UK Newswire Archive
#J11: Map of the capitalist West End
09-05-2013 20:56

LAON's April Review of English Opencast Sites
09-05-2013 14:40
This review updates information on planning developments affecting new English Opencast sites. In addition, it has information on the sites that would be affected if UK Mine Holdings / UK Coal Operations were, as recent press stories indicate, to go into administration. In addition it has news on the the land slip at Hatfield Colliery, latest developments over the Helsley Wood Tip and opencast mining on the Canobie Coalfield.U.S.- Transform Plowshares jailed, found guilty of sabotage
09-05-2013 12:51
Washington Post description of the Transform Plowashares action at Y12 National Security Complex, Tennessee
Photo Gallery:

Pedal on Parliament 2013: Join the Leith Feeder ride
09-05-2013 10:55
Prisoner Support and Solidarity
09-05-2013 08:55
Nottingham Anarchist Black Cross is a prisoner support group which aims to show solidarity with prisoners through letter writing and awareness raising. We believe that supporting imprisoned people plays a valuable and essential role in building strong cultures of resistance against the current order.
Why prisoner solidarity?
As the rich and powerful attempt to exploit various crises to tighten their control and protect their wealth, more and more of the marginalised, poor, vulnerable, and excluded are getting caught in their net of repression. As much as the capitalist press and politicians would like us to think otherwise, the prison system is a brutal institution which forcibly removes and isolates people from their communities, families, and friends, using violence to deny people their freedom and dignity. The justification for this violence is the prevention of 'crime', the vast majority of which involves acts against property by individuals struggling for a life of dignity and survival in a society of deep inequality, misery and suffering.
We don't believe that prison is a solution to anything. We don't believe we have to rely on the state to deal with our problems. Where anti-social violence does occur between individuals and groups, we want to find ways of dealing with these ourselves, without calling on the police, courts or prisons. Whilst working towards this, we feel it is vitally important to support those who do get caught up in these institutions, to do what we can to help reduce the isolation and disempowerment of being incarcerated.
Why anarchist?
We are anarchist because we recognise that the root causes of violence and oppression are the state and capitalism, systems of power and authority that aim to isolate us and foster competition, isolation, and alienation. We also recognise that the prison system is one of the main ways in which the rich and powerful keep these systems in place, using violence to control and repress us, to deny us our freedom and dignity, and to instill fear into us to keep us compliant.
We aim to encourage and support acts of resistance against these systems of oppression, to promote co-operation, mutual aid, and non-hierarchy, and to work towards a free society.
What is the Anarchist Black Cross?
The Anarchist Black Cross has a long history of supporting prisoners. It has its roots in the Anarchist Red Cross, an organisation set up in Czarist Russia in the early 1900's to aid political prisoners, with groups eventually spreading to the United States and England where exiles had started to settle and organise. In Britain in the 1960's the Anarchist Black Cross was reformed in order to support anarchist prisoners in Franco's Spain. The organisation continued to grow with groups spreading across Europe and North America, and now groups are found in many countries around the world.
Whilst traditionally Anarchist Black Cross groups have focused on supporting anarchist and political prisoners, we recognise that all prisoners are victims of state repression, and are therefore deserving of our support and solidarity.
What do we do?
We organise a weekly letter writing session on Sundays at the Sumac Centre (245 Gladstone St, Forest Fields, Nottingham, NG7 6HX). At these sessions we provide a list of political prisoners from the UK and abroad along with contact details, materials for writing including envelopes and stamps, as well as advice and tips on writing to prisoners.
We also organise events such as film screenings and benefit gigs to raise awareness and to fund-raise.
If you would like to get involved we would very much welcome your support. Anyone is welcome to attend the letter writing sessions, or you can contact us at nottsanarchistblackcross[at]riseup[dot]net for more infomation about the group.
We also have a website ( which we keep updated with future events.
Britain’s Poverty Addiction
09-05-2013 08:28
I was absolutely horrified to read that the UK Government may be underestimating the numbers of families in poverty, by up to an estimated 40%, according to academics at Edinburgh University.Free Vivienne Westwood! Free Bradley Manning!!
09-05-2013 08:08

3 Cosas Campaign, ULU and the Industrial Workers of Great Britain
08-05-2013 14:01
The 3 Cosas Campaign, ULU and the Industrial Workers of Great Britain launch 'summer of action' for sickpay, holiday and pensions against University of London management.First Mexican State to ban bullfighting...Irish Government please take note!
08-05-2013 12:18

The northwestern Mexican border state's legislature voted unanimously to pass an Animal Protection Law that includes the historic ban on this most depraved of blood sports.
Photo from the Anti-Workfare Walk Of Shame Glasgow Monday May 6th
08-05-2013 10:55
The British Heart Foundation Uses Forced Unpaid Labour.
Veggies Volunteers need Help at London Radical Book Fair
08-05-2013 10:54
London Radical Book Fair 11/05/13Photo from the Anti-Workfare Walk Of Shame Glasgow Monday May 6th
07-05-2013 23:12

Lochend / Restalrig Anti-Bedroom Tax Public Meeting
07-05-2013 22:55
Issue 110 for Worthing's rabble-rousing Porkbolter
07-05-2013 16:05
Issue 110 of Worthing's dirt-digging, rabble-rousing anarchic newsletter, The Porkbolter, is out on the streets of the Sussex seaside town - and online.Mayday Events 1 Parade
07-05-2013 14:55
11.00am Saturday 4th May 2013
"May the fourth be with you!"
Gathering on the Forest ground, people assembled for the annual parade and rally.
Banners displayed, charnts regarding various things to do with the torys :-) [oh and now UKIP also]. leaflets handed out.
Lead by Lillian Greenwood MP [Nottingham South], they processed down the Mansfield Road and held a rally at Speakers Corner Nr Market Square.
Further to the events of last year, where many had complained about the invited speakers, the same seemed to me to be true of this year. A number did want to protest but were drowned out by what appeared to be an organised effort to prevent them.
Last years piccys:
1 Mayday March & Event
2 Mayday Speeches & Event
3 Mayday Events, Anti-Labour Protest
4 Mayday Workfare Protests
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Mayday Events 2 Rally
07-05-2013 14:55
11.00am Saturday 4th May 2013
"May the fourth be with you!"
Gathering on the Forest ground, people assembled for the annual parade and rally.
Banners displayed, charnts regarding various things to do with the torys :-) [oh and now UKIP also]. leaflets handed out.
Lead by Lillian Greenwood MP [Nottingham South], they processed down the Mansfield Road and held a rally at Speakers Corner Nr Market Square.
Further to the events of last year, where many had complained about the invited speakers, the same seemed to me to be true of this year. A number did want to protest but were drowned out by what appeared to be an organised effort to prevent them.
Last years piccys:
1 Mayday March & Event
2 Mayday Speeches & Event
3 Mayday Events, Anti-Labour Protest
4 Mayday Workfare Protests
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
UG#635 - Apocalypse Postponed (Perspectives On A Progressive Future)
07-05-2013 14:46

Campaigners disrupt UK Weapons Production
07-05-2013 14:24

Residents rally at 6 PM at Trahorn Close E1 focuses on Tower Hamlets Council
07-05-2013 13:34
Tower Hamlets Council's transfer of Council housing stock was done under dubiouspromises. One promise Tower Hamlets Council made was that tenants, residents would enjoy the same rights when their homes were taken over by the "social landlords" as they had enjoyed under Council control.
This evening, Tuesday 07 May 2013, residents at the Trahorn Close, near Vallance Road, are rallying to question Tower Hamlets Council's pledge.
They have already petitioned the Borough’s “executive Mayor” Lutfur Rahman demanding action over the “social landlord” outfit’s behaviour.
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Out on London streets for Bradley Manning thru May lead up to June trial
07-05-2013 12:39