UK Newswire Archive
More pics of 18th March march
25-03-2006 19:32

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Condoleeza Rice protest covergence centre, 52 roscoe street, Liverpool
25-03-2006 16:44
a covergence centre at 52 roscoe street is ready for use for the condoleezza rice demo
25-03-2006 15:51
25-03-2006 14:53
The Russell Square Social Centre that's been occupied since January may be one of the few remaining public squats in London, but don't be deceived. People are squatting in huge numbers, even if the practice is experiencing a political lull...Australian Web Site Forced To Shut Down
25-03-2006 10:07

Zionist Lobby's Bullying Tactics Reinforces Criticism
25-03-2006 03:44
Here is a link to the study in question:
The Return of Revolutionary Music
25-03-2006 03:31
The sonic onslaught of BOOMERANG POLITICK lays siege to Los Angeles, and beyond...An Anarchist Commentary About Cuba
24-03-2006 23:51
James Petras’ Photographs of Cuba Before and After Developing: An anarchist commentary on his declarations about Cuba* The Cuban Libertarian Movement (MLC – Movimiento Libertario Cubano) makes some pertinent observations about certain declarations by somebody who was until recently an unconditional defender of the Cuban revolution.
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Greenwash detected at the British Museum
24-03-2006 22:33

The next popular war?
24-03-2006 21:26
Since September 11 there has been ongoing speculation that the Bush Administration would counter one crisis or another by triggering another terrorist attack on American soil. The Republicans are in a particular funk at the moment, and with elections coming up, the idea that another attack might occur is difficult to resist.On the other hand, Bush now bases his entire Presidency on the illusion that he is the guy to protect Americans from terrorism. It will be difficult to blame the next attack on Clinton. After the Dubai ports fiasco and other questions about American port security, the responsibility for a new attack might turn right back at Bush. Another attack blamed on another Middle Eastern country that the United States is talking about attacking follows a fairly obvious pattern.
No M1 widening visit Long Eaton
24-03-2006 19:10

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NUJ drops support for Indymedia?
24-03-2006 17:22

The National Union Of Journalist held the first part of its Annual Delegate Meeting today. Within the 175 motions to be officially decided during the two-day conference was one of particular relevance to Indymedia...
The end of Liberty
24-03-2006 16:29

Erected to broadcast propaganda into the Warsaw Pact states and the Soviet Union as a result of entente between the USA and Franco's dictatorship in 1959.
Of course technology has moved on now. Your mobile is just as powerful.
30 years since the Argentine Junta took power.
24-03-2006 16:04
The members of the association of mothers of the disappeared "plaza Mayo" of Argentina held their last march of resistance Friday 26th of January 2006.But today they wish you all to remember the coup d'etat which brought the military junta to Argentina, and caused the disapperance of their loved ones which occured 30 years ago today.
More than £1000 donated by Sheffield citizens to MSF's ongoing work in Sudan
24-03-2006 15:11

mechanised infantry according to arofish
24-03-2006 15:01

This Week's SchNEWS - Gaul To Arms
24-03-2006 13:44

Crossrail Bill braeches Human rights Convention -Court action 27 March 2006
24-03-2006 13:17
A group of campaigners in the East End of London, in the Brick Lane E1 area, are taking court action against Alistair Darling MP, the CrossRail Bill minister. They are also seeking court orders against the London Borough of Tower Haceks Council over that Council’s breaches of the law and over its abuses of public cash in promoting the CrossRail hole planGypsies Regroup as Caravans Burn
24-03-2006 12:32
Burned out caravans alongsidethe London M25 motorway bear witness
to the ever worsening plight of Britain's
350,000 Gypsies.