UK Newswire Archive
SHAC Campaign Update: July 2009
01-08-2009 20:32

Two Irish Anti-shell Campaigners Imprisoned for Civil Disobedience (Update)
01-08-2009 16:44

In Bellmullet court on Thursday, five Shell to Sea protesters were up for hearings on charges ranging from last August 2008 to this June 2009. Judge Anderson dismissed several charges on technical points but was very harsh in serving two of the campaigners with four and eight month prison sentences.
Gov adviser on Swine Flue works for GSK !!!
01-08-2009 15:31
No suprise here - !!A scientist who advises the Government on swine flu is a paid director of a drugs firm making hundreds of millions of pounds from the pandemic.
Earth First! summer gathering workshop programme...
01-08-2009 13:34

18th -24th Aug 2009, Cumbria
Adrian Mutu ordered to pay £14.5 Million to Chelski
01-08-2009 12:18
CSKA Chelsea football club yet again prove beyond all doubt that they are heartless money grubbing bastards by ordering seeking such an extortionate amount of money.Tescos every little Hurts!!!
01-08-2009 09:09
Tescos & Worthing Borough Council agree to development of Titnore Woods!Support Pensioner CND protester appearing at Aberystwyth Magistrates Court
01-08-2009 08:22
A pensioner from Tregaron, will be appearing at the Magistrate's Court in Aberystwyth (by the seafront)for the refusal to pay fines for CND blockadesHighgate Farm Protest Camp - Friday's Timeline
31-07-2009 23:10

Monday's timeline:

Tuesday's timeline:

Wednesday's timeline:

Thursday's timeline:

Browne Ignores Brit Opposition to War ..Dogs Used as Minesniffers in Afghanistan
31-07-2009 16:45
As British polls fraudulently report opposition to Afghan war at only58 to 63% and ministers of Browne's govt. promote the war on
American airwaves, news comes of dogs being used by US
Marines as minesniffers
This Week in Palestine -Week 31 2009
31-07-2009 15:55

Welcome to This Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for July 25th to the 31st, 2009.
Joanna Lumley is being asked to join the campaign about UK Alan Johnson
31-07-2009 15:51
Joanna Lumley is being asked to join the campaign about UK Alan JohnsonWhat's happening and ways to help
31-07-2009 14:45
If you are coming to Calais to show solidarity and want information call (from UK) 00 33 6 34 81 07 10 from France 06 34 81 07 10Council flooded with objections to Farnborough Airport expansion
31-07-2009 14:36
Plans to double the number of flights at Farnborough Airport has met strong local opposition.Interns are workers and should be paid
31-07-2009 13:47
The Carrot Worker Collective's analysis of Alan Milburn's Social Mobility Report "Unleashing Aspiration". On the grey area of unpaid internships and work placements and their impact on current labour conditions."Strawman arguments" expose racist Legal & Constitutional Affairs Committee
31-07-2009 13:30
"Strawman arguments" expose corrupt racist illiterate Australian Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs-Standing CommitteeThis article is describes the experience of Institutional racism, from Government to Judiciary, from police to health professional.
The itemised points will guide you through how a racist nation slides off the precipice.....
“Save Vestas” 4th Plinth Protest, London – Pix-&-Vidz
31-07-2009 13:15

Camp For Climate Action 09 - Prepare to Swoop!
31-07-2009 13:13
On Wednesday 26th August, the Camp for Climate Action will take back thecity of London in a massive public swoop.
BNP lose Brinsley
31-07-2009 12:36
The BNP have lost their former Notts stronghold, Brinsley, to the Tories. Yesterday's by-election, forced by the expulsion of former BNP Councillor Sadie Graham, was won by Tory candidate John Booth, by a large margin.Anti-Gypsyism rampant, Chachipe said on genocide memorial day
31-07-2009 10:49
31 July 2009 - On the occasion of the 65th anniversary, on August 2nd, of the liquidation of the so-called Gypsy camp in Auschwitz-Birkenau, where about 2,900 Sinti and Roma were murdered in one night, the Roma rights organisation Chachipe called on political leaders and civil society representatives to combat anti-Gypsyism.Dodging the Evidence - Leukemias and Nuclear Power Plants
31-07-2009 10:39
One of the many issues concerning nuclear power that the British government, the nuclear industry and their agents would rather ignore: the irrefutable evidence of an increased rate of leukaemia in children living close to nuclear power plants.