UK Newswire Archive
Stop Fascist Aggression in the Basque Country!
17-12-2006 20:46
Two new fascist attacks have been reported to the police in Vitoria in the Basque Country. The first attack took place on December 12 at 10:15am in front of the headquarters of the UGT, in the Metalworkers' Federation, when UGT union members, with thirty years experience, attempted to seek refuge from the aggression of an individual of around 30 years of age who had attacked them on the streets as they put up posters. The man was able to gain access to UGT headquarters, with the passivity and then collaboration of the security guard, José Víñas who worked for the security company, Vinsa. He was equally aggressive with the two union members for putting up posters with his photo (Víñas is a known fascist who met regularly with a group of fascists at the UGT headquarters. One fascist was able to gain access to the UGT headquarters and provoke a problemSantas Against Excessive Consumption hit London, 16.12.06
17-12-2006 19:34
Santas Against Excessive Consumption (SAEC) went out to play for the second year running on Saturday December 16th 2006, dropping in on the Shell-sponsored Natural History Museum (NHM) on the way to the consumer hell that is Oxford Street.NuLab Medical Records Database
17-12-2006 18:51
The Government's plan to upload our medical records to a centralized database is a thread to all our privacy.Towards a Worldwide Mobilisation for Oaxaca, 22nd December
17-12-2006 18:14
(English / Spanish)
Towards a Worldwide Mobilisation for Oaxaca, 22nd December:
See below a list of actions being planned for the 22nd of December in solidarity with Oaxaca, as part of the Worldwide Mobilisation for Oaxaca called by the EZLN (Zapatista Army of National Liberation)
Rumbo a la movilización mundial por Oaxaca del 22 de diciembre:
Algunas acciones programadas para el 22 de diciembre en solidaridad con Oaxaca, como parte de la Movilización Mundial por Oaxaca convocada por el EZLN.Algunas acciones programadas para el 22 de diciembre en solidaridad con Oaxaca, como parte de la Movilización Mundial por Oaxaca convocada por el EZLN.
No Land, No Money, No Job
17-12-2006 15:57
While the rich continue their frenzy of consumption the unemployed and low paid are still seen as immoral. they have to believe it because their debt-ridden economy relies on the suppression of dissent.Short film of smash edo masquerade
17-12-2006 14:10

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Violent protests in Copenhagen - "Ungdomshuset-The Youth House Stays"
17-12-2006 11:16

More than 300 demonstrators were arrested in the Danish capital on Saturday after violent clashes between police and youths who were protesting against the planned closure of a youth centre in the city.
"Ungdomshuset-The Youth House Stays"
Remember the Tsunami?
17-12-2006 11:07
The epicenter was very near Aceh, north Sumatra, Indonesia. Now you have a vague idea where Aceh is I will give you a little background and a basic assessment of the political situation. The reason is mainly that I am now working in Aceh. Does not receive the same international gaze as Afghanistan but that can change and perhaps I can bring it on to a few peoples radar.The Whistelblower's Freedom of Speech Trial in a Mid East "Democracy"
17-12-2006 10:15
Two Civilian Journalists and not the MSM are following the Freedom of Speech trial of Mordechai Vanunu, which began on January 25, 2006. In 1986, Vanunu told the world the truth that Israel had gone nuclear, and after a closed door trial he was sentenced to 18 years, 11 ½ in solitary confinement. He was released on April 21, 2004, but is still not free.US Call to Action: Days of Resistance to the War - March 19 and 20th, 2007
17-12-2006 10:09
This call to action comes from a number of different organizations and individuals involved in the anti-war movement. Our organizing experiences have left us feeling disappointed in ourselves and in the movement as a whole. Organizing against the war in Iraq has led us to believe that marching and chanting has not made enough of an impact nor done enough to end the brutal realities of the occupation. This has got to change.NYCLU on surveillance cameras: a critique
17-12-2006 04:21

The Liquid Terror Bomb Mastermind - Aquitted
17-12-2006 00:06
Rashid Rauf, the proclaimed mastermind behind the "liquid terror bomb" plot from the summer of 2006 is not to be proscuted for terror offensives due to a lack of evidence:Pakistan drops terrorism charges against key suspect in Heathrow bomb plot
On December 13, in an extraordinary turn of events, a court in Pakistan dropped terrorism charges against British-born Rashid Rauf.
Rauf is the alleged “ringleader” of the most infamous terror plot ever apparently uncovered in Britain—the plan to explode a number of transatlantic airlines en route from London’s Heathrow airport.
Details of the court hearing are extremely limited. But according to reports, a judge at an anti-terrorism court in Rawalpinidi said that the case against Rauf did not “fall into the category of terrorism.”
Rauf’s lawyer, Hashmat Habib, said no evidence had been provided to back up claims that his client was part of a conspiracy to hijack airplanes, and the judge agreed to strike out the two charges against Rauf relating to terrorism. “That practically means that Rashid Rauf has been acquitted of charges relating to terrorism,” Habib said.

Craig Murray, who spoke in Sheffield recently on:
Legality, Morality and the War on Terror

Has written the following article about Rashid Rauf.
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Shell education in Barnsley
16-12-2006 20:10

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A visit to Palestine
16-12-2006 19:31
This is an account of a week long visit made to Palestine (East Jerusalem and the West Bank) in November 2006. The visit was organised by the olive co-op in Manchester and had an agricultural/ economic development theme. I wrote this piece descibing our visit upon my return in order to give a picture of life in Palestine and to convey the strong impression the visit made on me.Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
Mobile phones, the stealth ID card, bug and tracking device in your pocket.
16-12-2006 19:07
Earlier this month it emerged that the FBI had been remotely activating a mobile phone's microphone and using it to eavesdrop on nearby conversations. The surveillance technique, which "functioned whether the phone was powered on or off." came to light as a result of a ruling by U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan on the legality of the "roving bug". It had been approved by U.S. Department of Justice officials for use against members of a New York organized crime family who were wary of conventional surveillance techniques such as tailing a suspect or wiretapping. Cell phones owned by two alleged mobsters, John Ardito and his attorney Peter Peluso, were used by the FBI to listen in on nearby conversations.The news that the FBI had been remotely activating mobile phones as eaves dropping devices confirms what many activists have been saying for years.
Caught on Tape: Olmert Filmed 'Coaching' Prodi
16-12-2006 18:13
Israeli television broadcast footage that appeared to show Ehud Olmert coaching his Italian counterpartFull article | 5 additions | 1 comment
Privacy, Email and Activism - a brief intro
16-12-2006 16:25
Recently there was a conference for activists interested in security issues - obviously something that any activist should be interested in. Notes from the gathering are being compiled along with previous documents into a printed booklet for activists which is expected to be distributed next year.In the meantime I've been doing a little additional research on solutions specific to securing email communication...
Raping and lynching in exotic Greece
16-12-2006 15:57
Raping and lynching in exotic GreeceEDO Trashed Again
16-12-2006 14:55
EDO MBM are Brighton's very own arms manufacturers...