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Free Etienne Ndikuyiro - Act now for press freedom in Burundi

21-06-2005 14:33

Burundian journalists are mobilising to secure the release of Etienne Ndikuyiro, who has been detained without charge after writing an article claiming that Burundi's President Ndayizeye was depressed after losing last week's communal elections.

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Conference of the Middle East Policy Institute

21-06-2005 14:26

The conduct of the western allies promotes what they wanted to prevent: the formation of a defensive worldwide Islamic front against the West. The three holiest places of Islam are now occupied by Americans or Israelis.

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Zapatista Revolution calls!

21-06-2005 14:19

we'r calling to activist of the world to boicot the BBVA bank

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Daleks to 'exterminate' Debt

21-06-2005 13:42

World Development Movement conference 'Whose Rules Rule? African Answers' was held on Saturday 18th June 2005 at Aston University, Birmingham - Info:
This is a brief report with some images. You may use pictures freely, please accredit: Adam Yosef where possible. Thanks.

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21-06-2005 12:44

Fight Poverty Not War Rally

Wednesday 29 June at 7.30 PM

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21-06-2005 11:26

These people need to be lobbied!!

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G8: £300 raised to send unwaged

21-06-2005 10:51

Manchester Caravan of Courage put on an event and raised £300 to take unwaged and low waged brothers and sisters to Scotland.

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Zapatistas on RED ALERT. Internationals Warned of Danger Of Staying

21-06-2005 10:20

Zapatista Army of National Liberation declares RED ALERT

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The war on Iraq had already begun by the time of the Downing Street Meeting

21-06-2005 09:54

the following Submitted by isbister on Sat, 2005-06-11 22:03. @

[many thanks to you...]

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Indefinite detention coming to your neighbourhood

21-06-2005 09:03

photos bringing the message home


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SEX4thePLANET% EnvirOrgasms 4 The Planet, 4 Life, 4 Love

21-06-2005 05:00

Envirorgasmic Tantra
SEX4thePLANET% is a call to all Earth lovers to unite in a goal to give 4% or more back to the planet in order to have the Sweetest and Deepest Sex^ possible.

This grassroots enviro-media action is seeking 444 million sexy individuals to sign and post the four SEX4thePLANET% goals by 2011.

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Faculty for Radical Aesthetics – Call for Applications

21-06-2005 03:16

expensive but cool looking course. perhaps some euro radical bandits can attend.


Faculty for Radical Aesthetics - Call for Applications

In the context of two research projects starting in autumn 2005 the eipcp
will organize a transnational pilot course for Radical Aesthetics. The
components of this one-year course will take place in different European
cities (Barcelona, Linz, Lüneburg, Napoli, Paris, Vienna). Aimed at
fostering the transnational exchange and discourse on art and activism,
they will reflect on concrete activist and critical projects, accompanying
them with discursive events and theoretical workshops.

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Qasim's possible release a 'worrying precedent': Labor

21-06-2005 00:27

Peter Qasim ... accused
Too right he's been there too long and now he has a mental problem. I guess that's one way to get to the truth aye laurie?

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EDO Injunction Prisoner Released

20-06-2005 21:33

Stalker Law Peace Activist Released from Lewes Prison

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G8 Immunity for Heads of State

20-06-2005 21:09

New Statutory Instrument in force from 1st July
gives immunity for war criminals.

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G8 Retreat on Climate Change

20-06-2005 20:15

LONDON - A new leaked document on the current stage of negotiations on the G8 position on climate change shows a further retreat from consensus on many fronts.

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Pilger: NUJ 'Partnership' w/ Government

20-06-2005 20:13

The National Union of Journalists and the Blair government are planning a "launch" ceremony, at which they will announce their "partnership". According to John Fray, the NUJ's deputy general secretary, this collaboration will "promote awareness among journalists of the issues that surround the struggle against poverty on a world scale... We want to help the media to tell it like it is."

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'Common-ication' at KENNINGTON PARK Sat 25th June

20-06-2005 19:49

Kennington Pak 1848
A walk and talk on the hidden history of Kennington Park / Common, with a view to marking our mark on the landscape of that day. Bring chalks. Meet at cafe 2pm.
Common-ication chat: Meeting in the cafe afterward around 3pm. How would we map this in the 21st century? The continuing battle of Enclosure versus The Commons

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Palestine / Israel Mapping: A Talk: London This Friday

20-06-2005 19:37

One land, two people. That's how it's usually represented. And after all, both Palestinians and Israelis display the map, the one map from the Mediterranean to the Jordan river, from the gulf of Aqaba to the Lebanese border. If you can't read Arabic or Hebrew you might not notice the difference between a Israeli and a Palestinian map. But is it really one land? What happens when one place has two names?