UK Newswire Archive
We broke open Breaky Bottom!
14-06-2010 18:05
A bunch of walkers from as far away as Dorset and the Chilterns walkedthe forbidden Access Land site of Breaky Bottom farm and vineyard, near
Rodmell, East Sussex, on Saturday.
Titnore developers back down
14-06-2010 17:57
MORE good news in the battle to Save Titnore Woods!The SOOT art
14-06-2010 17:23
The SOOT art exhibition will launch tomorrow at 2.30pm at Blackfriars Community Rooms,Coinyie House Close Gardens
(access through gates from South Grays Close or New Skinners Close, off Blackfriars St)
The exhibition will be on during the Old Town Festival which was launched today at Riddles Court
Our exhibition includes banners produced by SOOT and Space 44,
junk art/mask stuff,
A study of uses for the New St gapsite- workshop with students from ECA,
Posters created by the community
Photographic studies of people around the Old town,
A display of the Reggio Emillia approach to learning
And a display of the development of theCoinyie House Close gardens where residents have recently completed a major environmentlal improvements project.
community news and events in and around Bristol & St Pauls
14-06-2010 16:22
loads of community news and events in and around Bristol & St Pauls1. PATH Work Shadowing Project offers young people and adults the
opportunity to spend time in a primary classroom and to observe and take
part in learning and teaching activities. We hope this inspires people
to consider teaching as a real career option for themselves. The
placement will last for one week or one week equivalent and participants
will join the relevant organisation and engage in a range of
To prepare participants for the work shadowing experience they will
attend 14 hours training sessions over two and a half days at the
Frenchay site at UWE. These sessions are designed to help participants
maximise the benefits from their shadowing experience and to introduce
them to some of the key issues relevant to teaching.
The 14 hours training will be divided into three parts. Each is planned
to focus on different aspects of the work shadowing experience and to
prepare some activities that they could undertake in their placement.
These sessions are fun, participatory and engage students fully in the
project so they bring that enthusiasm to their placement.
They will be required to present a portfolio of their work shadowing
experience and there will be a conference to share the outcome of the
whole experience. Parents and all participating schools will be invited
to the conference and there will be BME role models, workshops for
parents, educators and young people.
Please let me know of anyone in your organisation who would be willing
to take part in this course. Transport and childcare for children under
5 years is available. For additional information please contact:
Lilleith Morrison
Project Coordinator/Liaison Support Officer
Tel: 01173282248
2. Call for Entries PORTENTS - A city-wide project in partnership with
the Pierian Centre and John Easterby
This project will see the transformation of one of Bristol’s most
famous public spaces into an extraordinary ‘tent city’. For a period
of 10 days from Saturday September 18th - Sunday September 26th , over
fifty tents, printed with artwork by the people of Bristol will stand in
College Green as united testament to the diversity of the population of
the city. Seen around the world, the ‘tent city‘ symbolises
sanctuary and security - often from conflict or crisis. This tent city
will acknowledge the many people around the world who have been forced
into refugee status and act as a metaphor and statement of Bristol’s
rich cultural diversity.
Citizens of Bristol from all walks of life are invited to join a unique
and high profile participatory art project that will celebrate the
cultural diversity of this city and give a voice to people from all
parts of society. When the project is complete, artwork from fifty
different communities, districts, schools and marginalised,
disadvantaged or excluded groups will be presented as one, in a huge
public installation that will be seen by people in their hundreds of
The theme of this project is ‘Home, Histories and Hope’ and with
one or all of these words in mind we invite individuals or groups to
consider their own realities and experiences and translate their ideas
into a work of art.
Format: Each selected artist or group will have two rectangular panels
of 2000mm x 1500mm to show their work. All work should be produced to
this scale so that the original artwork can be scanned before it is
digitally printed for display.
Who can enter?
The project invites artists and communities from across Bristol to join
this project. Our aim is to embrace as many sectors of Bristolian
society as possible to create a truly democratic representation of the
many different people that make such a vital contribution to the city.
The selection process for the exhibition will aim to reflect this
objective but submissions that do not make it through to the final
exhibition will form part of a broader on-line version of the project.
How to enter:
In the first instance contact us with your expression of interest to be
sent to: June Burrough Tel 0117 9244512
Deadline for expressions of interest Friday June 18th 2010:
3. Introduction to Board Membership course - running Thursday 24th -
Friday 25th June 2010.
Many Housing Associations are being invited to be members of their
RSL Board, but don't feel confident enough to do so. You may have
been involved with tenant issues for some years, but still be unclear
exactly what will be expected of you if you do become a Board Member.
The course includes: -
* The extent of the Board Member's role
* Legal responsibilities of being a company director and the
structure of the companies
* Getting to grips with governance issues
* Ensuring your voice is heard
* Understanding the detail
* Improving your own skills to manage your new role
This course is funded by the Tenant Services Authority and is therefore
free to tenants and residents of Registered Social
Please can you get in touch as soon as possible on 01244 300246 or if you would like to book.
4. Annual Lecture in Public Theology - at BRISTOL CATHEDRAL
‘God and Social Cohesion’ The Revd Canon Dr Alan Billings Annual
Lecture in Public Theology 6.00pm for 6.30pm Tuesday June 15th 2010,
The Cathedral Chapter House
Bristol Cathedral continues to express and explore faith and public
life with this year’s Lecture in Public Theology. Government,
national and local, currently sets policy towards ‘community
cohesion’ in a pivotal place.
You are invited to be present when Dr Billings asks, “Does religion,
and Christianity in particular, have a role to play in making
contemporary Britain a cohesive society? Does religious pluralism only
lead to fragmentation and conflict? The British National Party claims to
speak for Christian Britain. There is an ongoing threat of Islamic
terrorism. There are some urgent questions that lie behind the debate on
what it means now to be British and these will be explored in this
We look forward to welcoming you to the Cathedral on 15th June. Choral
Evensong is at 5.15pm and you might like to join with that prior to the
drinks reception at This event will also be an opportunity to
meet the new Dean of Bristol, the Very Revd David Hoyle, who will have
joined us just a few days earlier.
Please RSVP to:
5. Free courses to support parents in Bristol - Parents and other
carers play a crucial role in helping children reach their full
potential. But bringing up children is not an easy job and three
quarters of parents say there are times when they would like more advice
and support on being a parent.
The parenting support team at Bristol City Council is offering free
courses at venues across the city to help parents take a positive
approach. The parenting courses are aimed at parents of school age
children, or teenagers. They are designed to strengthen parenting skills
by encouraging co-operation between parents and children and giving
parents ideas and skills for dealing with difficult behaviour.
Topics covered include:
- The benefits of giving children positive attention
- Setting boundaries
- Problem solving
- How to praise and reward to get better behaviour
- Communication skills
- Discipline
- Family survival tips
To find out more about parenting courses, or to book a place on a
course, call the parent support team on 0117 903 9758.
Community Activities
the Pierian Centre will be 8 years old! Apart from a sense that it is
something of a miracle to have arrived at our 8th Birthday, it is very
unusual for this date to fall outside of Refugee Week! In fact the next
time this is likely to happen is 2021 when we will be 19 years old!!
So we have decided to have a little party to mark the day, and invite
everyone who has ever been part of making the Pierian Centre the
success, which it is - that’s actually rather a lot of you! Please
come and join us on Monday 21st June from 7pm - 10pm in a gentle evening
of reminiscence, celebration and to ponder with us where we go next.
I do hope that you can join us, and we would be grateful if people
could bring a SMALL!! Contribution of either something to drink or a
little morsel to eat or a musical contribution or a poem, or anything
else you fancy!!, to help the evening along.
Please RSVP!! As we will need to know numbers - and let us know what
you might be able to bring along so that we can have a bit of a plan!
We look forward to welcoming you here for a special moment in our
2. ReStaged Urban Youth Dance Platform - Featuring Jukebox Juniors,
Thursday 24 June, 7pm, Colston Hall, Tickets £4 / £2.50 under 18s, Box
Office: 0117 0117 922 3686
Bristol is burtsing at the seams with talented young dancers….and here
is your chance to see the best! Following on from the popularity of
Bristol’s Hip City dance competitions, ReStaged showcase sees the
city’s best young urban dancers performing for places on the Dance
Stage at Harbourside Festival.
Featuring Hype Dance Company, Angels, ID Company, D Streets, Funk it
Up, Rock Tha Beats, ReStaged schools and more, the showcase draws on the
city’s dance talent from ages 7 - 24 years. It is also your last
chance to see Champloo Youth Crews winning performance and wave them
good luck, before they head off to represent the South West region at
Youth Dance England’s U Dance National Platform.
Our very special guest performers are the inordinantly talented and
inspiring Jukebox Juniors, runners up on Sky Tv’s ‘Got To Dance’ ,
UK hip hop champions from 2005 - ’08 and World Hip Hop Bronze
medallists. Strictly unmissable!
The event is mc’d by the dance world’s very own Yoshi, leading
light of the Jam! dance collective and unifying force of Bristol’s
urban dance scene.
This showcase forms part of the city’s ReStaged Urban Dance
Programme, which provides after school classes, accreditation and
progression pathways for young dancers.
The ReStaged programme is funded by NHS Change 4 Life, Bristol City
Council, City Academy SSP, Dance South West and Youth Dance England.
For information and photos please contact
3. Neighbourhood Postcard Project - The Bristol Museum Service warmly
invites you to a celebration of the Neighbourhood Postcard Project. The
project will feature in Brtistol’s new museum ‘M Shed’. We are
inviting everyone who took part in the project, as well as anyone who
has an interest in their neghbourhood, to come along to this special
event. We would particularly like you to bring your friends and family
(up to 3 people)
Date: Wednesday, 7th July 2010
Time: 12.00 midday - 3.30pm (free lunch and refreshments (if you have
any dietary requirements or access needs, please let us know)
Location: The Watershed, 1 Canon’s Road, Harbourside, Bristol BS1
If you would like to attend, or would like more information please
Bristol Activities and General Information
1. Bike Based Carnival - Neighbourhood Arts are delighted to be teaming
up with Cycling City to be offering the UK's First Bike Based Carnival
on the 19th September, and we would love for you to get involved
We would like to invite you to enter sections into the carnival
procession, Decorate bikes, decorate yourselves, individual or groups,
build a bike float, pedal power sound, create a bicycle bell orchestra,
or let your imagination run wild but we invite you to get biking and get
creative with it!!
This will be the centrepiece to a two week Festival of Cycling. is the one stop shop for info on the
festival, and you too could be a part of it. Check out the website for
full details of how to get involved, so not to miss out on this exciting
If you run, or work with a group who would like some support to get
creative, we have a selection of workshops available - either for group
leaders to train up in, or for artists to work directly with groups -
see attached sheet for inspiration and ideas.
To give you a taste of ideas already in the pot for the festival: Bike
Theatre, Bike Balancing, Bike Activist Talks, Free Bike-fixing, Bike
Recycling, Family Treasure Hunt, Bike Choirs, Bike Shadow Puppet Show,
Bike powered sound and smoothies...
The Bicycle School of Arts website has all sorts of info about ways to
decorate your bicycles and a free down-loadable bicycle costuming manual
Please check out the attached sheet for ideas and inspiration, for
workshops on offer, useful links and forwards onto your colleagues. Any
questions please do not hesitate to get in touch with myself or my
colleague Ruth Essex.
Keep an eye on the website too, as we will be posting up info on
possible funding opportunities, and it will be the one stop shop for all
info on the carnival and festival. If you have any queries;
2. Bristol Fringe Festival - Bristol is gearing up for one of the
biggest fringe festival the city has ever seen - theatre, tours, choirs,
city-wide games, fashion, talks, activism, off-the-grid stages,
carnival, food and more - and what is the inspiration for this creative
swell? The humble bicycle.
With over 50 events across the city, organized by the great Bristol
public September 11-26, Bristol Cycle Festival will showcase the
diversity of all things bike. Already more than 30 groups, including
cycling clubs, community and arts organisations, schools, companies and
enthusiasts are getting involved to create a chain of events that will
explore, celebrate and promote cycling Bristol-wide.
Get in Gear grants now online
The ‘Get in Gear’ grants are now available for individuals and
community groups who want to put on their own event within the carnival
and festival. Thirty grants of up to £500 will be awarded, and all
events will be publicised in the festival program. The deadline is
Monday 14th June for Trailblazer grants so event organisers will need to
get their applications in quickly if they want to start planning now.
There will be a second round of grants (‘Sweaty saddle session’)
available between 14th June and 21 July.
Visit for any further information
regarding the festival and grants process.
Celebrating the hypocritical city?
14-06-2010 15:12
Sunday 20 June is Manchester Day – the city’s first ever. Dozens of colourful floats and thousands of people will take part in a parade to celebrate Manchester’s cultural diversity and creativity. That same day is also World Refugee Day – a fact conveniently forgotten. There are more than 20,000 refugees living in Manchester. Most of them have little to celebrate.Manchester College cuts off contact with UCU as staff vote for strike action
14-06-2010 15:11
Principal of The Manchester College (TMC) Peter Tavernor yesterday severed ties with the University and College Union (UCU), accusing the union of “underhand tactics” and trying to “agitate staff” in the row over contracts.Calais: Destruction of Africa House - solidarity needed
14-06-2010 13:55
Right now Africa House is under eviciton - and the bulldozers are moving in.Uzbek Solidarity Movement convoy on its way, led by George Galloway
14-06-2010 11:32
The death toll from ethnic fighting in Kyrgyzstan jumped dramatically today when an Uzbek community leader said that at least 200 people had been killed.Response to Shift discussion on the world cup
14-06-2010 11:29
Spotted this interesting discussion posted up by Shift and I thought I’d throw my ten pence worth in as well.The Futility of UN Security Council Resolutions
14-06-2010 11:27

Centre for Alternative Technology: Zero Carbon Britain 2030
14-06-2010 11:16

Movieclip about occupation of Dutch Monsanto-firm
14-06-2010 10:57

Thiery Boyer, head of Monsanto's European vegetable division, contacted his superiors and decided not to press charges. As a result the police did not interfere.
direct action in solidarity with palestine especially free gaza
14-06-2010 10:24
On wednesday 2nd june a tesco express in hartshill, stoke on trent was visited out of hours by palestinian solidarity activists.Refugee week events not on the bristol programme..
14-06-2010 10:22
Film, Dinner and Armchair ActionBristol Refugee Week has already started, however, a few events got left off the programme....PLUS SOME ACTION YOU CAN TAKE TODAY FROM YOUR ARMCHAIR...without missing any of the football !
Wednesday 16th June 7.30pm
As part one of a two night special introduced by Bristol No Borders during Refugee Week (14th - 20th June) we present a number of short films portraying local and global resistance to the international border regime(s). These will include a film called “Passengers” made by local film maker-activist Lucie Jade in Calais. This serves as excellent prelude to tomorrow nights screening of “Welcome”. Lucie will be among panel of activists to answer your questions and facilitate discussion after the films.
Thursday 17th 8pm
Following on from its huge success at the French box office Bristol No Borders and Calais Migrant Solidarity (Bristol) bring Welcome (2009) to the cube. The film will be followed by a short update on the current situation in Calais, a humanitarian crisis wildly distorted by the British media.
Calais Migrant Solidarity (Bristol) is a group involved in direct solidarity in Calais with migrants.
'A gripping French contribution to the cycle of movies about exile and refugees, this centres on the friendship between a swimming instructor at the Calais municipal baths (the excellent Vincent Lindon) and a
17-year-old Iraqi Kurd bent on swimming the channel to be reunited with his girlfriend in London. The film's chief revelation is the way French officialdom treats both the illegal immigrants and French citizens who assist them. They effectively bring back the terrible, corrosive spirit of the Occupation.' Philip French, 'The Observer'.
*BMI Airlines* have been identified as the company conducting the regular mass deportation charter flights to Afghanistan.
The sole purpose of these flights is to forcibly return failed asylum seekers to Afghanistan. Charter flights have the advantage of secrecy, since the deportations and the severe restraint sometimes used takes place away from public view, and large numbers of people can be deported at the same time.
BMI Airlines are known to have been involved in deportations in the past. See here:
CEO’s stance on deportations:
…clearly, the company is fully aware of what it is doing...
*Blockade BMI!*
We’re calling for a blockade of BMI’s phone lines on Monday and Tuesday, before the next charter due to take place on Tuesday evening at 22:00hrs.
Please call the following numbers:
Head Office switchboard: +44 (0)1332 854000888 (Mon-Fri, 8am-6pm)
Charter department: 0844 244 7040 (Mon –Fri, 9am-5pm)
IMOPORTANT: Take note of the info and advice here if you wish to protect your privacy:
Victory for Netanyahu as White House welcomes flotilla inquiry commission
14-06-2010 09:29
US pushed for a broader international presence; then rolled over.SHAC7 injustice continues
14-06-2010 08:23
The SHAC7 appeal to the US supreme court has been rejected.How the CIA Steals Money From Taxpayers
14-06-2010 08:23
In 1989 Catherine Austin Fitts became Assistant Secretary for Housing in Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). She began to notice money was not properly tracked as it moved between different HUD departments and there was a lack of proper accounting mechanisms to deal with discrepancies in revenue indicated fraud at an alarming level. [28] She attempted to put in place some credible financial tracking mechanisms to identify where the money was going and to identify the responsible individuals and HUD departments, but after 18 months on the job she was suddenly fired by the Bush administration. Fitts was told the day after she left that her financial reforms through ‘place-based financial accounting and statements’ would also be terminated. [29]Protestors to besiege Edinburgh office of A4e
13-06-2010 23:22
Opponents of compulsory “work-for-your-benefits” schemes will besiege workfare provider A4e’s Edinburgh office this coming Wednesday 16th June.