UK Newswire Archive
Come to Liverpool for Condi Rice protests!
29-03-2006 13:55

Condoleeza Rice, Secretary of State and former National Security Advisor to the Bush Administration will be visiting Liverpool on 31st March. Why don't you come too? Visit the Culture of Capital, see the sights, and help us give a great big scouse welcome to Condi the warmonger/torturer-in-chief!
France: Almost 3 Million Take to Streets To Oppose CPE - Quick Report
29-03-2006 13:50

Transport infrastructure including airports were also hit as were banks, schools and colleges, while all newspapers went unprinted for the day.
This was just the latest massive show of force in a month long student led campaign which has seen regular protests, occupations and direct action spreading across the country.
Benefit gig 18/98
29-03-2006 12:43
This Saturday 1st of April from 9pm til very lateDe Kotolengo, Golpe de Estado, Urban Shock, Mossin nagant, Bottle Job, Doubling Boys and Konorterik Gabe.
Nottingham Mayday Rally
29-03-2006 11:58
There will be a Mayday rally in Nottingham on Saturday 29th April.EU strengthens Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara
29-03-2006 10:23

BBC: French demonstrations: 1, 2, 3 ... many!
29-03-2006 10:19
European slavery: "The Polish workers were paid EUR 5 an hour instead of the standard EUR 25 an hour. They worked 12 hours a day and the wages for a portion of each shift were allegedly not included in the agency's bookkeeping. The rest was paid at the standard rate for a seaman.''Students March on Behalf of Immigrants for 5th Day
29-03-2006 09:26
12:31 PM PST, March 28, 2006
Thousands of teenagers braved heavy rains this morning to walk out of
school and push pro-immigrant demonstrations into a fifth straight day
in the Los Angeles area.
Matthew Cuffe, Blair Witch Conviction Project
29-03-2006 08:08

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Post-Book Launch and benefit for anarchists against the wall
28-03-2006 23:12
Sheffield Pension Strike Rally
28-03-2006 21:08

Sheffield Pensions Strike Picket Lines
28-03-2006 21:03

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Local Government Pensions - Sell Out Expected
28-03-2006 20:49
Dave Prentis, UNISON General Secretary, made it clear in an interview this morning on the Today Programme on Radio 4 that the leadership of the unions would be prepared to accept a deal like the one the civil service unions have agreed — a deal which protects the terms and conditions of existing employees but also allows new employees to be taken on under worse conditions. This is a strategy that will bring grief in the medium term — how will the unions get support from their whole membership to defend the pension agreements of the old employees when they are in a miniority? Why would new employees, who pensions rights would have been sold out even before they started their jobs, strike in defence of the conditions of the old employees when the government comes back for more cuts in conditions?Cambridge Picket Pictures
28-03-2006 20:12

Daily 'Hate' mail told to 'Naff off'
28-03-2006 20:02
74% now have said no to the question: "Should failed asylum seekers be locked up or tagged?"Video about the NAIL campaign
28-03-2006 18:34

Download Song Commemorating Rachel Corrie
28-03-2006 17:46
British folk singer Billy Bragg has released a FREE mp3 song dedicated to American hero/peace activist, Rachel Corrie... here's what Bragg said about his song: "Rachel Corrie went to Gaza to draw attention to the plight of the Palestinians, whose voice is seldom heard in her country, the US. That she herself should be silenced - first by an Israeli bulldozer, next by a New York theatre canceling a play created from her words - is a testimony to the power of her message. This song was written on a plane on March 20 and recorded at Big Sky Recordings, Ann Arbor, Michigan on March 22. The tune is borrowed from Bob Dylan.""Save Our Pension, No Extension"
28-03-2006 17:08

Like in many other cities throughout the country, there was a rally today (28 March, 2006) in Birmingham as part of the Pension Mass Strike. More than 1.5 million workers, across more than 9 different unions, went on a 24-hour strike today in protest at the Labour government’s attack on the Local Government Pension Scheme.
Several satirical graphics relating to current protests in France
28-03-2006 16:59