UK Newswire Archive
UFW: Tell Prez. No to war in Iraq!
01-02-2003 13:15
A war in Iraq would bring lasting harm to democracy at homeEdinburgh Chiapas Solidarity Campaign
01-02-2003 12:13
The Edinburgh Chiapas Solidarity Campaign will be having a workshop and a meeting on Thursday. 13th of march.Accidental
01-02-2003 11:17
Two articles in New Scientist asking is the war on Iraq about oil, and what is the likely cost going to be.Christian Aid report malnutrition in Gaza as bad as Zimbabwe, blames Israel
01-02-2003 10:07
The disturbing report, Losing ground: Israel, poverty and the Palestinians, examines in detail how Israel's occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip has been the primary cause of the destruction of the Palestinian economy and widespread malnutrition.A-bomb survivors urge no nuclear weapons on Iraq
01-02-2003 07:30
Atomic-bomb survivors in Japan and nuclear radiation sufferers around the world jointly issued a statement Friday urging that nuclear weapons not be used anywhere in the world in the face of a possible U.S. attack on Iraq. The statement, composed by the Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations, was signed by representatives of support groups for atomic-bomb survivors in the United States, South Korea and Brazil. It was also endorsed by groups representing residents near nuclear testing sites in the U.S. and Russia.Fuck Bush and Blair and their pernicious and hypocritical hyperbole
01-02-2003 06:43
01-02-2003 04:10
As the Antichrist and his Poodle are shocked and awed by the power of the world peace movement, Saddam gets six more weeks.The Real but Unspoken Reasons for the Upcoming Iraq War
01-02-2003 03:13
Although completely suppressed in the U.S. media, the answer to the Iraq enigma is simple yet shocking. The upcoming war in Iraq is an OIL CURRENCY war. The Real Reason for this upcoming war is this administration’s goal of preventing further OPEC momentum towards the euro as an oil transaction currency standard. However, in order to pre-empt OPEC, they need to gain geo-strategic control of Iraq along with its 2nd largest proven oil reserves.Coca-Cola & McDonalds leaving Venezuela!
01-02-2003 01:46
Good news for a change! Coca-Cola and Mcdonalds(McDeath more like!) are leaving Venzuela. Don't know about you people but this is good news for once after all these companies suck for being instruments of US Imperialism.International Peace Forum in Turkey
01-02-2003 01:19
After an anti-war demonstration in Istanbul on January 26, 2003, a Peace Forum, organized by the Peace Coalition (Turkey) and Social Sciences Society of Bogazici University, Istanbul, took place in the University, with 11 participants from USA, England, Sweden, Yugoslavia, and Turkey.Police framed Genoa activists.
01-02-2003 00:12
Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting piece on parliamentary inquiry revelations in Italy.Bush no idiot - but he does have a personality disorder!
01-02-2003 00:05
US author Crispin Miller has been studying Bush's gaffes, and has reached the conclusion that Bush is a dangerous sociopath.Hoon given hard time in North Wales
31-01-2003 23:47
‘Sub-Zero’ Reception for Defence Secretary’s ‘War Tour’Hoon Blockaded in Labour Club by Non-Violent Peace Campaign
Sharon Stone? Stone Sharon! (by Latuff)
31-01-2003 23:21

Paedophiles in Government
31-01-2003 21:53
An interesting acronym.I don't like the hysteria surrounding this issue.
However you do wonder how the folks being sent off to commit mass murder on behalf of this government, and risking death or severe illness for the rest of their lives if they knew what that government was really about
Peace camp to be at barracks in Colchetser
31-01-2003 21:31

Keep off the Grass
31-01-2003 20:44
They can needlessly kill Afghans and Iraqi's, but we can't harm a blade of grass.So, redirect this demo to Trafalgar Square, where there is only concrete!