UK Newswire Archive
Oppose the Marshall UK Beagle Factory!
20-04-2011 11:44
URGENT: OPPOSE THE MARSHALL UK BEAGLE FACTORYNew York-based Marshall Farms purchased UK vivisection breeder B&K Universal
from the Bantin family a number of years back. The site was cleared of all
animals and breeding stock and has remained empty for over a year - until now.
UG#544 - Living Arrangements Beyond Nation States
20-04-2011 10:00

Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Report from Bradley Manning event Sun 17 April
20-04-2011 09:03

May 7: A Bristol Anarchist Ball
19-04-2011 21:30

Administrate This! 19th April
19-04-2011 20:24
From 18th-20th April, the University of Nottingham hosted a meeting of the Association of University Administrators. Minister for Universities David Willetts was to attend, but had dropped out in advance. In response, Nottingham Students Against Fees and Cuts organised a protest.
With Willetts withdrawal and the fact that the event took place during the university's spring break meant that the turnout was not astonishing.
Protesters formed up next to the Lakeside Arts Centre, before marching through campus to the East Midlands Conference Centre where the meeting was taking place.
Security kept a low profile, only appearing just as students were marching up to the conference centre.
The conference attendees were not dressed in expensive suits and looked to be a mix of general university admin staff. They seemed bemused by the whole spectacle.
University security filmed the protesters apparently looking for specific personalities.
After around 10 minutes, protesters marched off to the Downs where a series of workshops had been planned.
Protesters discussed privilege and oppression within society in small groups and then began a broader discussion covering the impact of cuts on women, education cuts, academies and strategy.
In the evening, protesters planned to set up a "tent city." Unfortunately, I had other things to do and had to leave so I can't comment on how well this went.
faslane and beyond
19-04-2011 20:23
Our first public event in the grand re-opening (the spring greening) was a huge success. With around 30 people over the weekend (some who stayed for the week and are returning) we managed to surpass our targets for regenerating the gardens and even created a few new gardens. On top of that we now have a few more people who have joined the new blossoming peace camp community.Tahrir
19-04-2011 20:22
The sound of Revolution!!! and Celebration!!!
Tahrir Square Cairo kicks off and the Mubarak regime is swept from power!
A shining example of people power
Climate Camp London targets BP sponsorship of National Maritime Museum
19-04-2011 19:44
Climate Camp London set up a mini camp in Greenwich Park to target BP sponsorship of the NMM and the Olympics.Palestine Today 04 19 2011
19-04-2011 15:35

It's Official - UK Coal PLC's debts now £242m
19-04-2011 14:31
The Minorca Opencast Protest Group, in it's latest press release, again makes clear the need for a Banker's Guarantee to cover the proposed community benefits in case Leicestershire County Council grant planning permission for an opencast mine on the Minorca site in Leicestershire. This is because the company concerned has slipped even further into debt.
"Big increase in UK Coal’s debt mountain reinforces the need for a Banker’s Guarantee for proposed Minorca Opencast development".
The latest preliminary set of results from UK Coal plc released today show a significant increase in the level of debt that the Company owes when comparing the results from 2009 with 2010. Then, the Company lost £127m and at the end of 2009 the total level of debt stood at £181.9m. In the last year the Company racked up another loss of £125m and the total level of debt increased to £242m
Two areas of activity contributed to the losses. The Deep Mines continue to be a drain on the Group’s financial resources, recording another loss of £41.6m, whilst the property arm Harworth Estates activities resulted in a decline of property values which contributed another £33.1m, an increase in losses on property compared with last year (£24.5m). The only area to make any profit seems to be Opencast Mining where a profit of £400,000 is stated, but this is less than the £1.9m recorded for 2009.
The Minorca Opencast Protest Group (MOPG), in lodging its objections to UK Coal’s Minorca Application has already alerted Leicestershire County Council (LCC) to UK Coal’s weak financial position. They, in conjunction with Measham Parish Council had already asked that if LCC were to grant planning permission, then a separate condition for a Bankers Guarantee to cover the cost of a proposed £150,00 Community Fund and the estimated cost of up to £2.5m to restore a section of the Ashby Canal be included in the set of conditions attached to the granting of planning permission.
Now the Company, in publishing these preliminary results, has revealed that its financial position is going from bad to worse, thus reinforcing the advice already given to LCC by MOPG and Measham Parish Council to attach the Bankers Guarantee condition to the set of conditions that LCC would apply to the approval of permission to mine at Minorca.
UK Coal plc submitted a planning application for an opencast mine on the Minorca site between Measham and Swepstone in July 2009. No date has yet been set by LCC to determine the planning application.
The Minorca Opencast Protest Group was formed in 2008, specifically to oppose this planning application.
Terry Morrell, MOPG Chairperson and Press Officer said
“It is now more important than ever that people wake up to the risks associated with UK Coal gaining planning permission to mine Minorca’s coal. These latest results from UK Coal plc show that the Company’s financial health is going from bad to worse. Its level debt in one year has shot up from nearly £182m in 2009 to £242m in 2010, an increase of 33%. This level of debt would have been much greater if the Company had not sold part of its landholdings and realised £24m to pay down its debt levels.
However you can only sell land once. Without these sales the annual loss would have been nearer to £148m than £125m. The Company’s three remaining deep coal mines keep running at a loss and now the company is losing money on its property arm on an annual basis.
The Minorca Opencast Protest Group therefore reiterates that without the Banker’s Guarantee being attached by Leicestershire County Council to the planning conditions, if the Council are so minded to grant planning permission , that the risk the local communities face of not having a Community Fund or the Ashby Canal restored have increased rather than lesson since MOPG first raised this issue.
It would be far better for all concerned if Leicester County Council refused to grant planning permission.”
All figures used in this press release are based on data from UK Coal PLC’s own web site:
UK Coal PLC Final Results (2010)
UK Coal plc Annual Financial Report (2010)
Published 19/4/11 @
tel 01530 810319 or 07988697554
UK Coal PLC - It's level of debt keeps growing
19-04-2011 14:16
The Minorca Opencast Protest Group, in it's latest press release, again makes clear the need for a Banker's Guarantee to cover the proposed community benefits in case Leicestershire County Council grant planning permission for an opencast mine on the Minorca site in Leicestershire. This is because the company concerned has slipped even further into debt.G4S van set on fire
19-04-2011 13:26
In the early hours of this morning a G4S vehicle was set on fire in North Nottingham. A container of petrol was poured on the bonnet and a match was tossed. As we fled the scene we remembered our friends who have been detained, deported, tortured and murdered by Group 4.
This was not an act of bravery, nor was it enough to avenge all those who have who have been tormented by the prison machine. It was however a sign of our intent. A sign that we will not accept this society as the way things have to be.
The struggle against social control is something we must participate in, and to do that we must attack those that participate in the maintenance of society. Whether these attacks are large or small they are what we must do to stay true to ourselves and our desire for a society without domination.
G4S have profited, and will continue to profit from the a prison society which is an attack on the marginalised, the working class, the "non-white", in fact on all of us who are not part of the elite. So Fuck G4S, fuck all those who seek to, or profit from the imprisonment of our friends, the oppression of our families and the attempt to control us. We will not be controlled, we will attack again and again, because we are filled with love, compassion and pure unadulterated rage.
This action was in solidarity with the 14 Chiliean Anarchists who were arrested on the 14th of August last year, because solidarity is our weapon.
Climate Renegades at the Festivals: We need YOU to get involved!
19-04-2011 13:19

Beyond Retro v CAFT injunction hearing 18th April
19-04-2011 11:31
"Lonely ratfaced misery zombies yelling about fur" left their learned friend TLC rather displeased in the High Court - we wonder, will this madness ever end Your Lordship?!OffMarket has moved!
19-04-2011 11:27
We, the OffMarket collective, take disused buildings and turn them into open resources. OffMarket has just moved location - now at 121 Lower Clapton Road E5 0NP. People have been busy making the building useable and it's now up and running, packed with events and regular activities! If you want to help out / get involved pop by when you can or give us a call on 077 0627 9299.
Offmarket is a collective that squats empty building (only shop fronts until now) in Hackney.
The aims of the collective are to promote and defend squatting and try and link with local and broader struggles.
In practice, the squatted spaces are used for a freeshop where people can bring what they don't need anymore and take what they like/need, a library/reading space, info and skillsharing about squatting, lots of free regular activities and workshops, space available for meetings/discussion groups, infonights and film nights, establishing links between the collective/space and struggles like the anti-cuts movement or gentrification.
An ex-Christian bookshop was occupied since January on 111 Lower Clapton road, but we were evicted on April fool's day! so we moved few doors up to 121 Lower Clapton rd, E5 0NP, an even better and bigger space. This used to be an estate agency but has been empty for more than 5 years!
We welcome any contribution, this is a collective project that always needs more people ; whether it's sorting the freeshop, occupying the building or building shelves, come get involved! If you are able to give a helping hand at all please pop by when you can or call us on 077 0627 9299. You can also come to our open meeting every monday at 7pm, to meet us and check out the space.
FreeShop / Library Opening Hours: Mondays 12 - 6pm, Tuesdays 12 - 8pm and Sundays 12 - 6pm.
For the rest of the activities, see below
The collective started organising into different action groups, if you are interested in joining any of them, here are when they meet:
Gardening : Mondays 2-4pm
Bike workshop : Tuesdays 3-6pm
Practical Squatters : 1st and 3rd Tuesday in the month 4-6pm
Freezone : Wednesdays midday-2pm
Library : Thursdays 2pm
Zine : Thursday 28th April 7pm
There is a weekly newsletter that includes all our activities and special events, that you can subscribe to by going there:
ACCESSIBILITY: We will shortly be putting up full information about the new building. Events will generally be taking place on the ground floor (except the bicycle workshop) and we are trying to make the freeshop accessible. The toilet is in a large room but down a narrow hallway so probably not wheelchair accessible. If you have any comments, advice or queries please contact us!
We have a wish list that includes
- a hoover
- a washing machine
- soap / cleaning products
- soya milk
- toilet roll
- food
- selotape / gaffa tape / blue tac / glue
- ink cartridges for printer
- towels
- seeds
- bike stuff
This is our contact details:
offmarket [at]
121 Lower Clapton rd E5 0NP
077 0627 9299
/////// FUTURE EVENTS ////////
## OCCUPATION HAS NO FUTURE / Thursday 28th April, 7pm ##
A new documentary from Upheaval Productions that studies Israeli militarism, examines the occupation of the West Bank and explores the work of Israelis and Palestinians organising against militarism and occupation. Featuring Interviews with: IDF soldiers, Israeli conscientious objectors and Palestinian grassroots organisers.
## OFFMARKET CAFE!! / Friday 6th May 6-11pm ##
Our first cafe, hopefully it will be a fortnightly event. We'll have yummy vegan food on donation and we will watch an episode of "Survivors", an awesome BBC TV series from the 70s, about life in the UK after a major virus plague killed most of the humans on earth!! It's a program about people trying to (re)build collectives and communities from scratch, and we only look at it as an interesting starting point for a discussion on these issues.
## NELSN SOCIAL / Saturday 7th May 7-10pm ##
Squatters from North East London getting together, socialising, supporting each other and sharing food!
## THE FLIP SIDE: WHEN SEX IS NOT OK / Saturday 7th May, 3-5pm ##
This group is for people who?ve had not-okay sexual experiences. That means people who?ve felt unsafe, unable to say no, threatened, misled, or pressured into something, and also anyone who?s been sexually abused or assaulted at any point in their life, regardless of who it was or how much they remember. It also includes people who?ve experienced distressing emotions or states of mind during sex ? which might mean feeling dirty, guilty or ashamed; having flashbacks; or disassociating. The group will meet once a week for six weeks, and we ask participants for [near] full attendance at all the sessions, in order to foster trust and build a safer space. The purpose of the group is to use our personal experiences to brainstorm strategies for navigating these situations and emotions, in order to devise safer and more sustainable ways to manage them. If you are interested in participating, please email us back at:
## QUEER FILM NIGHT / Friday 13th May 7pm ##
More details later
/////// REGULAR ACTIVITIES /////////
All our activities are free
++ MONDAY, 10-12noon ++
Self Defense Skillshare:
Have some tips for self defence or want to learn? Come along to this weekly skill share! Open to all ages, genders and abilities
++ MONDAY, 2-4pm ++
Gardening and Herbalism Skillshare:
Each week we will be focusing on a different plant!
25th April:
- collecting compost
- looking at relevant zines / books to plan a monthly discussion group
- planting things in hanging baskets
Future plant focus sessions; 2nd May: Sage / 9th May: Dandelion / 16th May: Skullcap / 23rd May: Elderflower / 30th May: Willow Bark
++ MONDAY, 7pm ++
Open Meeting : see the space, propose an event, get involved.
++ TUESDAY, 3-6pm ++
Bike fixing workshop
++ FIRST AND THIRD TUESDAY of the month, 7-8pm ++
Practical Squatting Evening:
Meet other people to squat with, get practical advice on squatting, and much more!
++ WEDNESDAY, 8-10.30pm ++
Clowning workshop
++ THURSDAY, 10:30-13:30 ++
Alternative therapies:
Indian Head Massage, Reflexology, Reiki, Auricular Acupuncture, Nutritional Advice, Relaxation/Visualization Techniques. If you are coming for the first time please try to be there by 10.30am, after that you can make an appointment. If you have any questions you can call Francesca on 07763529772.
++ THURSDAY, 2pm-5.30pm ++
Free Writing and Spoken English Assistance:
Free proofreading drop-in session and assistance with spelling, grammar, and punctuation; for any document, including essays, articles and applications up to post-graduate level. Time will be evenly distributed between those who require assistance. NB. Please come with prepared material to edit. You are also welcome to attend if you wish to learn or improve on your spoken English. Please get in touch if you could help with the above.
++ FIRST THURSDAY of the month, 7-9pm ++
Hackney and East London Creative Writing Circle:
We are a group of people who meet regularly to share our creative writing - all forms, all flavours, all levels - for comment, critique, motivation and inspiration. The group is open to anyone who wants to write, from beginners to advanced writers. Contact: iris:
++ EVERY OTHER FRIDAY, 6-11pm ++
Offmarket Cafe:
First will be Friday 6th May. Fortnightly cafe, yummy vegan food on donation and we will watch an episode of "Survivors", an awesome BBC TV series from the 70s, about life in the UK after a major virus plague killed most of the humans on earth!
++ FIRST SATURDAY of the month, 7-10pm ++
NELSN social:
Squatters from North East London getting together, socialising, supporting each other and sharing food!
++ SUNDAY, 6-7pm ++
French conversation sessions.
//We would like to expand this to include other languages, especially english for beginners, so please get in touch if you could help//
++ SUNDAY, 7.30-9pm ++
Life drawing sessions.