UFW: Tell Prez. No to war in Iraq!
United Farm workers of America | 01.02.2003 13:15
Subj: John, Please Tell Pres. Bush No to War in Iraq!
Date: 1/31/2003 11:18:13 AM Pacific Standard Time
From: ufwofamer@aol.com
Reply-to: notice-reply-k56bu4v7x38@unionvoice.org
To: JWhitfi894@aol.com
Sent from the Internet (Details)
Tell President Bush a war in Iraq would bring 'lasting
harm' to democracy at home
United Farm Workers founder Cesar Chavez's legacy
is all about peace and non-violent action. If there
was ever a time for Cesar's legacy to come alive it
is now. The United Farm Workers has joined national
and global efforts opposing Bush administration's plans
to mount a "preemptive" war in Iraq.
President Bush has not offered convincing evidence
to the American people that war is needed because Iraq
poses an imminent threat to this country. Such a use
of U.S. military force would require thousands of young
men and women, many of them people of color, to fight
overseas in the name of democracy. Yet President Bush's
war in Iraq would do lasting harm to democracy here
at home.
Administration experts estimate war would cost as
much as $200 billion, requiring reductions in public
spending on job creation, health care, welfare, the
environment and other vital government programs. White
House officials say reductions are needed to place
the federal budget "on a war footing."
Little or no U.S. funds would be available to aid
cash-strapped state governments such as California,
Arizona, Texas and Washington state that could soon
slash health and welfare programs for poor and minority
residents, including farm workers.
Increased military spending plus budget cuts would
cause more despair for millions of impoverished working
families, among them farm workers who are among the
poorest and most abused workers in America. The latest
U.S. Department of Labor figures show 90% of California
farm workers earn less than $10,000 a year and 90%
have no health coverage.
Join the United Farm Workers in opposing war in
Iraq. E-mail President Bush today.
You can take action on this alert either via email
(please see directions below) or via the web at:
Date: 1/31/2003 11:18:13 AM Pacific Standard Time
From: ufwofamer@aol.com
Reply-to: notice-reply-k56bu4v7x38@unionvoice.org
To: JWhitfi894@aol.com
Sent from the Internet (Details)
Tell President Bush a war in Iraq would bring 'lasting
harm' to democracy at home
United Farm Workers founder Cesar Chavez's legacy
is all about peace and non-violent action. If there
was ever a time for Cesar's legacy to come alive it
is now. The United Farm Workers has joined national
and global efforts opposing Bush administration's plans
to mount a "preemptive" war in Iraq.
President Bush has not offered convincing evidence
to the American people that war is needed because Iraq
poses an imminent threat to this country. Such a use
of U.S. military force would require thousands of young
men and women, many of them people of color, to fight
overseas in the name of democracy. Yet President Bush's
war in Iraq would do lasting harm to democracy here
at home.
Administration experts estimate war would cost as
much as $200 billion, requiring reductions in public
spending on job creation, health care, welfare, the
environment and other vital government programs. White
House officials say reductions are needed to place
the federal budget "on a war footing."
Little or no U.S. funds would be available to aid
cash-strapped state governments such as California,
Arizona, Texas and Washington state that could soon
slash health and welfare programs for poor and minority
residents, including farm workers.
Increased military spending plus budget cuts would
cause more despair for millions of impoverished working
families, among them farm workers who are among the
poorest and most abused workers in America. The latest
U.S. Department of Labor figures show 90% of California
farm workers earn less than $10,000 a year and 90%
have no health coverage.
Join the United Farm Workers in opposing war in
Iraq. E-mail President Bush today.
You can take action on this alert either via email
(please see directions below) or via the web at:
United Farm workers of America