UK Newswire Archive
The cruelty of locking up child asylum-seekers
14-12-2009 11:06

Last week the medical establishment called for the Government to overhaul its policy of detaining children in immigration removal centres. This week they are joined by a number of paragons from the world of children's literature including Michael Bond, Philip Pullman and Jacqueline Wilson. Both groups make a compelling case.
Leading article: The Independent, Monday, 14 December 2009

Yorkshire and Humber Plans to Worsen Climate Change.
14-12-2009 09:58

Eddy Morrison & The NF Split by Malatesta
14-12-2009 09:16
Nazi drunk Eddy Morrison has engineered a split in the NF whilst simultaneously falling out with the BNP. Read all about it!Rage Against The Machine for UK Christmas No.1
14-12-2009 03:14
A massive grassroots campaign has begun on Facebook to make Rage Against The Machine - Killing In The Name the UK No.1 this Christmas. The main group currently has over 700,000 members.London Benefit Event in solidarity to the arrested comrades of Resalto
14-12-2009 02:17
For the financial support of the 22 arrested of ResaltoCarbon Traders Speak Out On The Streets
14-12-2009 02:08
Devlish May out and about on the streets of Copenhagen n the 12th of December obtained audio of Carbon traders who were actually out on the streets evangelising that climate catastrophe is great for trade and were very excited that every crisis is a profit!Devlish May also bumped into Queens of Denmark who esposed love for the global family.

Squatting ban in the Netherlands
14-12-2009 00:31
A pamflet about the new anit-squat law and what is expected to happen when it is passed.
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Jewish National Fund Conference resisted from inside and out
13-12-2009 23:20
Around 60 people protested against the racist Jewish National Fund's conference, and activists inside heckled the Israeli ambassadorNewbury Bypass Walk, 11am Sunday 10th January 2010
13-12-2009 21:40
The annual Newbury Bypass Walk commenorating the fight to stop the Newbury Bypass will take place on Sunday 10 January 2010 at 11am. Anyone who was involved in the campaign are welcome to attend.A Memory Abused: No Rest or Peace for Neda Agha-Soltan
13-12-2009 20:28

COP15 - more mass arrests
13-12-2009 20:22

The second day at COP15 saw another mass arrest of hundreds of activists, as the Danish state continues to show a complete disregard for the right to protest. A 'Hit The Production' march to the Harbour called to highlight the way in which capitalist organisation of production in our societies is the root cause of climate change set off at 12:40 towards the harbour. Within an hour police moved in, took the sound system and began arresting hundreds. Arrestees were loaded onto coaches and taken to a detention centre, where conditions were detained in oppressive conditions
Free the Belgrade Six:
13-12-2009 17:55
Interview in Madrid with a member of the anarchist federation from Slovenia.Return of terrace politics
13-12-2009 14:52

Normalising the Crime of the Century
13-12-2009 13:46
I tried to contact Mark Higson the other day only to learn he had died nine years ago. He was just 40, an honourable man. We met soon after he had resigned from the Foreign Office in 1991 and I asked him if the government knew that Hawk fighter-bombers sold to Indonesia were being used against civilians in East Timor.“Everyone knows,” he said, “except parliament and the public.”
“And the media?”
“The media – the big names – have been invited to King Charles Street (the Foreign Office) and flattered and briefed with lies. They are no trouble.”
As Iraq desk officer at the Foreign Office, he had drafted letters for ministers reassuring MPs and the public that the British Government was not arming Saddam Hussein. “This was a downright lie”, he said. “I couldn’t bear it”.
Oil Palm Conflicts get Hot in Indonesia
13-12-2009 13:10
The Oil Palm Industry is well known for destroying forests, and also stealing people's land. This is a description of how in North Sumatra, these land conflicts have been continuing for decades, as the state continues to take advantage of the abuses of the Suharto years.The green US president?
13-12-2009 12:25
Many had hoped when Barack Obama had become US president that he would be a true difference to the former president: George W. Bush, especially with regard to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and other imperialist US engagements etc.Funeral Motorcade For The Deer
13-12-2009 00:44
The current hottest battle in the “Deer War” is at the Shawnee Mission Park, Kansas City, which local activists have dubbed “Death Park”. There were supposedly some 575 deer living in the 3.7 sq.mi. urban park. Local officials estimate the maximum deer population density to be 50 per sq.mi., which produces the maximum allowable total number of 185 in the park. Up to December 9, 313 deer had been culled by “Dr. Death” Anthony DeNicola. This yields a remaining population of about 260, about 75 higher than the limit of 185, and 75 is about what the Park Board has allocated to the bow-hunters, 15 of whom have been granted permits to do the dirty deed, with pleasure of course.Direct Action, Liberation and the Need to Persist
13-12-2009 00:42
Nearly defenseless against humans, the most dangerous and destructive species ever to stalk the planet, nonhuman animals suffer egregious exploitation. Circuses, rodeos, vivisection labs, factory farms, zoos, puppy mills, public and private areas where hunting and fishing are permitted, and numerous other entities and places objectify living, sentient beings, using and abusing them as they see fit to derive profits and pleasure. It is morally abhorrent that our species subjugates, tortures, and wantonly massacres millions upon millions of individuals from other species day after day—and we could readily live without the benefits that we derive from these heinous acts or we could attain those benefits in other ways.The United Nations' Role in Peace and War.
12-12-2009 23:09
"Let me add in the context of UN perception number three - that the Programmes, Agencies, bodies of the UN do good work everyday all over the world - WHEN not instructed by the Masters of the Universe to do otherwise - such as:the unwillingness of the World Health Organisation to deal honestly with the appalling dangers of military usage of Depleted Uranium. I am sure you have seen the latest data from Fallujah? Where child mortality has sky rocketed and birth deformities – two heads, no limbs – are increasingly common. Women are now afraid to get pregnant. Believe me, the horrors of Fallujah today will be faced by the rest of us tomorrow - if we do not ban the use of Depleted Uranium. There is world movement afoot; the website is
OR the weak mandate and capacity provided for the UN Environmental Programme to anticipate, manage environmental/climate calamities world wide. We know about the disappointments of Kyoto, and now Copenhagen looks very tough going. Although we now see movement from China and the US, the UN – needs independent oversight authority re climate change policies and implementation if Copenhagen is to be different from Kyoto.
Or the IAEA – the Atomic Energy Agency - whose objective expert advice is too often set aside by the Security Council when military aggression is more politically attractive, or simply ideal for empire building. Or in respect of some nuclear states – such as Pakistan, Israel and India – IAEA is allowed no role at all!"
Arrests Copenhagen
12-12-2009 22:25