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Bush Up North

14-11-2003 19:06

The Sedgefield Welcoming Committee invites you to come to Sedgefield on Friday 21st to meet and greet President George W Bush and Tony Blair.

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Twyford Down - Seige Underway NOW!!

14-11-2003 18:33

It's started, and as many people as possible should get there now! Please spread the word.

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Israel's Guantanamo

14-11-2003 17:55

Facility 1391: Israel's Guantanamo
Le Monde diplomatique
November 2003

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Stop Bush - Exeter Protest

14-11-2003 17:37

Exeter Protest

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The European Social Forum in Paris

14-11-2003 17:34

The European Social Forum in Paris (2003) is the third event of its kind, following the World Social Forum in Porte Alegre, Brazil (2001) and the European Social Forum held in Florence (2002). Paris is an ideal setting for this bunch of human rights activists given that the Treaty of Versailles was signed by a group of peacemakers in this city in January 1919.

It is time for a positive change. Activists are meeting to create their own forum rather than protesting against others’ meetings. In 2000 the IMF and World Bank met in Prague to discuss third world debt amongst other globalised issues. This was the follow up to Seattle which saw some of the worst violence on the streets being shown on television. This was a radical protest against the richest countries of the world and their unfair trade rules.

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Buy Nothing Month

14-11-2003 17:07

Not long now until November 29-Buy Nothing Day! Let's keep it up for a month-until Dec.24, especially when it comes to corporate brand names!

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Roaming Street Party on Wednesday 19th November

14-11-2003 16:18

The idea of a roaming street party to 'welcome' George Bush to our capital city has been met with a lot of enthusiasm; so here are the details.

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Victoria Slumlord Kimpton slammed in media (New Palestine/The Hood/Fernwood)

14-11-2003 16:16

Missing beams, leaking sewer gas, no fire escapes, missing smoke alarms, debris falling from ceiling. Tenants make the landlords rich while
they risk their lives.

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14-11-2003 15:51


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The FTAA country by country (2nd part)

14-11-2003 15:51

The struggle of the Latin American countries to came out of the deep economic crisis that produce social inequalities is different on each country: “in some countries the struggle advance and in others it declines”. The FTAA process promises solutions, but actually it will implicate to get deep in many of these inequalities.
We continue our tour by Latin America, checking each country’s situation respect to the Free Trade Area of the America’s agreement.

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Flyers for November 16th IMC Film Night

14-11-2003 14:42

Flyers for November 16th IMC Film Night

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Bush Itinerary Released:

14-11-2003 14:16

Among the highlights of the President's four-day trip November 18-21:

November 18: A private welcome at Buckingham Palace for the President and First Lady upon their arrival.

November 19: Brief meetings with leaders of the Conservative and the Liberal Democrat parties; a speech by the President at the Banqueting House, Whitehall Palace, on the transatlantic alliance and his forward strategy; and a state banquet at Buckingham Palace.

November 20: A meeting with British soldiers who fought in Afghanistan and Iraq and their families; a meeting with U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair, including a joint press availability; and a roundtable on HIV/AIDS.

November 21: The Queen's official farewell, followed by a visit to Blair's home district, where Bush will lunch with the Prime Minister and some of his constituents.

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war crimes

14-11-2003 14:14

more cartoons at znet

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A Headache for the President - pump up the volume when Bush flies in!

14-11-2003 12:14

This is the picture that should have accompanied 'A REPLY TO GEORGE BUSH' (see previous posting)

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The ALF, it's struggle.

14-11-2003 11:58

My article relates to the struggle of the ALF against the animal holocaust

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14-11-2003 11:33

a headache for the president
On the eve of Bush's visit to Britain, events in Iraq & elsewhere may give him a reality-check...Let's tell him loud & clear, so he gets the message!

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what's hot and what's not in the ESF 2003

14-11-2003 11:21

reclqim the streetcred

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Two Minutes Action for Worldpeace

14-11-2003 11:16

You might not be able to stop wars, but you can surely do something.

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National Petition Signing 21-11-03

14-11-2003 11:16

LAAW will be launching a National Day of Action on the 21st November. LAAW is calling for an investigation of the British Prime Minister T. Blair for War crimes, and its activists will be presenting a petition to Scotland Yard.