UK Newswire Archive
Anarchist Black Cross on Saturday Night
12-01-2011 19:23
Nottingham Anarchist Black Cross will be providing People's Kitchen this Saturday Night from 6:30pm, and at 7:30 we'll be showing a half film called "Prison World"
Prison World is about the prison society. The capitalist system which is our
modern consumer democracy. Not is it it about repression, but also
reistance. On the 23rd of April, 2007 an intense period of rebelillion
started in Malndrino Priosn of the Greek State. A rage sparked by the
beating of anartchist Giannis Dimitrakis by guards. On the 24th of April
the riot had sporead to the rest of the priosn and shortly there were
rebellions all over the ncountry in the priosners, the mutineers recieved
many acts of lvoe and solidarity outside the cell walls and even abroad in
other countries. This dvd also has infomation about the 'F'- type
isolation units of Turkey and how they were used to attempt to destroy the
left radical social movement.
We'll also have a stall with relevant literature, the addresses of various prisoners, and some postcards on which you can write to them.
Hope to see you there.
What about the Ratcliffe 20?
12-01-2011 17:50
OK so 6 got off - what about the 20 that got convicted the week before?EMA Vote Set for 19th - action day and lobby tbc
12-01-2011 17:22
Vote on EMA called for 19th January in Westminster
NUS calls National Day of Action on 18th & National Lobby of Parliament on 19th to save EMA
Save EMA have reported that the parliamentary backbench business day next week will be used to pass a motion in the house to make a vote essential.
James Mills, Campaign Director of Save EMA said:
“We are grateful to Andy Burnham and the Labour party for listening to our calls on this making sure that young people’s voices are heard on this matter in Parliament and the same attention given to tuition fees is shown also to the vital issue of EMA”.
“David Cameron told the Save EMA campaign at a Cameron Direct event in Hammersmith this time last January that he supported EMAs but now the Prime Minister has gone back on his word after the election and axed EMAs. The 19th January will be the time when we will know which MPs want to support his lie and those who want to stand up for the poorest teenagers in our country and Save EMA”.
In response to this demonstrations will be planned...
Cut Cameron Festival: Ticket availability & updates
12-01-2011 17:22
Saturday 29th January @ The Winchester Arms, TauntonTickets now additionally on sale in West Quay Records (Bridgwater), Acorn Records (Yeovil) and Martian Records (Exeter) for £5 each, as well as from Taunton, Bristol and other retailers.
20+ BANDS / 2 STAGES / 10+ STALLS / 12PM
Full list of retailers:
The Winchester Arms (Castle Green, TAUNTON)
Martian Records (Bridge Street, TAUNTON)
Black Cat Records (East Street, TAUNTON)
G C Music & Collectables (East Reach, TAUNTON)
Gillian Greig Music (Kingston Road, TAUNTON)
West Quay Records (7 West Quay, BRIDGWATER)
Acorn Records (3 Glovers Walk, YEOVIL)
Martian Records (15 Gandy Street, EXETER)
Bristol Ticket Shop (Union Street, BRISTOL)
Kebele Community Co-op (Robertson Street, BRISTOL)
The Factory (Cave Street, BRISTOL)
Others; Anarchists Against The Cuts, 51st State, Rat Bandits, Po-lice, Subgenerates, Steve French & the Big Cats and Spanner.
Stalls now confirmed for all dayer; Anarchists Against The Cuts, Taunton Vegans, Kebele Community Co-op, Smash EDO, SchNEWS, Brighton Hunt Sabs, Pumpkin Records, Carrot Comics, Martian Records + from bands.
On the downside unfortunately Mediatrocity and Mouth had to pull out. Replacing them however are The Directors (experimental ska-punk from Bristol) and Shavin Mavis (South-western grunge punk). Donnie Brasco have also had to move down the bill, Threat Manifesto up, and Steve French across.
Only 2 and a half weeks to go now folks!
Full lineup & details:
Next Rising Tide meeting
12-01-2011 17:22
Next Meeting of Bristol and Bath Rising tideWe will be meeting at kebele Social centre, Robertson Rd, on Mon 17th Jan at 7.30
All welcome. Focus on resources and lessons learned from Happendon wood camp.
Palestine Today 01 12 2011
12-01-2011 16:01

Eviction Date Set For Liebig 14
12-01-2011 15:45

Dissident Island Radio 07/11/2011 - Available for Download NOW
12-01-2011 14:13
Dissident Islands latest show now available for downloadEnd the recruitment of child soldiers to the British Army.
12-01-2011 13:11
Since the start of the war in Afghanistan, 24 per cent of British fatalities have been aged 21 or younger. Many of them will have been young men who enlisted as teenagers.
There are additional ongoing concerns regarding the mental health of young soldiers. Data published in March 2010 highlighted that male army recruits aged under 20 years old had a suicide rate 50 per cent higher than equivalent males in the general population.
The Chilcot inquiry into the invasion of Iraq - Blair to appear again
12-01-2011 12:56
The mass murder Tony Blair is due to appearance at the Iraq Inquiry on January 21stLocation
The QEII Centre is located at Broad Sanctuary, Westminster, London, SW1P 3EE
Anarchist uprising in.... Winchester?
12-01-2011 12:44

Fox Killed by Crawley and Horsham Hunt
12-01-2011 12:37

Christian Arabs’ Plight: Foreign ‘Protection’ Counterproductive
12-01-2011 12:31
Unfortunately, this traditional European divide – and – rule policy in the Arab world, as it was the case for centuries, is today finding ample papal blessing from the Vatican to justify itself, not in the eyes of Arabs, but in the eyes of its own audiences. President Sarkozy’s whistle blower cry this January 6 that Christians in the Arab – Islamic world are victims of a planned ‘religious cleansing,” came on the backdrop of the Vatican’s Pope Benedict XVI repeated call on the world leaders to rise up for the protection and “defense of the Christians in the Middle East.”PC Mark Kennedy sold services to E-ON via Global Open
12-01-2011 11:53
Story pulled from mainstream media in damage limitation exerciseMark Kennedy, Global Open Ltd and E.ON
12-01-2011 11:35
There is now conclusive proof that Mark Kennedy had become involved with Global Open Ltd BEFORE he resigned from the police.What shall we do if the cops start protesting?
12-01-2011 11:10
I want to open up a debate, nice and early, about this issue which came out yesterday. It has long been known that the police force will face massive cuts as part of the austerity measures. Yesterday Paul McKeever, the Police Federation chairman, warned MPs that the cops could take to the street in protest over these measures.Now I wasn't following things the last time this happened (3 years ago in central london over backdated pay), and if I'm honest I don't have a clue how the "activist community" responded. So that's some important feeding in to do.

Zero Carbon Britain 2030
12-01-2011 10:59

Flash and sexual allegations
12-01-2011 10:43

The State and Alliances - Network X in (soft) focus
12-01-2011 09:57
In upcoming struggles against the cuts we will be asked to make difficult alliances. These entail changes by both sides.Community Orchard bimonthly workday
12-01-2011 09:22
Royate Hill Community Orchard and Kebele AllotmentRegular bimonthly workday
Saturday 15th January
11am-4pm - drop in anytime before 3pm (we usually start cleaning up sometime
between 3 & 4)
Gardening tools and gloves provided
Please bring your own lunch and snacks to share - we'll brew the tea (lots of
No experience required, only enthusiasm (and warm rain-proof clothing)
more info:
It may be hard to believe, but Spring isn't far away now, so we've got lots to do on the orchard in preparation for the coming growing season.
The weather forecast is for rain, but don't let that put you off! We can seek shelter in the roundhouse and do some seed sorting while we drink tea and discuss gardening...
Hope to see you there!