UK Newswire Archive
21-08-2002 09:22
Over 100 progressive organisations in the United States have come together to organise a national day of solidarity with Colombia next month. The main aim of the protest is to call for an end to US military aid to the Colombian security forces.DU Info bulletin no 55
21-08-2002 07:58
Regular update on depleted uranium weapons and nuclear issuesArgentina- Asamblea Popular Anfiteatro la Floresta
21-08-2002 04:53

From Freedom, 10th August - Recollections of Albert
21-08-2002 01:29
John Patten remembers an outstanding activistSupport for Ahmed - anglo french picnic
21-08-2002 00:25
In support of Ahmed Menguini, who is in trial on August 20th in Strasbourg because he exercised his right to free expression during a demo of the bordercamp, an anglo-french panel picnic was held in LondonCall for world solidarity with the five Cuban heroes
20-08-2002 22:33
• Latin American and Caribbean brigade demand the release of Gerardo, René, Antonio, Ramón and FernandoSelfridges demo
20-08-2002 18:46

20-08-2002 18:21

We are really stupid to believe the US Administration ongoing big noise about Saddam and his weapon of Mass destruction.
The Israeli who made up Saddam with the help of the British and the American Intelligence Services. A yes man with only one authorized signature in Iraq and that of course can easily follow instruction and demands of the Israeli, the American and the British.
NO LOGO, scientific explained!!!
20-08-2002 17:29
New scientific research, published in the academic journal Brain and Language, suggests familiar brand names have their own unique impact on the human brain. In an experiment carried out on 48 American students and published in August this year, psychologists at California University found brand names like ‘sony’ and ‘compaq’ had a special neuropsychological status in the part of the brain they trigger.Selfridges Demo
20-08-2002 17:18
11 minute film of recent demo held outside Selfridges to protest against their stocking of goods produced in the Israeli occupied territoriesDissidents seize Iraqi embassy
20-08-2002 15:37
Iraqi dissidents have occupied the country's embassy in the German capital, Berlin, and taken a number of hostages, German police say.RTS DUBLIN STICKERS
20-08-2002 15:29

Hope to see you there!
(article 1)
Western Planes Strike Air Defense Site in Iraq
20-08-2002 15:25
U.S. and British fighter jets bombed an air defense command and control facility about 120 miles southeast of Baghdad around 1:40 a.m. EDT on Tuesday, the U.S. Central Command said in a statement. This raid was the 28th this year by British and American warplanes.Police spread missinformation for biotech scum
20-08-2002 15:21
Police correct earlier 'mistake' regarding whether GM protesters had targetted the correct crop for decontamination.US assumes UK help in Iraq, says general
20-08-2002 15:09
British support for military action against Iraq is taken for granted in the US, a leading American general said today. Opposition to war from inside Labour's ranks and elsewhere "does make the press", said General Wesley Clark, former Nato supreme allied commander.Reclaim The Streets Ireland PARTY INVITE
20-08-2002 15:07

After the events of May 6th we need as many partyers on the street to show WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO PARTY (article 1)
nike naked greed and other london anti-sweatshop stuff
20-08-2002 13:08
We've produced some six foot by two foot posters on "nike: naked greed" to subvertise Nike's latest ad billboards, and done some stickers on the same theme. Also details of latest anti-sweatshop activity in London.Campaign to Twin Tower Hamlets with Jenin
20-08-2002 12:55
Update on campaign to twin Tower Hamlets with Jenin