UK Newswire Archive
Basildon Council sunk secret group appointed to solve Dale Farm crisis
14-09-2011 19:57
The Homes and Communities Agency have confirmed in a letter to Richard Howitt MEP that their offer of land and funding for alternative sites for the Dale Farm community was rejected by Basildon Council in October 2010.Statewatch Analysis of Undercover Police in Europe
14-09-2011 18:26
Palestine Today 09 14 2011
14-09-2011 15:11
Public Sector Strike Predictions
14-09-2011 14:29
![Expect to see old pictures like this dredged up over the next couple of months](/icon/2011/09/484670.jpg)
New Squatting Law Assault on All our Rights to Protest
14-09-2011 13:10
The proposed new law on squatting will affect,protests that occupy space and which trespass,such as environment defence camps,peace and climate camps,student and worker occupations etc etcWe need all protest groups to get active on this asap.
Consultation ends Oct 5th 2011 check links below
Housing Action Group, meet 12 noon thurs 15th sept at Oval Tube for action
14-09-2011 13:07
Housing Action Group, meet 12 noon thurs 15th sept at Oval Tube for action magickal mystery tourMedieval Tortures In Modern Greece
14-09-2011 11:47
A taste of Apartheid
14-09-2011 09:27
hotel's Cookbook Cafe and 'discover one of Israel's finest Hidden Gems': its
settler-colonial conquest of Palestine, overseasoned with cultural appropriation. At
the Taste of Israel week, diners could sample Arab cuisine and goods produced on
stolen Palestinian land. Most of the tables remained empty and the £20 a head buffet
untouched for the first day of this poorly attended event; blinds were hastily
lowered by staff to obscure placards held up against the Cafe windows by boycott
activists, reading "Food and wine of apartheid Israel" and "The bitter taste of
Israeli occupation".
All out in Birmingham 18 Sept + Manchester 2 Oct
14-09-2011 00:05
100s of activists stage protests against DSEI fair
13-09-2011 23:03
Hundreds of protesters stage a series of stunts across London against the arms trade as the UK government invites 14 countries criticised by human rights organisations as having authorative regimes to the DSEI arms fair which the defence secretary Liam Fox describes as 'in the national interest'.
March from Kingsgate House, in Westminster, to the arms fair at Customs House sets off at 10am tomorrow (Wednesday).
Full article | 1 addition | 6 comments
Retraction: EDL and Stabbings
13-09-2011 21:40
We published an article yesterday casting doubt on the claims that two EDL members were stabbed outside the Tyburn Pub in Marble Arch, London.
We now accept these stabbings did happen and anyone with any information should contact Westminster Serious Violence Team on 0207 321 9314, or Crimestoppers anonymously.
Gaza children’s images of war censored
13-09-2011 21:28
![Gaza children’s images of war](/icon/2011/09/484628.jpg)
Glasgow AF and Friends Meeting Tues. 20th Sept. 7pm
13-09-2011 21:03
Glasgow Anarchist Federation and Friends MeetingOpen to anyone friendly to AFed's Aims and Principles:
Solidarity Call For Gerze Community-Turkey
13-09-2011 20:59
National Gallery shamed whilst hosting arms dealers’ reception
13-09-2011 20:51
![Arms dealers schmooze with National Gallery](/icon/2011/09/484621.jpg)
Bailiff’s dirty tricks at Dale Farm
13-09-2011 17:55
Last night (11/12th Sept) a man who claimed to be working for Altek Security with bailiffs Constant & Co on the operation to clear the site at Dale Farm, contacted Richard Sheridan President of the Gypsy Council, ostensibly to leak information about the eviction. He claimed the eviction would proceed at 8am on Monday morning and that Basildon Council had lied about the date the eviction would start.
Last night a man who claimed to be working for Altek Security with bailiffs Constant & Co on the operation to clear the site at Dale Farm, contacted Richard Sheridan President of the Gypsy Council, ostensibly to leak information about the eviction. He claimed the eviction would proceed at 8am on Monday morning and that Basildon Council had lied about the date the eviction would start. The man was recognised from Traveller evictions at Hovefields last year, confirming that he had previously worked with Constant & Co. He encouraged Travellers to use violence and protesters to climb barricades and to act as if they might throw themselves from these structures. He suggested urgently calling national media outlets. Dale Farm residents recorded the meeting.
Residents, already on high alert and deeply stressed, ran in panic to raise the alarm. Terrified children were unable to sleep wanting to know whether or not they would be forcibly removed from their homes and school. Many women were crying.
Supporters and residents rallied together, locked down the hatches, and tried to stay calm while they unpacked the man’s story. By 8:30am no bailiffs had turned up, but nevertheless residents suffered a night of harassment and fear.
It appears the operation to remove residents from Dale Farm has reached a new level of duplicity. Elderly and sick residents as well as children again suffered greatly.
Already there are reports of equipment arriving to build a press compound adjacent to Dale Farm. Concerns that press access to the site will be controlled by police have intensified. Residents fear lack of media access will increase the likelihood that past incidences of bailiff and police brutality will be repeated without public witness.
Palestine Today 09 13 2011
13-09-2011 15:58
Nov 9 National Demonstration for Education
13-09-2011 12:55
National demonstration and walkout against cuts to educationAfter a period of political lull, students are mobilizing again for their first big action this year – a national demonstration-cum-walkout in London on November 9. The march is focused against cuts to the education sector, and is meant to involve not just students but education sector workers as well.
The NUS is not supporting this demonstration officially, which means the responsibility of organizing this demonstration is pretty much open to all concerned. Student activists themselves have expressed willingness to work with a broad cross-section of students, student representatives, activist groups and radicals to make this march a success and hopefully rejuvenate the student/anti-cuts movement.
As anarchists and radicals the struggle for non-privatized, not-for-profit education available to all is something we should be an active part of . We can do so by contributing our collective presence, in whatever way we see fit, to this event. This call-out, therefore, is for anarchists/anti-authoritarians in London to meet to decide how we can organize politically – collectively – not only for Nov 9, but also for the build up in the interim.
A venue is being booked for a meeting early next week, in the meantime, ideas and proposals for the agenda on how best we can organize can be sent to this email address: A Facebook page will be set up once the date and venue are confirmed.
Anarchist/radical student groups who might be planning actions for the day are especially welcome, so that we can link up and co-ordinate our actions.
Please forward this to your groups and networks.