UK Newswire Archive
Basment Clean Up - update
23-05-2007 15:07
We now have access to the Basment Social Centre and the clean up is beginning.National 'NO TV' Day 20th July 2007
23-05-2007 14:53
A call to the OFFICIAL National 'NO TV' Day in July- switch off yr boxes!!"Sham" marriage controls breach human rights, rules Court of Appeal
23-05-2007 14:26
The Court of Appeal today ruled against the HomeSecretary to uphold the right of non-European
nationals who are in genuine relationships to
marry in the UK irrespective of immigration
SOCPA - new verdict lends weight to political conspiracy theory
23-05-2007 14:18
yesterday at horseferry road, district judge snow found steve jago and barbara tucker both guilty of obstructing a police officer in the course of their duty. the offence is alleged to have been carried out at charing cross police station (which is outside the socpa designated area). but he passed a community service order sentence excluding them both from the designated area for one year. can this be seen as anything other than a political act?Nobody wants to take the bull by the horns...
23-05-2007 13:41

Court Demo - Defend Common Ground Community Garden!
23-05-2007 13:03
At the beginning of this year a group of friends came together with a shared purpose: to create an open space within Reading's concrete jungle, where people could take a breather from the stresses of modern life and relax with their friends and neighbours. Having discovered a plot of land within the Katesgrove area, left to ruin by Reading Borough Council, they got to work.UK Asylum Statistics: 1st Quarter Jan/Feb/March 2007
23-05-2007 12:30
The Home Office published today their quarterly bulletin on Asylum
statistics for January, February and March 2007, in that period:
200 more families benefited from the 'Family ILR Exercise'
Removals dipped 17% in the first 3 months of this year compared with
the last 3 months of 2006 and 32% compared with the same period last
This Saturday at SOAS: Resisting Re-colonisation in India
23-05-2007 11:40
Film screening and discussionSaturday 26 May 2.30pm
SOAS, Thornhaugh Street, London WC1 (tube: Russell Sq.)
B52 Two NOT Guilty
23-05-2007 11:23
Jury decides - not-guilty: intention to damage US bombers destined for Iraq was lawfulB52 Two not guilty!
23-05-2007 10:28
Two activists charged with conspiring to cause criminal damage at RAF Fairford in Gloucestershire on 18 March 2003 when they tried to safely disable US B52 bombers to prevent them from bombing Iraq found not guiltyStasi Lives!
23-05-2007 08:35
Anti-G8 policing re-activates East German Secret Police tacticsOppose the Theft of Iraq's Oil
23-05-2007 08:31
Raising awareness of corporate piracy in IraqG8 Resistant Art Festival Update
23-05-2007 07:31

update below - this from the free spaces / free party scene who plan to have a safe space of cultural expression - a place to chill out and wind down...
U.S. Presidential Candidate: Labor, War and Education Connects
23-05-2007 03:38
Stewart A. Alexander, a presidential hopeful with the Peace and Freedom Party, applaud the actions of the ILWU Local 10 and Local 34 for lending their strong support to anti-war protesters at the SSA shipping terminals in Oakland, California. On May 19 the Port Action Committee, the Oakland Education Association, along with teacher, students and community activist demanded that the U.S. get out of Iraq and called on other unionists throughout the United States to mobilize in action to stop the war.Holocaust Iraq: An inconvenient Truth
23-05-2007 03:26
Today, the American public is no longer able to claim ignorance over the real cost of filling their SUVs with gas nor are they able to deny their status as a hypocritical, ungodly, pariah nation. Few people anywhere are unaware of America’s dirty little grab for the resources of weaker nations. For every full tank of gas INNOCENT human blood has been spilt, particularly the blood of those least able to defend themselves, CHILDREN. When faced with undeniable and unpleasant realities Americans seek refuge in the unreality of their televisions or other distracting entertainments. The cost of the American lifestyle today is served to local populations for breakfast, however, the media is careful to neatly package all distasteful material in justifications, propaganda and flagrant lies (that have no currency anywhere but America).SMASH EDO/ brighton against the arms trade PUBLIC MEETING
23-05-2007 01:56
smash the war profiteersCrime of the Century - Article 4
23-05-2007 00:26
We publish this article to let the world know whom some of the defendants are in the Brussels Criminal Case because we believe that both the Brussels and Strasbourg Court are trying to find a way to deny us our justice and allow the criminals to go free.