UK Newswire Archive
British Veterans Gather at US Embassy to Demand Release of Bradley Manning
13-12-2011 09:35
On Tuesday December 13th at 1400hrs, Michael Lyons and British veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will gather at the U.S. Embassy in London to demand the immediate release of Bradley Manning and recognition that exposing war crimes is not a crimeAre Western Israeli/NATO special forces already attacking Iran?
13-12-2011 01:40

At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers and Marina Morris
Bah Humbug! Atos Cancel Christmas Fri. 16th Dec. 13.30 Glasgow
12-12-2011 23:11
Bah Humbug! Atos Cancel ChristmasAnti-Atos Leafleting plus giving claimants advice on appeals and what to do during benefits medical assessments.
Friday, 16 December 2011.
13:30 until 14:30.
Atos Medical Assessment Centre, Corunna House, 29 Cadogan Street, Glasgow G2 7AB.
Contact us if you want to take part in anti-capitalist carol singing.

Omar Ibrahim March 26th Anti-Cuts Prisoner New Blog Posts
12-12-2011 22:55
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Police faked evidence and used dum-dum bullets to kill Mark Duggan
12-12-2011 22:39

Occupy Notts Camp sticks it out starting week 9
12-12-2011 20:55
12 December 2011
Occupy camp now just finished its 8th week since setting up in the Market Square, Nottingham.
A variable week with some ups .... and downs. It's been a bit rainy and windy.
A new structure has been started to try and keep the campers more comfortable and to defend against some of the predicted extreme weather on the way. Much heaving, bending and hammering, but it's nearly there.
Between one of the storms, cosmic to see a double rainbow over the camp. [well more accuratly titled: "Rainbow over Primark"].
Helen the Hat, an Occupy London regular supporter came by with her laptop. A Livestream connection was made to the London Camp and people had an interview exchange, swopping experiances and stories.
On Saturday, there were a much higher number of drunks in the area, and those shouting abuse. One chap with his mate damaged a couple of tent and then I'm told assaulted a couple of the campers, again. [Alegidly, he's done this twice before]. Being restrained, his mates said let him go and he wouldn't do it again! Police were called and he was taken away.
Winter [bloody] Wonderland next to the camp continuing to bang out the usual oh so jolly xmas numbers. I still say that this is a sound weapon to drive all insane. [A bit like the US Marines playing VERY load rock music to General Manuel Noriega in his compound during the United States Invasion of Panama ..... well perhaps not quite that extreme].
Loads of rain, windy and getting cold at night now, so I think those holding out against the elements for these issues, need to be congratulated for their commitments and deserve help and support from us.
Please drop by and offer your time, help, donations of food, bedding, waterproofing, warm clothing ...... oh, a bit of love.
Loads of earlier postings ...... but, here are the main features
Nottingham is occupied [Feature]
Nottingham Occupation Continues [2nd Feature]
Occupy Notttingham: Moved but still in occupation [3rd Feature]
Occupy Notttingham: Still there [4th Feature]
Nottingham Occupy Nottingham: No plans for eviction. Yet. [5th Feature]
and ......
Characters I've met during Cuts & Occupy Campaigns
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Omar Ibrahim March 26th Anti-Cuts Prisoner New Blog Posts
12-12-2011 20:13
bangedupforprotestingOmar Ibrahim March 26th Anti-Cuts Prisoner Blog
Israel uses British JCB machines to demolish Palestinian property
12-12-2011 19:48

Phone Blockade of Constant and Co
12-12-2011 19:23
A phone, and fax blockade of the offices of notorious Balliff company Constant & Co. aimed at disrupting their activities in facilitating homelessness and state sponsered racism.NUMBERS TO RING:
01234 340091 (Bedford)
01908 374374 (Bletchley)
If you want to also be inventive the fax numbers are:
01234 301299
01908 374374
Asylum seekers describe the experience of immigration detention as worse than prison
12-12-2011 18:55
Leicester Drones Demo
12-12-2011 18:43
Demo on Thursday at 64 Scudamore Road, Leicester outside the Thales factory which makes Watchkeeper drones in partnership with Israeli arms manufacturer Elbit.Bradley Manning Flyers for download and printing
12-12-2011 17:37

Hand some out wherever you are.
Last Smash EDO demo of the year is this Wednesday...
12-12-2011 17:00
Wednesday 15th November is the last noise demo of 2011 against arms manufacturers EDO MBM/ITTCampaigners take action against criminal landlords
12-12-2011 16:55
Community activists in Edinburgh have launched a campaign today to lobby the City of Edinburgh Council for the effective enforcement of legislation against criminal landlords.
EDL member arrested for Birmingham central Mosque Bomb threat
12-12-2011 16:33

Palestine Today 12 12 2011
12-12-2011 16:04

Pentonville Prison Solidarity Vigils&Letters for Anti-War Resister Martin Newell
12-12-2011 09:54
Fr. Martin Newell of the London Catholic Worker has been jailed in HMP Pentonville for anti-war resistance at Northwood Headquarters.BACKGROUND

Climate Down in Durban
12-12-2011 09:45

Occupy activists aim to close US ports today
12-12-2011 07:31
A BID to block the West Coast ports of the USA is being launched by Occupy activists on Monday December 12.