UK Newswire Archive
Sri Lanka seeks to deflect U.N. rights scrutiny
26-05-2009 10:29
Sri Lanka has marshalled its allies to try to quash Western censure of alleged human rights abuses committed during its final phase of war against the Tamil Tiger rebels, diplomats said on Friday.A weekend of big green happenings.
26-05-2009 10:08
This bank holiday weekend saw a wide variety of goings on to mark the start of a summer of action leading up to the Copenhagen summit later this year.Interview with Derrick Jensen
26-05-2009 10:04

Derrick Jensen is the author of many books including A Language Older Than Words, The Culture of Make Believe and Endgame. Derrick’s outlook on the current state of the earth is about as bleak as it gets. He argues that modern industrial society is unsustainable and inevitably doomed. It’s just a question of time. However, despite this he is very funny and the talks he gives verge on stand up comedy. It’s weird how our collective imminent demise can be so amusing. Chuckle Chuckle.
Freedom and independence for Pitcairn islands! Petition to Queen Elizabeth II.
26-05-2009 09:10
Sruggle for Freedom against colonialism!The BNP Must Be Stopped, Before It's Too Late
25-05-2009 23:00
Activism against the polices of the BNP. With link to anti-BNP petition.Open Letter to Unite the union
25-05-2009 22:09

Pix-&-Vidz of STOP POLICE VIOLENCE! Sat 23 May 09
25-05-2009 19:10

Take 2 seconds to give a 2 finger salute to bloodsports lobby group
25-05-2009 17:30
Foxhunting- "Birthright or Brutality?"Air your views at:
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Rev Billy preached in Cambridge Tesco
25-05-2009 17:21

Palestine Today 052509
25-05-2009 16:32

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Monday May 25th, 2009.
Overwhelming international solidarity for the former sugarcane workers in ANAIRC
25-05-2009 15:51

Thousands of protest letters are pouring in...and it’s just the beginning
The Flor de Caña Boycott Group Extends its Protest
25-05-2009 15:49

Berlin's Rigaer94--The Struggle Continues! (Trans)
25-05-2009 15:45
An update on the situation faced by Berlin's Rigaer94, a squat in the Rigaerstr in Berlin's Friedrichshain districtTranslation from

The 300-350 Show: An economic collapse for climate safety?
25-05-2009 14:16

EDO civilian technology company disolved
25-05-2009 12:24
EDO Aerotech Ltd, the civilian aviation technology subsidiary of EDO (UK) Ltd, and sister company to arms maker EDO MBM was finally disolved this month.Web articles/photos re. Appeal Court ruling on Thurs. 21 May 2009
25-05-2009 11:31
Here's a selection of articles, published on the web, about the Appeal Court judgment in Wood v MPC for the policing of the Metropolis.I'd recommend the Comment is Free article as it was written by the Claimant, Andrew Wood. Okay, I wrote it so that's not an unbiased recommendation !
Sussex Students Set Up Protest Camp
25-05-2009 11:28
Students from the University of Sussex have been camped outside the main administration building since Thursday night in protest against the cutting of the linguistics course, the lack of democracy in university decision making and the ongoing marketisation of education.Pix-&-Vidz of SACK PARLIAMENT! - Sat 23 May 09
25-05-2009 11:22