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Cs pennelli and immenza raided this morning in Genoa

20-07-2001 08:22

This morning at 9am, Cs pinnelli, north west of genoa and Cs immenza were raided

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News from Edinburgh, including programme for 'Mouth Off!'

20-07-2001 06:10

The complete programe for Edinburgh's 'Mouth Off!' event. This weekend, 21st & 22nd, @Studio 24, Calton Rd. Edinburgh.
Part of the 'Foot & Mouth Festival'

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DA Day Genoa - Seige Plan sat 20th

20-07-2001 05:57

Today (SAT) will see the seige of genoa. Groups will try to breach the red zone from all sides. The different marches / blocs with there different approaches look like this:

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The Guardian, Credit where credit's due

20-07-2001 05:45

Do they protest too much?
Politicians worry about growing public disaffection with the democratic process, but disapprove when summits such as the Genoa G8 inspire popular demonstrations, writes Simon Tisdall Thursday July 19, 2001
We await the reply from Blair et al with interest

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migrants march - genoa

20-07-2001 01:36

impressions from the migrants march in genoa 19th of july 2001

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Campsfield solidarity from genoa (19.07.01)

20-07-2001 01:20

Campsfield solidarity from genoa (19.07.01)
Picture from todays international migrants march in genoa where around 50,000 people marched through the streets with banners bands and balloons. The march was colourful and loud, included street theatre outside the fence of the red zone, samba bands with drums made out of whatever could be salvaged from the streets, and a top atmosphere!

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Iconoclast's Hammer: The anarchist subculture, a critique

20-07-2001 00:11

*subcultures* are traps, and can divert us from our original intentions if we're not aware! Feral Faun, writing in "Anarchy, A Journal of Desire Armed" goes into crucial depth to expose a situation that should be studied by all.

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Latest from Genoa

20-07-2001 00:05

The "red zone" in Genoa is being epanded.

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Showdown in Geona: anti-capitalists vs. state repression

19-07-2001 21:49

No one can say for sure what will happen in Genoa, Italy, during the Group of 8 summit meeting July 19-22. But dynamic forces are in play on the European continent. The stage is set for a potentially historic confrontation between big capital and the anti-globalization movement.

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House demolitions in Palestine : account & protest appeal

19-07-2001 20:53

An account by Jeff Halper on the kind of resistance that Israeli pacifists and social activists are trying to develop against the house demolitions in Palestine, and an appeal for an international scale protest.

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Genoa? She's like a sister to me...

19-07-2001 20:02

The sun aint shining, but 100,000 lunatics are gearing up for some heated exchanges on the streets of Genoa.

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Immigrant march in genoa passes off peacefully

19-07-2001 19:27

the immigrants march that took place this evening in Genoa, was peaceful with activists dancing in the street!

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Italy's 'Strategy of Tension'

19-07-2001 19:12

The current climate of bomb-threats and police crack-downs have many similarities to the political landscape in 1970's Italy. Below is a discussion Italy's Strategy of Tension

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Migrants demonstration in Genoa

19-07-2001 18:59

Migrants demonstration in Genoa
Today the weekend of actions against the G8 meeting in Genoa kicked off with a massive demonstration by migrants and anti-G8 protesters.

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Demonstrators meet Bush in London

19-07-2001 18:52

Converging from 11:30 onwards, a group of socialists and environmentalists met in London to greet President Bush in a hearty UNwelcoming ceremony

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19-07-2001 18:49

warning for activists in genoa

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19-07-2001 17:35

good luck in genoa

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Archer sentenced to 4 years!

19-07-2001 17:12

Millionaire scumbag, former Tory politician and crap writer Jeffrey Archer has been found guilty of perjury and sentenced to 4 years in prison! That'll teach the bastard!

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400 People Arested in Bonn-Germany

19-07-2001 16:59

On German Indymedia website message sais that 400 people in Bonn were arrested who made a street blockade. Sorry no further Infos yet !

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Oil and Slavery in Sudan

19-07-2001 16:24

Canada's Talisman Energy is complicit in human rights violations ranging from slavery to genocide.