UK Newswire Archive
Oliver Stone plans 'Bhopal the movie'
06-09-2001 09:59
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Oscar-winning director Oliver Stone is in negotiations to make a movie about the Bhopal gas disaster, which killed more than 22,000 people, and Penelope Cruz is being talked about for a leading role.By Y.P. Rajesh
Union membership rises
06-09-2001 09:55
Trade union membership has increased to nearly eight million, according to new statistics.Bristol Coffee Day 8/9/01
06-09-2001 08:29
A day of fun and action to highlight the environmental and human price of multinational coffee corporations...Slow-Motion Fascism: An Analysis of the Global Corporate Take-Over
06-09-2001 08:27
Contents:1. Introduction: Respect.
2. Historical vs. Contemporary Globalization: Origins of the current scene.
3. Historical Fascism vs. Corporate Fascism. Where we're at now. The Corporate Fascist Superstate.
4. Conclusion: Respect
I Witnessed in Front of the Seattle City Council; Sept; 5th, 2001.
06-09-2001 04:02
Trauma is born By US all: Terrorism.
[(Posted on many IndyMedia sites around the world and in the US; (plus other web sites and forums); and sent to 2,000 activists, newspapers, and organizations (people); plus 500 in United States Federal Government; and 150 or so in local (Seattle) government: September 5th, 2001.).)].

Disarm DSEi press release
06-09-2001 00:18
Press release from Disarm DSEi. Let's see what gets into the mainstream media - they've been conspicuous in their silence so far. Hard to push the line that 'violent' anti-capitalist anarchists are targeting an entirely moral and above board arms fair I suppose - even for the Sunday Times!Anti-capitalists to target arms fair
05-09-2001 18:12
Thousands of anti-capitalist protestors are preparing to converge on London Docklands next Tuesday to disrupt Europe’s largest arms fair, the Defence Systems and Equipment international (DSEi). A ‘Fiesta for Life Against Death’ has been called by Disarm DSEi, with active support from London Reclaim the Streets and the Wombles.SWP 'building bridges' with Labour
05-09-2001 16:54
From Socialist Worker 5th September 2001:Pope died
05-09-2001 15:14
Norwegian ship's refugees refused entry in Australia inderectly causes Pope deathA moral dilemma--Judgement is given
05-09-2001 15:14
NONEGenoa Update
05-09-2001 14:32
For regular updates on the situation re Genoa in Italy see:
In the uk all of the arrested are home and many are considering legal action...
Involentary regulation
05-09-2001 13:24
The silenced witnessesPosted 30 August 2001 00:00 GMT
Author unknown
Boycott Northern Foods!!
05-09-2001 13:20
Original title in the Spectator:- New Labour vs small farmers (George Monbiot)That's the Horror of Haskins - The junk food king says one thing and does another... - see also:-

Free Market Internet Cops
05-09-2001 12:37
Cyveillance is an "internet intelligence company" helping multinationals to "knock out online brand damage." In other words spying on, and lying about, the anti-capitalist movement.Congressman promises to introduce 'free speech' law for religious right
05-09-2001 03:17
On the religious right TV channel, TBN, on September 4th, a U.S. congressman promised to introduce 'free speech' laws for churches (read 'gay bashing' as the U.S. already has 'free speech' in the consitution - and this is the church that always complains about gays getting 'extra rights')ABOUT THE IMC GENOA FILM SHOWING WHATS THE DATE FOR THE FILM ???
05-09-2001 00:49
WHERES THE DATEGenoa Eyewitness account - SAT 8th - Liverpool
04-09-2001 23:41
We have a Eye witness account of Genoa the Saturday at the Masque Venue, Seel street, Liverpool City Centre. Also showing Prague s26 - rebel Colours. Followed by a night of dance and Groove with club resistance and Hard-Kaur (Brilliant Female rapper from Birmingham (Nation records)- plus brill DJs - all profits going to Genoa Support.