigi
20-06-2010 17:56

Edinburgh Budget Day Protest
20-06-2010 16:32
Rally 6pm at the Mound, Edinburgh
March to Charlotte Square
Stop Vivisection In Sheffield! Photos of yesterday's march
20-06-2010 14:38

Turkish Air force attack ' killed ' Three and wounded several Kurdish citizen
20-06-2010 11:55

Yesterday 8 pm, Turkish air forces has bombarded the [Sidikan, Arbil province] .
Due to heavy bombarding villages one young girl killed and several others including children wounded.
Lewes Road Community Gardeners in Court Tomorrow (21st June)
20-06-2010 10:24
Lewes Road Community Garden is facing eviction to make way for a Tesco and betting shop. Come down and support the gardeners and put communities before corporations, people before profits. Demo at 9am on Monday 21 June outside Brighton County Court, William St, (just down from Magistrates Court) Brighton. Court hearing starts at 10am.Urgent! EDL racists are at the London Metropole Hotel 225 Edgeware Rd W2
20-06-2010 10:12

Combat Stress: PTSD & the Family
20-06-2010 09:33
A public meeting on the affects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and the impact it has upon the wider family unit.Will a wildlife crime be committed?
20-06-2010 08:35
North Hinksey Parish Council are carrying out unecessary work on a lovely bit of woodland, despite local opposition.Flotilla assault serves to isolate Israel
20-06-2010 07:23
Israel's brutal nature is comprehensibly evident to everyone. The independent nations of the world in Asia, Africa and Latin America know well that Israel's existence is blended with inhumanity and violence.
Even the ordinary people in the Northern America and Europe are well aware of the fact that Israel is an insane and vicious regime; it's only their respective governments who refuse to submit to the reality of Israel and believe that this rogue state does not benefit the international community in any way.